Are these good numbers for a regen?




Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Mine, now at 25, is far squishier than my /nin who had the same 'basic heal' (Recon) and 27% def to all since 22. But maybe because I still have no IH, just got Hasten and it's 1 slotted, FH will come at 30. I'm already feeling the difference now that I have Integration and Heath (Integration provides the biggest passive regen bonus in the set, except of course for IH which isn't an always-on power). But I still have to use insps a lot more than on my /nin when she was at a similar level.

But I'm doing well on SOs I think, I rarely die on 8 man teams at +3/bosses and I'm quick to activate my heals (I bound H for Recon, J for Dull Pain, and will bind K for MoG and L for IH I think).
I am trying to remember, but it was a long time ago... but I think I went through a brief period in the mid-late 20's as well where things got a bit tough for me. It was after 30 that the scale tipped again. I may be mistaken, but I do seem to remember being a bit frustrated around level 27 or so.

My philosophy when I first rolled this stalker way back in I7 was to treat regen as my primary and claws as my secondary. That philosophy served me very well, with my taking and slotting the regen powers preferentially over attacks. I choose IOs with high bonuses to heals, regen, and the like over anything else.

These days, I'm working on finishing my IO collection for him. Still need a couple of Miracles yet.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
These days, I'm working on finishing my IO collection for him. Still need a couple of Miracles yet.
If you're on Virtue toss me a PM as I might be able to help you with those. Which ones and what levels, I know I have a couple I'm not using right now in my base. I know even when the market is working it's not easy to get some things.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I am trying to remember, but it was a long time ago... but I think I went through a brief period in the mid-late 20's as well where things got a bit tough for me. It was after 30 that the scale tipped again. I may be mistaken, but I do seem to remember being a bit frustrated around level 27 or so.

My philosophy when I first rolled this stalker way back in I7 was to treat regen as my primary and claws as my secondary. That philosophy served me very well, with my taking and slotting the regen powers preferentially over attacks. I choose IOs with high bonuses to heals, regen, and the like over anything else.

These days, I'm working on finishing my IO collection for him. Still need a couple of Miracles yet.
Yeah, I've been a bit frustrated, I'm 27 now heh, like you when you felt it. Dull pain takes too long to recharge so basically I'm like my /nin without the defenses but with some passive regen (Integration and Health), since the basic heal (Recon / Kuji in Sha) is the same. I'm always packing purple insps.

And Thunderstrike which I just got requires way more attention to use thnan Total Focus (same animation) on my Em/Nin because I can be easily killed in the middle of a mob.

At least, after being so frustrated with my 50 elm brute damage, I'm liking the Stalker's ST damage. Managed to solo a pink EB set for 8 (team of 7 demon MMs and me, lol - Barracuda used her psy scream and AoE psionic stuff and wiped all the 100 pets and MMs, I had to solo her but used some purps, I'd have used less on a nin since her psi attacks have positional components, but anyway, making this toon for pvp too and not trying to compare the two sets, just find /Nin so much smoother - but I should know already, I've seen TONS of IO'ed regen scrappers, which are tougher than stalkers, trying to take alphas and dying in 2 seconds, so I know I won't pseudotank on this one like I did sometimes on my /nin).

I already altered the planned build because of that, originally I had Mu Mastery for ball lightning but now I know I'll love Shadow Meld when I get it. And since I'm good with cones (can easily hit 3 with J. Ladder), I got enough AoE with Jacob's, Chain Ind, TS and will have L. Rod soon.

But unlike you, on my PvE build I'll slot for some def and recharge, then regen. The 32% melee and 24% ranged will help me a lot more I think (that's what the scrapper regen experts do anyway, this is my first regen - or they go katana to cap melee with parry/divine avalanche and get more ranged/aoe), and 40 hp/sec when dull pain is active sounds good enough to me.

And the sets have some synergy. Elec has mitigation in TS and L. Rod, L. Rod doesn't unhide you, and on a /regen it's too risky to placate and AS when there are 2-3 mobs around you because you get interrupted much more often than on a defense-based Stalker, so TS makes for a great followup for Placate since the ST part always crits (the splash AoE has 50% chance), as well as Chain Induction.

It's kinda weird to play a melee toon that only has one toggle so far lol (Integration).