Rogues Radio, a new radio station for the EU Players!




Hey all

Recently, we at Rogues Radio were lucky enough to get an interview with City Of Heroes redname and all round forum sweetheart, Avatea!

Conducted by our very own lovely lady, Rosie, we can, finally, get to play this and will be broadcasting it on Saturday night, UK time at about 9.15pm, leading us into my own Rock Zone show at 10pm.

Tune in to us then at for the interview and find out more about the redname with a heart, her interests, her loves and what it's like to moderate us crazy people on these forums!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Hey all!

Got an extra little bonus in my show after the Avatea interview tonight, a lil competition with a cool little prize!

To win it though, you'll need to be tuned in to the interview tonight, so listen in at 9.15pm UK time and then stay tuned to DJ Coin's Rock Zone at 10pm for the competition!

Hope to see you tonight!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Hi all.

Just wanted to thanks to everyone who tuned in and commented on our interview with Avatea, we had a great time with it and congrats again to Palerida for winning the quick competition I did during my show after it as well

Thanks also to all the people who sent in their questions for us to put to Avatea, some great inquiring minds out there!

Biggest thanks go out most of all to Avatea for finding the time to do the interview with Rosie, we hope she had as much fun as we did

We hope to run the interview again soon (not too often though, after all, we all hate repeats ) and have some ideas for future interviews as well, so stay tuned to Rogues Radio!!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



On the 30th April, 2011, Rogues Radio will be celebrating its 1 year anniversary and we want you to join us for a night of crazy, wacky fun!

As well as a special 4 hour set, starting at 8pm UK time, featuring several of the DJ’s from the station popping in and out and presented by Rosie and Coin, we will also be hosting a cross game competition with 1st prize being £30 to spend on a game (or games) of your choice on the Steam platform!

That’s right, you get to choose what games you would like to receive via Steam, so if you want one big game, like the recent releases of Portal 2, Operation Flashpoint, Dungeon Siege 3, Crysis 2 or Dragon Age 2, you can have it, or if you would rather split the money over several games for the cheap and cheerful games such as Audiosurf, Defence Grid, Super Meat Boy, Beat Hazard or Shatter. Perhaps you want to venture in to a new MMO, such as the classic City Of Heroes and Everquest 2, or new kids on the block, Rift or DC Universe Online? Whatever you feel like, the choice is yours!

And, as an extra bonus for players of our home game, City Of Heroes, we also have 5 BILLION Influence to give away as prizes as well, kindly donated by friends of Rogues Radio, Warbarker and Biscuits! We’ll also have some little spot prizes as well with some daft little competitions on the night to keep you occupied!

So, what do you have to do to win these games? Simple, just take some screenshots……..…in the Rogues Radio Screenshot Scavenger Hunt!

On the night of the anniversary, the DJ’s on air will be sending players off to take screenshots based on different subjects. We want people to let us see these screenshots and the best ones, as decided by the DJ’s, will be the winners! Make the screenshots funny, interesting, unusual and see if you can catch the eyes of our judges. Full details will be forthcoming as to how to get the screenshots to us, be it a simple forum post on our website, uploaded to your own web space and a link sent to us, or just directly via e-mail, that’s up to you, as long as we can see them and know who it’s from, it’s all good!

The twist is though, you won’t know what the subjects are until the night itself, so tune in for a great night of music, madness, fun, madness, choons, more madness and…..erm, extra madness and help celebrate 1 year of Rogues Radio!!

For more and full details check our website in the Competition section at for all the information you’ll need to be able to enter!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Hey all

Just a reminder that this starts in just under 1 hour!! We will be having DJ's in various places in several games, the DJ's will be on both Union and Defiant in their relevant Pocket D's for dancing and spot quizzes as well as the main Scavenger Hunt competition so make sure to be in the Rogues Radio Channel as well! Some of our DJ's will also be in LOTRO and possibly DCUO if you want to join in there as well!

There will be 5 images needed tonight to enter the Screengrab Savenger Hunt to win the big prize, so make sure to have your screengrab folder ready! Best way to enter is to post them directly into a thread on our Forums here on our website and it's all free to enter and join the forums

Good luck all!!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Thank you sweetie

Are you ready for the Rogues?



hey Rogues peeps!

