Test not connecting?
Even once my update connected, it took a good 40 minutes to actually download the patch, although it was displayed as requiring only 20. And, to top it off, I am in a "waiting line" where there are 129 players trying to enter, and am number 56 currently. I have waited for over an hour.

I was able to connect; hang on and I'll check to see if I still can.
roflmao. This is a classic CB right here i love it.!!!! "Now make sure yall have your lunch money ready when you get to the front of the line."
I was able to connect within ~5 min. Do you have a slow connection? Is your firewall blocking the Updater? Did you make sure to run the Updater as administrator if you have Vista or Win 7?
Even once my update connected, it took a good 40 minutes to actually download the patch, although it was displayed as requiring only 20. And, to top it off, I am in a "waiting line" where there are 129 players trying to enter, and am number 56 currently. I have waited for over an hour.
I'm not in CB...
I just wanted to know...
Well look at it this way: if you are in by the time you get past the queue you'll probably need to go to bed anyway. Who knows, maybe they'll open it to everyone tomorrow and it won't matter?
I'd rather them open it today so i can see if my pc runs Ultra Mode properly.
They would have opened it b/w 9 and noon PDT if they were opening it today, at least that's their usual modus operandi. Better to hope for tomorrow at this point.
Well tomorrow would be fine too considering didnt DP get released on 2nd of Mar.? Would be nice to be swingin me flamin whip around tomorrow.
It was indeed released on the second of March, so it will have been a full month since their last release. Here's hoping.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Right, go to Open Beta on a Friday, that also happens to be a US holiday, and then go home for the weekend and come back to huge outcries of problems relating in no way to the Beta itself and they have to sift through all the chaff to find the wheat.
Yeah, that would be really smart.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
I'm stuck at connecting 1.... What's up with the server? Is it down?