A small request...




Dumb thread is dumb.

Attention seeking OP is successful.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
I am annoyed by people who assume that I want them on my team.

Here's the bottom line: If you do not know that a team is looking for more and you ask to join, you're doing it wrong.

If a team broadcasts that it is looking for more, then it is not rude to ask to join the team.

If I'm looking to fill a team, and you have your LFT flag up, I'll ask. If your flag is down or your message indicates you're not interested, I won't ask. Because I am polite and respect the wishes of others.

When you ask to join a team without knowing if it is looking, you're basically walking down the street, knocking on doors until someone lets you in. You cannot convince me that is an action that is respectful of others.
They are just using a different methodes then you. It's not any more rude then someone braodcasting that he's looking for more in his team. Just like you having to read all the tells, if i'm in a zone, i'll have to read all the useless LFM broadcasts even if i'm not looking for a team.

I know i hate a lot seeing someone LFM more then once. Even if i just "hear" him once between each missions, eventually i'll only see that message on my screen. Typing a quick "no sorry" whenever someone want me to join there team or they want to join my team? No problem at all. And if i'm too busy, i'll just don't answer or when i'm done.

Considering it's "virtue the unofficial RP server", it could be said that it's even more rude to broadcast, since some people might be interrupted in there RP session. They could always remove broadcast from there chatbox.... but so could you with your tells. Don't want to miss an important tell? Same thing can be said about an important broadcast for the other guy. =P

Basically, it's like the "do you remove your hat or keep it when you enter a church" question. For some religion it's rude to have no hat, for some it's rude to keep it. Unlike the churches though....you can't know what kind of team searching methode Smersh likes... unless you put it in your search comment.

So not rude at all, unless it's in your search comment.

edit: I didn't read the full 6 pages. I'm quoting this, but it seems to be the general idea in many of your first posts.
Also... my point doesn't include multiple tell from the same person. If someone doesn't answer you or answer negatively, then continuing to ask is rude.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



has anyone explained the difference between "can i join your team" and "im joining your team" yet because the analogies dont seem to have stopped



I do think it's rather annoying, as the only characters that seem to get these tells in the first place are my 50s, which implies to me that they're lower-level characters wanting to run higher content for better experience. On a couple occasions, I've used /sea to search for their character and found them to be in the teens or early twenties.

I don't think I'd have a problem if I were on a team lower than 50 that was running missions for XP, but as it stands that's never really happened and I've gotten quite a few of these tells.

There's also been one instance where I've been on a TF and the tell-sender asked me to quit my TF so he could join me on a team.

Still, typically when I get these tells I just say no and it's not a big deal.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



Wow..hey ya know... the other day I was playing CoH and my 3 kids came up and asked me if I'd make lunch early because they were hungry..GOSH.. how /rude and annoying/..for them to interrupt my game or my rp to ask a simple question due to a interest of theirs. Sorry.. everyone else was making these completely /stupid/ references to RL scenarios..I thought maybe it was required in order to post in the thread.

Look people..it a MMO..which by definition alone..means other people play this game. Which means at least occassionaly you're gonna need to be willing talk to someone at times when you'd rather not. That is assuming the problem is..getting tells while in a mission or while your RP'ing..in which case..HEY..GO ON HIDE..works when I do it.

As far as people inviting themselves to /your/ team. Last I checked..this was a immpossible act. One cannot "invite themselves" to a team, if they could then there would be no need to /ask to join/ they'd simply go, "hey. I'mma join /that/ one" and boom..there they are. Asking to enter a building is /different/ than just walking in. Grow some thicker skin please and thank you