AoE Immobilize coming for tanks (GR)
Actually, given Castle's answer, you could be jumping to conclusions. While you could pick up a Patron Power set with your tank, there's nothing to say you're getting Patron sets now in existence. While similar in some regards, villain AT's are not mirrors for hero AT's, and so, can't be properly matched up for APPs and PPP's.
Yeah, a Brute is close to a tank, but would a Corruptor be likened to a Blaster or a Defender? Who's PPPs would they get?
There might be all new PPPs made for hero ATs as far as we know.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
I'm holding out for a patron that lets my tanks get their grubby mitts on Darkest Night.
More aggro, -tohit, and -dmg?
Taking It On the Chin I-16 Tanker Guide
Repeat Offenders
when it comes to castle doing anything for fire tanks on get a aoe immob and make burn less useless i wont be holding my breath
however i just thought about it and i guess if i did respec my fire/fire tank redside that means i would lose combustion and have to pick up cremate and ilose an aoe right off the fireball but could grab an aoe from the patrons...either way though im not sure oi wanna lose combustion for cremate

Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
way i see it if they can fit hibernate into a patron power we should already have elec fences for our tanks...yeah we all know why it was ported over for pvp blah blah..but still.

I am much more looking forward to getting access to Conserve Power and Physical Perfection on a Brute than on getting an AoE immobilize on most of my Tankers. For Fire tankers, it might be a godsend, though.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
This probably will bring a new eye to the 'epic' pools, but if existing pools were meant to have a single target immobilize, I can't imagine why they wouldn't make patrons give single-target as well.
In fact, to prevent the 'necessity' of side switching, I'm wondering if they won't make as much parity between the two sides as possible. So electric mastery~mu, dark~soul, leviathan~cold, and so on- most changes becoming largely aesthetic/thematic. I do hope this brings earth, fire, and psy to villains as pools, though. (Perhaps with new patrons? I can dream...)
We will see, but I can definitely see patron/ancillary balance becoming more important with the expansion.
I am much more looking forward to getting access to Conserve Power and Physical Perfection on a Brute than on getting an AoE immobilize on most of my Tankers. For Fire tankers, it might be a godsend, though.
While I'm very eager to get to the post 50 content in GR like Incarnates and the side switching possibilities, I also have reservations about about how likely straight ports are to happen.
i4 Burn is dead, and Castle's unlikely to RotP.

Yeah, seems to me that they will probably change up what you can choose. If anything, they could probably just take the existing ancillaries for heroside tanks and make them the patron option redside. Probably the simplest solution, rather than trying to balance an all new combination.
I really don't see Brutes getting Tank ancillaries and vice versa, to be honest. Of course, I have been wrong before, heh.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
I just want the sharks. If i don't get sharks for my guys then i'm so gonna cry and quit and stuff.
While I'm very eager to get to the post 50 content in GR like Incarnates and the side switching possibilities, I also have reservations about about how likely straight ports are to happen.
i4 Burn is dead, and Castle's unlikely to RotP. . |
I agree, it will not be in anyway similar to I4. Shield Charge > Burn. But I have discussed that several times.
I am hopeful tanks will get an AoE immobilize. I am also hopeful for more Epic power sets. (Archery Mastery for scrappers would be really nice, concept wise. And a few others)

Ice Ember
I'm pretty sure Burn is a better DOT than SC in some cases, but not on average due to the terror burn has. If an aoe immobilize does get made available in GR then burn could be on par with SC for DOT.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
Actually, given Castle's answer, you could be jumping to conclusions. While you could pick up a Patron Power set with your tank, there's nothing to say you're getting Patron sets now in existence. While similar in some regards, villain AT's are not mirrors for hero AT's, and so, can't be properly matched up for APPs and PPP's.
Yeah, a Brute is close to a tank, but would a Corruptor be likened to a Blaster or a Defender? Who's PPPs would they get? There might be all new PPPs made for hero ATs as far as we know. |

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
They may go by the same order that they use for the Kheldian teaming bonus inherent. Though that doesn't give a straight 1 to 1 match up for each AT, it gives you an idea.
Yeah this isn't where anyone wants to drag this out, but SC is so much more dominating then Burn is in virtually all practical situations.
With the introduction of SD Fiery Aura has been in need of an update, which I have no interest in trying to push, however on the flip side Castle is as likely to just tame SC (longer recharge/fewer max targets etc) if someone had the desire to push the topic.
I guess we'll reasonably wait to see where the cards fall after Incarnates and GR.

How will the epic power pools/villain patron pools work for toons that change sides and/or stay in the gray area? by Cybernaut1
[Castle] A character who switches sides completely will retain their current Ancillary / Patron Powers until they respec. At which point, they will be forced to select from their "current" alignment. Heroes and Vigilantes count toward "Heroes". Villains and Rogue count toward "Villains".
Finally, I will be able to get an AoE immob on my fire/ice tank... I am thinking Web Grenade for the -fly.
Ice Ember