Opinions on the new Vigilance?




Originally Posted by StormyDarkness View Post

It honestly means little to me. If I were playing an AT for the Inherit only, I'd not be playing the AT how I'd play it. My characters always have lots of different sides to it, not just a 1 dimensional being. I don't play Corruptors for Scourge only, nor Stalkers/Scrappers for Critical hits. It's a nice extra, but never *the* reason I choose the AT.

If Controllers had Domination, I'd be in love, but that's because I like how Domination works (even old Dom) more than Containment and Overpower. Tanker inherit... I've not really looked at what it does... I think taunt more? *shrugs* Blasters is alright, but nothing I'd focus around. VEAT inherit seems to not be special at all (to me) and HEATs seem like to degree you have to plan your teams around it (but overall I don't play HEATs anyhow). Brutes have a nifty inherit but it's nothing I'd be planning around. MMs make sense and add a bit of a bonus if their minions are around them.

If I were that miffed at Defender inherit versus it's benefit regardless of inherit, I'd not picked up Defenders after the first one I played.
Some of us try to get the most out of everything an AT offers. We may not have selected the AT for the inherent but we leverage it all the same. (I'd venture to say that there are some that do select a particular AT for the inherent and it will become an even larger reason once GR comes out. I forsee more people creating blue brutes than red scrappers and more blue corruptors than red defenders). You are right that it is a nice extra and I would say that is the case with every AT save HEATS, Defenders, and, marginally, Tankers.

There are some players that do plan around their inherent. I tend to optimize my blaster's attack chains for defiance buffing. I get anywhere from 12-25% more damage output compared to my non-optimized chain. Perma Doms are built with IO sets with priority focus on their inherent power.

Odd that you should mention not playing defenders after the first one. When GR comes out all my new buff focused toons will be redeemed corruptors or controllers unless neither AT offers the primary and secondary set combination that I want.

Originally Posted by Garent View Post
I agree with you on that. As has been shown in a lot of threads, there is no single "job" that all defenders do, so that's out. That just leaves the passive option.

In my opinion the biggest problem with it is that it's uninteresting, and there are a couple ways that it could be made more interesting without making the archetype much more powerful than it already is.
Uninteresting is probably one of the biggest problems. The devs are "happy" with the balance of the defender AT. The players for the most part are not (just take a look at population numbers if you think that's not the case). The dev insistance puts me in mind of a vintage collector totally pleased with the perfection of his highly polished, mint condition, black and white console television with it's built in mono-channel speaker. Blindly insisting that it is perfect as it is and completely ignoring the 72" Hi Def, LCD, color, flat screen, with surround sound, state of the art set that the non-vintage collector is wanting.

Originally Posted by Arondell View Post
The only way for a defender to get no benefit from vigilance is to absolutely and utterly stop a team from taking any damage. I have never seen any single defender, no matter how well played, do this. I have seen a combination of defenders effectively do this but usually such circumstances end up meaning that almost any inherent would be superfluous.(e.g. Stick a force field, sonic, and kinetic on the same team and you'll steamroll almost anything.)

I have on a couple of occasions seen the "death slave" used and heard it joked about quite a bit on the forums. On the couple of occasions I have personally seen it the obvious reason was to use the huge endurance discount that is given when a team mate drops. On one occasion the guy doing it was dual boxing on the other it was only done for a brief time and both occasions was more to make the point that it *could* be done.
No that's not the only way. All you have to do is take powers and slot them as if you were going to play solo so that you have enough end red and recovery to keep your blue bar topped off. Then no matter how much damage your team takes you still aren't using more end than you recover.

Also I'm not saying no benefit I'm saying no useful/measurable benefit. My FF/Dark/Dark is a perfect example. I can keep the entire team at (or above) the soft cap. That means that a mere 5% of incoming damage (less than that if they've selected any powers that give them resistances) is being applied to the team. The base amount of regeneration (no health from the fitness pool, no set bonuses, no other outside powers to provide regen) is almost enough to totally eliminate what little benefit is gained from vigilance. My personal end red and recovery slotting DO eliminate what little benefit I receive even if I am the only buffer on the team.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Odd that you should mention not playing defenders after the first one. When GR comes out all my new buff focused toons will be redeemed corruptors or controllers unless neither AT offers the primary and secondary set combination that I want.
Oh trust me, I'm one of those rare red Defenders when GR comes out. Otherwise I wouldn't camp these boards and would find my home elsewhere.

Edit: Not that my signature with 3 Controllers, 2 Corruptors, and 4 Defenders states that I've obviously played more than just the first defender, who I play the most of any of my characters. Just saying >.>

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



Just thinking out loud here and wondering if anyone has ever tried this;

What if your team build excluded stamina ? You could still build your powers to be endurance efficient, but would you be capable enough using just the inherent in group ?