Just popped in to say many congrats on your first anniversary. As a net radio veteran I know how tough it can be to keep a station going - apparently most stations don't last to three months so a year is a great achievement!

Keep up the good work and long may you continue!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Since we have a new set of listeners thanks to the arrival of our trans-Atlantic cousins, it's probably a good time to remind people of the schedule here at Rogues Radio! Timings are in UK time, but I've added in the time we go on air for Eastern and Pacific timezones in the US!

Monday (from 8pm UK/3pm EST/12pm PST)
8pm - 10pm, Pretty Pirate's Shipwreck
10pm - 12am, DJ Phoenix

Tuesday (from 7pm UK/2pm EST/11am PST)
7pm - 9pm, DJ Ascendant's Metal Cave
9pm - 11pm, Rosie's Boudoir

Wednesday (from 8pm UK/3pm EST/12pm PST)
8pm - 10pm, DJ Donut's Sticky Mess
10pm - 12am, The Fish Tank or Big Jay's Mind Bleach Emporium
Fish and Jay alternate on a weekly basis

Thursday (from 7pm UK/2pm EST/11am PST)
7pm - 10pm, Alpha's Aural Sculpture!
10pm - 12am, Escalus Time

Friday (from 7pm UK/2pm EST/11am PST)
7pm - 9 pm, The Hawknest
9pm - 11pm, Star's Disco
11pm - 1am, DJ Torm' Canadian Special
Star and Terrahawk alternate their time slots each week

Saturday (from 8pm UK/3pm EST/12pm PST)
8pm - 10pm, DJ Knightingale's Mad House
10pm - 12am, DJ Coin's Rock Zone!
12am - 2am, Riku's Birdcage
Knightingale is currently on a leave of absence but will return soon! In the meantime we have a cover DJ each week until then.

Sunday (from 6pm UK/1pm EST/10am PST)
6pm - 8pm, DJ EJ's Alternate Universe
8pm - 10pm, Notty's Corner
10pm - 12am, The Sarge's Mess

It's a great line up, and if a DJ can't make their set (pesky real lives!!) we'll usually have another DJ covering the absence. If you're interested in joining the Rogues Radio team, visit the Rogues Radio website at and contact Coin for more info.



And so another Premiership season draws to a close and with the fantasy football, it came and went all so quickly. But who won what? It's time to reveal the winners!

The Rogues Gallery

This was a straight race - the person with the most points wins it and I can reveal that the league ended up, in descending order...

11, Chipsticles F.C, Oliver Buck, 1353
10, Gavels Handprint, Neil D, 1518
9, Rogues United, Steve Ducker, 1597
8, Notty FC, Thomas Mineur, 1624
7, San Tokyo, Giles Negus, 1690
6, Yeomen, Richard Steele, 1718
5, Kay FC, Alex Breach, 1779
4, London's Finest XI, Yummy Eggs, 1823
3, The Escalusians, David Wheatley, 1860
2, Fort Hades FC, Stuart Cameron, 1862
1, Your Nan's Athletic, Steve Marsh, 1932

It's been a long and hard fought year, with Your Nan's Athletic being the overall winners so congrats to Steve Marsh, who will win a Rogues Radio Cup (a mug with Rogues Radio on it!) - he may not have topped the points scoring every month, but he was the most consistent and he came away a worthy winner.

However, to give everyone an even chance, so that those who didn't have quite as much time on their hands to tweak their teams, the non 'experts' shall we say, there was also a second league.

The League of Rogues

The League of Rogues was more... nail biting. This was a league where two members were pitted against each other and the person with the most points on a gameweek got 3 league points, a draw got 1 and losers got 0. It was all about doing better that week than another person, so it came down to a bit of skill and a lot of luck! To be fair we didn't get as many entrants in to this league, but it was no less intense!

The league placement was decided on whoever won the most league points and in the event of two teams having the same number of league points, the placement was then on game points. So how did this one go? Again, in descending order...

