Help with CoH Deluxe code




I have been dying to get power-slide so that I can use it on one of my characters. Unfortunately I have bore no fruit from my search for a CoH collectors DVD that I could apply to my account. Someone mentioned that the CoH Deluxe DVD was the same thing, and it was pretty plentiful online. I bought one, went to apply the serial code to my game, and heard my dreams shatter as the website asked me to create a UK account. Is there no way to apply this code to my US account? Am I just S.O.L on this one?




no idea about the Deluxe version but the CoH Collectors DVD set is available if you have a look on Amazon main sight (USA not UK).

It is 89$ US (£69) and they have a couple new in stock. Do not get a used one for obvious reasons!

Best of luck.

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



I've already bought the Deluxe version, sealed and everything for $6. The code is valid, but when I input it to upgrade it forces me to create a UK account. Major bummer since all my stuff is on a US account.



I would suggest just checking out Amazon every so often, I got the one I needed for my second account for 20 bucks from one of their third party sellers, not directly from Amazon.

They have several that are "used" right now starting at 8.99 I would email the sellers and find out if the CD keys have been used, if they haven't, pick up one of those. A lot of the time in the case of games like this the "used" ones are just open box, with the keys intact. Sure, they could be missing the comic or the hero-clix figure, but if you just want it for the in game goodies, it's worth it.