I agree that some defenders would be less able to leverage the inherent.
Point of fact: The three primaries that I have the MOST experience on teams are --> Empathy, Forcefields and Kinetic.

Of the three, Forcefields is the only one that ever seemed to have endurance problems in groups, but I always attributed this to the fact that my FF characters were able to spend ALOT more time blasting away. Well that and, Empathy and Kinetics have powers to replenish endurance in massive ways.

Any thoughts ?




Originally Posted by DoctorWhat View Post
I always figured it wasn't so much a 'reward' for poor play, but allowed the defender to pull the team out of a bad spot, or keep them alive when something goes wrong.
That's exactly what it is.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Just thinking out loud here and wondering if anyone has ever tried this;

What if your team build excluded stamina ? You could still build your powers to be endurance efficient, but would you be capable enough using just the inherent in group ?

I agree that some defenders would be less able to leverage the inherent.
Point of fact: The three primaries that I have the MOST experience on teams are --> Empathy, Forcefields and Kinetic.

Of the three, Forcefields is the only one that ever seemed to have endurance problems in groups, but I always attributed this to the fact that my FF characters were able to spend ALOT more time blasting away. Well that and, Empathy and Kinetics have powers to replenish endurance in massive ways.

Any thoughts ?
If Dual builds had been introduced in the days of SOs only, yes this would be the way to leverage it. It was, however, released in the post IO set days. This means that to leverage vigilance you must create 2 builds, a large teams build and a solo/small teams build, especially in the case of a buffing primary.

Most other ATs can leverage their powers and abilities without taking this step. The solo build works fine for team play and vice versa.

In the days of IOs this is a double $$$ ding for the defender.

EDIT - If dual builds had been set up in such a way that IOs slotted in Build #1 were also available for use in build #2 without buying them again this would not be an issue.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Also I'm not saying no benefit I'm saying no useful/measurable benefit. My FF/Dark/Dark is a perfect example. I can keep the entire team at (or above) the soft cap.
Quite true. Can this be said for most defender builds though? Force Field is known for being the best at stopping damage before it happens. What about sonic or empathy? How about trick arrow? This is part of the problem with just about all the proposed ideas for a defender inherent. How to have one that doesn't have variable utility depending on which power set you use. Lets face it the defender power sets as a group boost pretty much every attribute in the game. So what do you have an inherent do that gives all the power sets an equal advantage?



Originally Posted by Arondell View Post
Quite true. Can this be said for most defender builds though? Force Field is known for being the best at stopping damage before it happens. What about sonic or empathy? How about trick arrow? This is part of the problem with just about all the proposed ideas for a defender inherent. How to have one that doesn't have variable utility depending on which power set you use. Lets face it the defender power sets as a group boost pretty much every attribute in the game. So what do you have an inherent do that gives all the power sets an equal advantage?
No, which is the problem. Rad/, Dark/, and FF/ are the primaries which can do this. Just about anything paired with /Dark has the potential. To be honest defenders should have been buffers and debuffers should probably have been split into a different AT.

That said, yes there is a way to normalize vigilance across the ATs. You decouple it from team health first off. Then you grant a global +rech and global -end cost (a vigilance buff) each time a defender activates a primary or secondary power. Each buff lasts for a set amount of time and there would need to be a maximum amount of allowed buffs to stack.

In this way it would be up to the defender which way they want to emphazise their inherent. A toggle heavy defender could empahsize end red, while a long term buff toon like FF or sonic could focus on recharge or some combination of both. It would be decoupled from team size, composition and skill and would be entirely in the defender's hands. In this way it would reward the skillful player and the benefit would be transparent and consistant.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
To be honest defenders should have been buffers and debuffers should probably have been split into a different AT.
Very interesting thought Miladys

Buffing sets = Defenders
DeBuffing sets = Corruptors

Too late for this though




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Very interesting thought Miladys

Buffing sets = Defenders
DeBuffing sets = Corruptors

Too late for this though
There's an awful lot of sets that do both. Almost all of them, in fact. So Defenders would get Empathy and Force Fields and Corruptors get all the other sets? Or would it be that any set with 5 or more debuffing powers goes to Corruptors and all others go to Defenders? Then Trick Arrow would be Corruptor beyond a doubt. Also for Corruptors would be Radiation Emission, Sonic Resonance, Kinetics, Storm Summoning and Dark Miasma. Cold and Thermal? 5+ debuffing powers in each set, so also Corruptor. Traps? Corruptor. Pain Domination? Defender i think. No, wait, 5+ powers can debuff enemies IIRC. Corruptor.

i guess Defenders would be limited to Empathy and Force Fields. That would definitely change my ratio for those ATs from about 70% Defender and 30% Corruptor to 5% Defender and 95% Corruptor.