#, Team, W, D, L, Game Points, League Points
6, Pisced United, 12, 1, 25, 1381, 37
5, Rogues United, 16, 2, 20, 1597, 50
4, Fort Hades FC, 19, 2, 17, 1862, 59
3, San Tokyo, 20, 1, 17, 1690, 61
2, London's Finest XI, 20, 1, 17, 1823, 61
1, The Escalusians, 23, 1, 14, 1860, 70

And the winner is The Escalusians! Yay me! I also win a RR cup!

In the official City of Heroes League, which worked the same way as the League of Rogues, we had a few entries in there. There were 13 players, and to even the number up the odd man out was pitted against the average score of the week from all players. So, out of 14, mentionining only our players, and the average...

#, Team, W, D, L, Game Points, League Points
1, The Untouchables, 25, 0, 13, 2063, 75
2, London's Finest XI, 23, 1, 14, 1823, 70
3, The Escalusians, 23, 0, 15, 1860, 69
4, Yeomen, 22, 3, 13, 1718, 69
5, Average, 21, 1, 16, 1714, 64
12, Rogues United, 14, 0, 24, 1597, 42
13, Gavels Handprint, 12, 1, 25, 1518, 37

Yeah The Untouchables weren't in our league, but they were the overall CoX winners, but congratulations to Yummy Eggs who came second overall with London's Finest XI as our highest placed Rogues Radio entrant.

It's been a great run, a fantastic season, and just think - in three months it starts all over again. If you renew your team next year it will be automatically entered in to the leagues, and we will let you know nearer the time.



Eeep, with all the various fantasy football leagues I completely forgot about this one! That I managed to come second in The Rogues Gallery is comforting though

[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)




This Saturday, 28 May 2011, DJ Coin will be having the night off and the Rock Zone will be covered by...


Yes, it's Rosie's Rock Zone from 10pm UK time so tune in to the Rock Goddess as she shows Coin that she can rock out way better than he can!

Coin may not be able to tune in, as he'll be either hiding under his bed and crying or running naked through the streets of Hull waving his Manchester United scarf in the air, apparently.



Good news! Rogues Radio has had the Rogues Radio global channel passed back to us, so we're moving from Rogues Radio EU to Rogues Radio proper! If you have us in your global channels - and if not why not? - quit the EU one and join the RR one.

In other news we will be having our broadcast streams moved on Saturday 12 June. On Saturday, you can head over to the Rogues Radio website at and download the new streams OR, if you feel confident enough, add/edit the URLs in your media player:

Stream 1 -
Stream 2 -

Once they are there, you can tune in to the return of DJ Coin's Rock Zone, back on the air now that his period of mourning is over after that cup final! They say third time is the charrm, so next time Manchester United will beat Barcelona. Maybe.



Very soon I will be hosting my 100th set on Rogues Radio.

I am counting a set as half an hour or more so this doesn't count the two pieces during February where I explained why I was away, or the 1st birthday do, as those were appearances, not sets and don't count. Neither does the cameo on Coin's set when he had requests requested on air. It's been a fun, with highs and lows, and I've been pleased you've let me share it with you. There's been poetry reading, seasonal celebrations, shows of remembrance, moments of great sadness and personal tragedy, and the show has gone on.

I am thinking of something special for the show itself - the EscCam will be making a welcome(?) return, I'll be playing some of my favourite tracks from the last year as well as launching the new Rogues Radio AE arc, but if there is anything special that you would like to hear, let me know and I'll get to work. If there's something you think would work well, not necessarily a song, let me know.

I can make plans, but this is as much a party for you as it is for me as without you all wanting to listen, and being entertained by me, I'd not have made it very far. You guys rock, but you knew that!



30 June sees my 100th set for Rogues Radio! One year and two months after the launch of Rogues Radio - not bad going by any stretch of the imagination!

So what have I got lined up?

  • I have have a set of songs to rock out and party to!
  • I have a new AE arc, based on Rosie and Coin, called Lovers in a Dangerous Time (493971)
  • There will be a quiz!

Come and join the celebration, because it's going to be a blast!



