Kinetic Melee: an assualt set in disguise?




I was looking at the vid for the new kinetic melee:

When it dawned on me. This sets resemblance to Dominator assault sets is more than a little obvious. Melee attacks, short-range attacks, and a little bit of mitigation mixed in. Makes me sort of hopeful doms may get their own version of this some day.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Just watched the video and I see what you're saying. It's hard to tell since the video isn't just taken from a playing perspective but it looks like there might be 2 ranged attacks and several melee attacks which could fit right in with a dominator assault set.

My problem with it being a dominator assault set is this: what control set can I pair it up with to make a Gambit clone?!?!?! hehe looked pretty cool though



Looks kinda cool but im a little concerned by the animation times........



Originally Posted by Purus View Post
Looks kinda cool but im a little concerned by the animation times........
two things

1) I was reading on another website that they said this was just an initial build or whatever so everything including animation times wasn't actually locked down yet.

2) I don't think they seem long at all really. Sure they seem slightly longer than normal and they have the two or so powers that have REALLY long animations but most of them seem rather quick. I mean, we've been putting up with the Total Focus animation and some others that are long too for a long time now.
As long as these are the hard hitters that is. If there's a 3 second animation time for the first power selection then I'll be mad haha.

3) I think I said long a few more times than necessary in point number 2

EDIT: also I did a little extra searching and people said this was announced as a set for Scrappers, stalkers, Brutes, tanks. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if a dominator version gets released down the road somewhere. Something about it just kinda has a dominator feel to it



Animation/redraw for BS annoys me but then I have no patience



Originally Posted by Purus View Post
Animation/redraw for BS annoys me but then I have no patience
Haha it happens



It looks like the damage buff will be a targetable one (like in the other Kinsets). Will be interesting.



Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
I mean, we've been putting up with the Total Focus animation and some others that are long too for a long time now.
As long as these are the hard hitters that is.
I think you'll find that lots and lots of people don't. It's a very touchy subject.