Edit: i was actually thinking that Corruptors would get debuff, damage and crowd control power dominated sets. So things like holds and attacks would count for the Corruptor side. Which actually means Corruptors would get Force Fields as well. So Defenders would get... Empathy.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




Well since it aint gonna happen, it would only be an excercise in logic.

Mainly what struck me was the synergy between the idea of Defenders being oriented towards actions which affected teammates, while corruptors being focused on actions which affected enemies. The names for the ATs go well with that logic.

Just thinking out loud really.




The buff I wanted on Defenders was wider AoEs and/or lower recharge time on primary powers (not a "bonus," just straight up lowered times). The "new" Vigilance won't get me playing Defenders. Slightly better buff numbers simply don't make up for other ATs being able to use key powers as often or in as wide an area.



I like the plus damage, but the other half of Vigilance would be more useful as a recovery rate increase that is higher the more teammates there are on the team. Even if it was, at 7 teammates, as good as un-slotted stamina it would be useful for people who want to save three power-slots from stamina.



Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
That's exactly what it is.
I have, in six years of play, almost never had lack of endurance be what kept my Defenders from saving a team in a bad spot.

OT, I like the new Vigilance as far as it goes. I already soloed my Defenders a lot, making it basically pure gravy for me. I promptly soloed my first GM with my Dark/Psi right after this bonus went live. Do I think it makes the rest of Vigilance better or more worthwhile for teaming Defenders? Not in the least. But I'll still take it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I love the end discount of vigilance, always have.

If you tell me my storm/sonic is being a "bad defender" for getting use out of it I'll respond by telling you that you are an idiot as I can pretty much guarantee I do more for the team's reward rate than your "good defender".

Same goes for my cold/dark, who gets to use HL primarily for the debuff rather than needing it for the buff like all my other colds. Same goes for my traps/son, and my dark/rad blast.

Being able to go buck-wild when we get into the thick of things is just great. All my defenders are slotted more aggressively than the corruptor version would be because endurance is less of a concern in teams, which is where I primarily play them.

I understand the complaint that it isn't as visual as scourge or containment, maybe they could change it so that when you start receiving a vigilance discount is spams vigilance over your own head...yeah. If your net worth is determined by the gimmick text appearing over enemy heads then I feel bad for you.

The damage buff while solo is nice. Defs designed* with the intention of solo'ing were already fine at it and I'm not sure this change has made builds not designed for it much better like a single attack emp/psi, but maybe.

*When I say designed to solo I mean designed to actually contribute in all types of play. I personally don't have a defender build that can't fit in all team relevant buffs/debuffs while also fitting all solo relevent buffs/debuffs with the full gambit of attacks too. They might be out there though, playing some set that isn't available to the rest of us that makes it impossible to build for. From the way some people talk about it on the boards the power sets are out there. Who knows.



I guess that depends on your definition of soloing "Fine".

If you mean survival, then yes soloing defenders was "fine".

For me the issue mostly was regarding speed of soloing. Even on one of the better solo platforms like Rad, I would still consider soloing with Bosses slow. And when you start looking at sets like Empathy or Forcefields, you really start to feel the pain. The longer you stand toe-to-toe with a Boss, sooner or later your gonna get pounded.

Even with these changes I would still call the time spent to take down a "Boss" pretty slow, but minions and Lts are now sitting at their relative strength. This makes soloing missions alot more fun for me. Heck my Kinetic can 2-shot minions with a single-stack siphon for buffs. That is a good feeling when your solo.

As far as the endurance discount part of Vigilance, I have never been fond of it, but that was mostly because there was ZERO benefit solo. It's also probable that we did not get a revamp of the endurance aspect because it does actually work. At least for some sets, hmm, like Empathy. I know when Biospark gets on a team I never see my endurance bar dip below 75% during the times that RA is down. And I am almost always clicking something. How much of that can be attributed to my IOs and Stamina, who knows, but I would lay money that "Vigilance" is also part of it.




The damage increase to me is slightly noticeable but not enough for me to make a defender over a corrupter. With a corrupter you can adjust your attack chain to really take advantage of scourge at times. I do think the changes are huge step in the right direction. Personally what I would like to see done is for them to get rid of the grand canyon size gap that exists on soloing speeds of various ATs and powersets. For the most part I have always felt we should play the powerset or AT for the concept not because something is easier to solo, level, or is FoTM. Until the solo speeds are brought closer together thing are still going to not be so great. The creation of the VEATs proved that you could make a support AT that does damage and supports well and not be overpowered. That paved the way for doms to finally get the help they deserved without having to be tied down to that cruch of an inherrent. Samething should have applied to defenders. Maybe in 5 years they will get another look and get the damage they should have had in the begining.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
The creation of the VEATs proved that you could make a support AT that does damage and supports well and not be overpowered.
You really think so? VEATs are probably the most overpowered archetype available right now.