Since last year's Fantasy Premier League as such a great run, let's go again!!! The new game for 2011/2012 is up at

Entry is still free, so the more the merrier, and the game has a new look, a login system based on email, and the main change is that you can have a captain and a vice captain, rather than the next best player if your captain does't play. If neither plays, no double score that week, which will make things interesting, but other than other than that, it's pretty much the same as last year. You can make a free transfer every week, if you don't make one it will carry overto the next week but only one will ever carry over. There are two wildcards, where you can start your team all over again, with one at any point in the year and one in January.

Once again, I've set up the two leagues:

The Rogues Gallery - 5057-2531 - which is the traditional get as many points as you can throughout the season.

The League of Rogues - 5057-2540 - the one on one league, with the person getting the most points of the two getting 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and the league table being compiled on those results.

The Escalusians are back in business and bloody hell - it's not an easy year to set up a team. May the best man, or woman, win!!



Hey all!

We have several new Trial DJ's starting over the next few weeks, the first of which is Crazy Cat, starting tonight at 6pm UK time, so that's just under an hour from now!!

She's starting off with a Pirate themed idea how, but should be fun to listen to!

Make sure to tune in, all the usual places, starting off on our website at Rogues Radio!!

Stay tuned over the next few weeks for more new people joining in the Rogues Radio madness!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Good news! Hot on the heels of Crazy Cat, is another new trial DJ, so give a warm welcome to the newest RR recruit - The Saint!

He made a debut last night, teaming with Pretty Pirate on her show but tonight from 11pm UK time he'll be flying solo, so please tune in and give him your support, especially as the Tuesday line-up now runs from 7pm with DJ Ascendant, followed at 9pm by Rosie! If you'd like to try out as a Rogues Radio DJ, send a PM to Coin and he'll be glad to help out!

And don't forget to sign up for the Fantasy Premier League - we've quite a few in so far and the more the merrier!



Originally Posted by Escalus View Post
Since last year's Fantasy Premier League as such a great run, let's go again!!! The new game for 2011/2012 is up at

Entry is still free, so the more the merrier, and the game has a new look, a login system based on email, and the main change is that you can have a captain and a vice captain, rather than the next best player if your captain does't play. If neither plays, no double score that week, which will make things interesting, but other than other than that, it's pretty much the same as last year. You can make a free transfer every week, if you don't make one it will carry overto the next week but only one will ever carry over. There are two wildcards, where you can start your team all over again, with one at any point in the year and one in January.

Once again, I've set up the two leagues:

The Rogues Gallery - 5057-2531 - which is the traditional get as many points as you can throughout the season.

The League of Rogues - 5057-2540 - the one on one league, with the person getting the most points of the two getting 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and the league table being compiled on those results.

The Escalusians are back in business and bloody hell - it's not an easy year to set up a team. May the best man, or woman, win!!
With no sign of an official City of Heroes league, join the Rogues Radio leagues instead. No idea what to do during the maintenance window on the live servers? Use that hour to create a team and join the fun!! What else are you going to do?



Rogues Radio Second Epic Badger Death Race!
Welcome to the Second Rogues Radio Epic Badger Event!

On 1st October 2011, on the Union server of City Of Heroes, we will be hosting the Second Epic Badger Death Race.......and this time, it's going to be evil!!

For those of you who have never been in a Death Race, it's simple. Basically, you create a brand spanking new lvl 1 Villain on the Union server. You start it in the beginning zone and run to the end zone, on foot, with only your level 1 powers. The twist this time, it's going to be evil by being in the Rogue Isles on City Of Villains!!

And, to make things even more interesting, Rogues Radio will be doing LIVE commentary on air during the event from several of the DJ’s as they watch the race happen! Make sure to be tuned in for the event at the usual links on our front page!

Rules for entry.

