My Kheldian project
IMO, warshades are horrible at soloing until at least the 30s, but once they are in the 40s they can be monsters with the amount of AoE they can generate
if your looking for something to solo a little easier, i say a PB can solo easier thoughout the entire process, they get 2 self heals (1 self heal and a dull pain like power) and more built for melee than WS
WS are easier to dual form (human/dwarf) and PB are easier to be human only IMO
i have to agree with you in the fact that khelds are my least favorite AT to use as well

The first Kheld I got to 50 was my Warshade. I started with the Tri-Form method, but after a while with the Big Lobster, I realized it wasn't going to work out... The way I play, it doesn't work for me.
I stuck with a Human-only build that worked WONDERS for me. I wound up slapping Leap into the build as well to get Acrobatics and boost his capabilities against the average Mezzing. He still had some trouble dealing with Stuns and Sleeps, but just that bit alone increased his survival rate immensely.
When soloing, I would use stealth (Shadow Cloak) to sneak up on enemies and hit the one I expected to give the most trouble with Gravity Well. Then it would be a a short case of Sunless Mire and Dark Detonation to wipe out the rest of the group (or debilitate them enough to finish them off more easily).
It's not an easy way to go. You're basically a Scraptroller... Or, more accurately, a Stalktroller, without the bonus of doubling your damage on a restrained foe or massive damage for striking from the shadows. The damage output of the Kheldians is heinously low, especially for the "power" they're supposed to have.
However, when you have your build just right (for you, mind you, your style determines what kind of Kheldian works best for you) it can be an incredible experience.
I recommend Human Only very strongly. I still stand by my conviction that the Tri Form or even Dual Form builds stretch the available enhancements too thin for the builds to be properly effective. If you're going to go Nova, you may as well be playing a blaster. If you're going to go Dwarf... Good luck to you. Tankers do more and their powers cost less (how I ran out of endurance with only four powers that recharge extremely slowly, I'll never understand).
So, there's my two cents.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
The big question: what flavor is your kheld?
I've got one of each at 50, but I'll tell you I much much much prefer the PB.
PBs can do really well solo, I'd suggest human only or human-dwarf - nova form is just too fragile, at least for the way I play it is.
WSs take a bit more skill and care to play solo, but can be done. I'd suggest the tri-form for WS, and really master the double dark mire maneuver.
For either, keep greens and break-frees available for when you don't see that void stalker in time, and you should be fine.
If you want an easy button, just go Warshade and max out Black Dwarf. After the I13 changes to Dwarf mire, you can solo anything, though certain Elite Bosses like Nosferatu require a few inspirations.
*smiles* I solo'd my WS almost exclusively from 1 to 50, mostly in nova form and did not take dwarf until a respec at lvl 44. It can be tough, but it's certainly not impossible to do. You just have to learn what they can and cannot do and work around their weaknesses. My WS was one of my favorite toons, and I am looking forward to crossing her over to red side.
I've never gotten a PB past lvl 20, so can't speak to that. Most people I know who have played both say a PB is definately tougher though. Depends on how challenging you want it to be! >.<
Took me close to 2 years to level my Kheld (peacebringer from heck). My advise, let it be dead to you and pretend you have a lvl 50 Kheld.
Honestly easier to team with someone else, that way you can get someone to attack the voids for you rather than being Void Fodder.
Looks like each and every single person who's suggested something on this thread are saying the same thing.
Each Kheldian will be built differently to suit the taste of the player.
So, I'll toss in my little tidbit of Kheldian knowledge: a KB protection IO made all of the difference in the world to my Peacebringer.
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
If/when you see me online... call me, we'll take care of it.
I've done well with my Warshade in Dwarf from.
Defeat foe.
<switch to Human form and cast "fluffy">
Move on to the next set of foes.
The fluffy does some nice ranged damage as I pound on the foes.
I sit here looking at my 50's and see that I am short 3 AT's. Kheldian, Stalker and Tanker are the only ones that I do not have at lvl 50. My Tanker is 49.5 and will ding soon. My Stalkers are in the high 30's, and I have a leveling path mapped out. That brings me to the Khled. The lepper of CoX AT's. Since I am normally solo, does anyone have suggestions for leveling a Kheld 35+? My Hero side knowledge is minimal at best.
"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho