Hold Procs for Psi/EM




Has anyone tried slotting in Devastation Hold Procs in Tk blast, Ment. Blast, and Psionic Dart for zone pvp? If so, how was it? Does anyone know how long a mag 2 hold lasts for these days anyway?



4sec's for the devastation procs, if I am remembering correctly.

RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups



Thanks Psy, btw, have you ever seen anyone rock 3 of those procs in pvp? I'm torn between slotting those in or going for even more +range.



I have them in every ranged attack on most of my toons. They go off a bunch.

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Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
Thanks Psy, btw, have you ever seen anyone rock 3 of those procs in pvp? I'm torn between slotting those in or going for even more +range.
i used to use them in all 4 on my psi/em and people would complain about them 1v1 but imo the placate proc alone is plenty annoying. when you switch them out its easier to get better end redux/rech on top of some range too.

its not a bad idea but imo theyre better for something like fire blast or sonic.



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
i used to use them in all 4 on my psi/em and people would complain about them 1v1 but imo the placate proc alone is plenty annoying. when you switch them out its easier to get better end redux/rech on top of some range too.

its not a bad idea but imo theyre better for something like fire blast or sonic.
Do you think the hold proc is better than the +range/-end/+recharge for zone/arena pvp? Duels aren't really my thing.



I would not slot the hold procs if it's for large team matches, as you may sometimes end up messing with mez suppression on a target (for example, my Therm often 2v2s with a Dominator and I don't want hold procs interfering with his stuns). If it's for smaller matches (depending on your teammates) or zone, sure.

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I have them in flares,fireblast, blaze on Fire/Em. Works pretty well. Just figured I should get them with fire/EM because of no ranged mez.

A lot of peeps break out of hibernate when I attack them and I wonder if its the proc?

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