1. You must be a lvl 1 character. This can be created a couple of mins before the race or several months, but it must be lvl 1. By the end of the race, it must also be lvl 1. No sneaky levelling to give yourself a little bit of a speed boost.
2. Kheldians and Stalkers are not allowed to enter.
3. Force Field powerset is not allowed.
4. All travel has to be done “on foot” This means no using SG bases, however due to the nature of the Rogue Isles, we will allow the use of Ferries and Black Helicopter Line.
5. Pocket D may be used, but it must be entered ‘on foot’
6. No using the Good Vs Evil jumpack, Jetpacks or the Pocket D teleport power.
7. No using the Secondary Mutation power from the mutant pack due to the chance of Speed Increase. We will spot the tell-tale blue flash!
8. Training Origin Enhancements and Inspirations are allowed.
9. Entrants may not have any Exploration badges before the event. Only Exception is the badge Next Big Thing as this is right next to the load in area for CoV and may be gotten by accident on load in.
10. No Entrant should be in any Supergroup. This will prevent using the SG base transports
11. Entrants may not receive any aid from characters not taking part in the race. This means no heals, no buffs, no debuffs on enemies, no tanking or herding of enemies, no teleports, and no aid of any other kind. Entrants are not allowed to join groups before or during the race.

Various DJ's will be patrolling constantly and updating on air to check for any foul play and the final decision will rest with DJ Coin.

The Route and Badges.

The route is entirely up to you! However there are several badges that will need to collected along the way so the route may flow naturally from this for you. You will need to collect 11 Exploration badges and they are…..

Mercy Island - Snake Charmer badge
Mercy Island - Widower/Widow badge
Port Oakes– Washed Up badge
Port Oakes– Commuter's Woe badge
Cap Au Diable - Steamed badge
Sharkhead Isle – Carping The Diem badge
Sharkhead Isle - Forged By Hellfire badge
St. Martial - Deuces Wild badge
St. Martial - Showstopper badge
Grandville - Guttersnipe badge
Grandville - Overlord badge

Entrants will also need to collect the Thrill Seeker badge, found in the Architect building, however which zone you get it from is up to you. This could be a deciding factor in who will win!

Time and Place. The Death Race will be done on the Union server of the European version of City Of Heroes. It will be on 1st October 2011 at 9pm UK time. Please get there by 8.45 at the latest so we can ensure all entrants are fully checked for elligibilty.

Starting point will be the loading area for City of Villains, where you start after creating a new level 1 villain in Mercy Island.

The finishing point will be at our very own Rosie, who will be on her toon right next to Arbiter Rain in Grandville, next to the entrance to The Tangled in the Spider City area of Grandville. To finish you must run up to Rosie and shout IN LOCAL CHAT

"Rogues Radio is EVIL!!"

We will check chat logs from Rosie and decide the winner from those, so make sure to have them on a key bind!! Bear in mind, shouting it in Broadcast chat does not count, it's Local Chat only! Once we have confirmed that entrants have all the correct badges at the end, the winner will be announced live on air, so make sure to stay tuned in!

It would be advised for entrants to look up the badges on the awesome Badge Hunter and Vidiot Maps website or on the Paragon Wiki in advance to work out where the badges are.

Prizes. Prizes will be for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as confirmed by our judges. Prizes will be fully announced nearer the date but first prize will definitely include £30 to spend on a game or games of your choice on the Steam games delivery format as well as other prizes, including costume codes to be supplied by the delightful Avatea from NC Soft and Paragon Studios! More details will follow on our website at or stay tuned to out Facebook and Twitter feeds for latest news!

So, what are you waiting for? Get your character ready, all set to go and get learning where the badges are and we’ll see you in Mercy Island!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Nearly forgot! The Prizes! Finally confirmed them

1st Place. - £30 to spend on a game or games of your choice on the Steam games platform, 1 billion in Influence, 1 rare costume code supplied by Avatea and Paragon Studios.

2nd Place - £5 to spend on a game of your choice on the Steam games platform, 1 billion in Influence, 1 rare costume code supplied by Avatea and Paragon Studios

3rd place - 1 Billion in Influence, 1 rare costume code supplied by Avatea and Paragon Studios.

Remember, to claim your Steam game you'll need to add me as a friend on Steam so I can send the game you want as a gift, if you're from a different country, we can work out exchange rates on there as well

We built this city on Rock and Roll!