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  1. I find myself doing just fine with just a Storm Kick > Cobra Strike > CAK combination. So far they're slotted 1 Acc, 2 Dam, 1 Rech. I'm currently level 26 on the MA/Regen scrapper.

    Basically, Crane Kick would be the only one I could see that wouldn't hurt to be rid of. That is, if you're more willing to deal with KB than the ugly animation on CAK
  2. I usually get double tips (two tips from one foe) in Council newspaper missions. I still like the Fifth Column more though
  3. The way my heroic Demons MM plays is as a spellcaster who prefers to have a wall of meat between her and danger. Demons are a pretty reliable resource and if one dies it wont be a tragedy. Also, it provides her with a good gauge of her skill because, well, many infernal creatures -hate- being controlled and fight hard not to be so.

    She also sees throwing magic at foes as a crude way to manipulate magical energy.
  4. Thanks for answering my questions!
  5. I recently respecced my DM/WP brute (So I could get today's freespec) and have a few questions.

    *What IO bonuses (and amounts thereof) should I be shooting for? It obviously isnt a farm build, and I took Soul Mastery.

    *How expensive are the clouded senses IOs usually? and are they useful for Touch of Fear?

    *What is an efficient attack chain that doesn't require a truckload of +recharge? I probably will not be able to afford many of the expensive IOs like LotG +Recharge or purple sets.

    *Is Siphon Life useful for an attack chain? How about Air Superiority or Boxing?

    Thanks in advance, I hope to make this build more effective, and then, maybe, I'll run more taskforces to actually make some build-pimping influ-mation-amy.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Usually venge fodder.
    Hey, if not for us (or blasters) powers like Fallout and Vengeance would be useless!
  7. Welcome! It's nice to have you here.

    I got hooked on scrappers pretty early on. I think I'll have to go the reverse of your rout and play a Defender or Controller.
  8. I like the plus damage, but the other half of Vigilance would be more useful as a recovery rate increase that is higher the more teammates there are on the team. Even if it was, at 7 teammates, as good as un-slotted stamina it would be useful for people who want to save three power-slots from stamina.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
    Scrappers. I just love diving into the middle of mobs and causing havok.
    Same here, red-side I like brutes. Recently making a Claws/WP brute (A remake of an old, long deleted character concept), I found out a new feel to steamrolling: NO2 Blender. My 50 DM/WP brute was just as fun, but probably would have been better with a Defense based secondary.

    Claws and Dark are my two favorite melee sets. Probably since they're the only ones I've leveled up enough to get a good, scrappy, attack rotation. They just feel good throughout their growth. Claws is set once it hits level 18 (maybe 19 to get slots in that bad mother that is Focus. My favorite power in the game).

    Listening to Rammstein and weed-whacking through waves of enemies with a Brute/Scrapper is just fun and loosens the nerves.

    Besides melee classes, I enjoy MMs, but am too impatient to set up and buff all my minions every time I go into a mission. They're fun in combat, but outside of combat it feels like I brought 6 kids to a fine restaurant.
  10. I've been around on and off since August of '04:

    - Hero Dawn of Virtue. My favorite guild out there, and the one that caught my crazy Claws/Regeneration Scrapper at the time (Way before ED. I sooo enjoyed R.Y.N.O.-ing through +5 Rikti bosses while listening to Rammstein). There were so many cool people in the guild at the time, Lin Xiao Fung, Redlynne, Lord Goat, Gridiron. I miss 'em and shed tears of nostalgia for it. The SG is still up and one of the best on Virtue, but it was the people I got hooked on. I kinda feel sorry for them, having to deal with my immaturity (I was 13-14 at the time, I spent most of my teen development with CoH! Thank goodness the community here is so awesome and filled with good role-models.)

    -Other memories of my Claws/Regen scrapper include accidentally having his difficulty slider maxed and being the leader of a respec TF (at level 33 or I think). We didn't realize it until the first mission when there were lots of bosses at +5 our level. Our Stone/Inv tank kicked ***, however when we finished the mission we decided that we should regroup with the slider set lower since it was just too slow a slog at that difficulty (not that it was hard or anything ). It was just awesome.

    - I have a few close online friends I still keep in touch with a lot that I met while RPing with my Dark/WP brute (My first 50 after much altaholism) and Dark/Dark Stalker (both being the same RP character).

    -I always enjoy showing my friends this game and how immersive it is. One of the best times was when a friend accidentally clicked the Self Destruct power and was wondering why he wasn't doing anything when I told him: 'Dude, you clicked the explode power.' His reaction was priceless: 'I can EXPLODE!?!?!?' That power has been my favorite thing from the Cyborg pack just because of the reactions new players get when I tell them about it. 'Oh let me take that off your power bar. It makes you explode.'

    -Another was when I bought an HD graphics card and played CoH at max graphics for the first time and flew around Steel Canyon on my Nrg/Nrg blaster. I trembled with joy and ecstasy.
  11. I never really used them, but my perfectionism demands that they work! If it's in the game for a purpose it has to work!


    I go crazy over loose threads sometimes.
  12. If I'm allowed to add this letter translation chart.

    All letters will be uppercase or lowercase if not changed (IE its not Y0|_|r its Y0|_|R or y0|_|r)



    (soft) C=C

    (Hard) C=K



    F=P|-| or |=














    T=+ or 7




    X=X or ><



    Hope I don't get in trouble...fluent 1337 speakers are generally considered evil or dumb.
  13. thing with perma elude builds is that people turn into... CLICK MONKIES! They have 3 click to keep up, hasten, elude and PB. Both types of SR builds (toggle, perma elude) have end problems but perma elude has defenses up before the end drain from the first one while the toggle version has less maintenance but his endurance heavy, dark consumption should help with that a bit though.
  14. /bind f4 "emote raise hand$$feral here...KILL SKULS!"

    *presses f4*