Is Patron Electric Fences the only way to negate knockback?




I've noticed that every MM patron pool has an immobilize. Dark has Soul Tentacles, Leviathan has School of Sharks, and Mace has Web Envelope, but Electric Fences is the only one I've heard talked about as a way to keep robot henchmen from throwing the good guys all over the place.

Do the other ones not grant knock back protection?



Mace Mastery/Web Envelope has -kb too.



Sweet!! Cause I really didn't want to do electric, but you have to stop the knockback if anyone's going to want to team at later levels. (Or so I am told)



Any immobilization or hold negates knockback. I think. I might have knocked back someone in school of sharks before. But ideally, thats the gist.



Mu mastery's Electrifying Fences is the only Patron immob that has -kb. Web Envelope has a -rech and slow, and the other two have no secondary effect at all.

Unfortunately, if you want an aoe immob with kb, Mu Mastery is the only choice, and it has shorter range and a smaller area than the others.



Sweet!! Cause I really didn't want to do electric, but you have to stop the knockback if anyone's going to want to team at later levels. (Or so I am told)

Lies KB is one of the best things in the game the pricks that demand the spawns stay in one place and demand that you not use your KB power's are not worth teaming with. The only time you need to worry about your KB is on Master Of TF runs even then it wont be much of a problem.

If a brute ever complans, say nothing but just get ahead of him and start taking all the agro. He will shut up or pack up in short order.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
Mace Mastery/Web Envelope has -kb too.
You sure? Mid's says it doesn't. According to Mids (not that it's always right) the only patron power for MM's that does -KB is electric fences. Web envelope has -jump\recharge\fly, but it doesn't seem to have -kb unless Mids is wrong.

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Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Lies KB is one of the best things in the game the pricks that demand the spawns stay in one place and demand that you not use your KB power's are not worth teaming with.
I'm not all alone in this thought after all. My Robotic/Trap MM only has Charged Armour and no Electric Fences, and doesn't have any trouble maximizing Incendiary Missiles, or any trouble with Knockback in general. I mean, there's only a few knockback attacks in all of henchmen, and a decent number are located in Mercenaries.

And we all know the one thing ruining Mercenaries is the knockback...



Originally Posted by _Krom_ View Post
You sure? Mid's says it doesn't. According to Mids (not that it's always right) the only patron power for MM's that does -KB is electric fences. Web envelope has -jump\recharge\fly, but it doesn't seem to have -kb unless Mids is wrong.
You're right. It doesn't have -kb.

It still keeps them in the fire though.



I didn't take the mu immob on my bot/storm MM for my teammates, I took it for myself. Many of the bots' attacks do kb and can knock them out of ice storm or off of the assault bots burn patches. The Mu immob lets me keep them in it. Plus I can use it then let Tornado out with no kb.

Though I'm not sure how effective it is and may respec out of it. The larger aoe of the mace immob is tempting.



Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
I'm not all alone in this thought after all. My Robotic/Trap MM only has Charged Armour and no Electric Fences, and doesn't have any trouble maximizing Incendiary Missiles, or any trouble with Knockback in general. I mean, there's only a few knockback attacks in all of henchmen, and a decent number are located in Mercenaries.

And we all know the one thing ruining Mercenaries is the knockback...
O yes if only Mercs had no KB they would truly be the best MM primary.


How about they lower the recharge on Spec-Ops holds and the Commandos LRM. Then take the frag greande away from the medic and chage serum out for something useful like a Gun Drone, or even better a LRM Drone.

/end rant

/end thread jack

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



get the mu immob it's awesome. Not knocking your enemies out of burn patches, out of range for toe bombing, out poison gas trap etc is practically a god send. I wish we had the ability to customize the patron effects rather than be locked into an effect based on theme
If we had the freedom of effects I would have gone mace on my bots/traps rather than mu. I have a elec/shield brute I want mu for thematicaly but -kb would ruin the desirable kd some powers have



I originally took Web Envelope on my Bots/FF and it upped my killing speed by about 50% I would say, but then I took Electric Fences and my killing speed went up bya bout 200%.

I know the area is smaller (Which is annoying) but bots do an awful lot of -kb and the burn patches are not very big. Keeping those mobs in the burn patches increases DPS dramatically.

Also I am glad it is electric fences that has the -kb because I would hate to have to pull my mace out every time, bloody annoying.

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post