DP-Blasters vs Corrupters vs Defenders

Adeon Hawkwood



t Siolfir, Yeah, Brutes really do get the short end of the stick when it comes to SD. It's a real shame but its not too bad, Brutes get plenty to be happy about in other sets

t Fire-Minded, I can only speak for myself but I don't have these problems you're talking about with the high-damage ATs dying all the time.

For me, the higher damage ATs like Dominators/Blasters/Scrappers/Brutes/Corruptors are better than the low damage ATs who have higher survivability. It's not a simple question of higher damage. Having huge damage is nice and all, but as you say it doesn't matter how much damage you have if you can't apply it.

And that's the breaker for me. If I can use experience, slotting and skill to hardly, if ever, die on a higher damage AT, why would I play a lower damage one?

It's about being tough enough. If a Scrapper or Brute can be built and played so that they can put out all their damage without dying, which they can and frequently are, why would I want to play a Tanker? Whose damage is yes, piddly in comparison. Who has superfluous amounts of survivability and pays for it in piddly damage. Ditto for a Corr versus a Defender.

If you think Defenders and Tankers are better than Corrs and Brutes because the Corrs and Brutes always die, you need to play with some non-awful Corrs and Brutes.

Or better yet, apply some of that incredible skill of yours you're always raving about and properly play a Corruptor or Brute. If you're as good as you seem to think you are, you should be able to survive just fine. And if you're surviving just fine, why would you make the tradeoff for lower damage and more survivability?

And if you want to talk soloing numbers, here is the list of my apparently low-survivability ATs that can and have soloed x8 missions with bosses.

At +4: My Fire/Dark, my Rad/Kin, my Ice/Cold, my Fire/Fire dom, my Fortunata and my Fire/Traps.

Pretty much all of my Corrs can solo at +1-2 x8 with or without bosses.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
t Siolfir, Yeah, Brutes really do get the short end of the stick when it comes to SD. It's a real shame but its not too bad, Brutes get plenty to be happy about in other sets

t Fire-Minded, I can only speak for myself but I don't have these problems you're talking about with the high-damage ATs dying all the time.

For me, the higher damage ATs like Dominators/Blasters/Scrappers/Brutes/Corruptors are better than the low damage ATs who have higher survivability. It's not a simple question of higher damage. Having huge damage is nice and all, but as you say it doesn't matter how much damage you have if you can't apply it.

And that's the breaker for me. If I can use experience, slotting and skill to hardly, if ever, die on a higher damage AT, why would I play a lower damage one?

It's about being tough enough. If a Scrapper or Brute can be built and played so that they can put out all their damage without dying, which they can and frequently are, why would I want to play a Tanker? Whose damage is yes, piddly in comparison. Who has superfluous amounts of survivability and pays for it in piddly damage. Ditto for a Corr versus a Defender.

If you think Defenders and Tankers are better than Corrs and Brutes because the Corrs and Brutes always die, you need to play with some non-awful Corrs and Brutes.

Or better yet, apply some of that incredible skill of yours you're always raving about and properly play a Corruptor or Brute. If you're as good as you seem to think you are, you should be able to survive just fine. And if you're surviving just fine, why would you make the tradeoff for lower damage and more survivability?

And if you want to talk soloing numbers, here is the list of my apparently low-survivability ATs that can and have soloed x8 missions with bosses.

At +4: My Fire/Dark, my Rad/Kin, my Ice/Cold, my Fire/Fire dom, my Fortunata and my Fire/Traps.

Pretty much all of my Corrs can solo at +1-2 x8 with or without bosses.

To be honest I don't find ANY of the ATs mentioned hard to solo with. Defenders I MIGHT have trouble at x8, but they sure can solo above x3.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
t Siolfir, Yeah, Brutes really do get the short end of the stick when it comes to SD. It's a real shame but its not too bad, Brutes get plenty to be happy about in other sets

t Fire-Minded, I can only speak for myself but I don't have these problems you're talking about with the high-damage ATs dying all the time.

For me, the higher damage ATs like Dominators/Blasters/Scrappers/Brutes/Corruptors are better than the low damage ATs who have higher survivability. It's not a simple question of higher damage. Having huge damage is nice and all, but as you say it doesn't matter how much damage you have if you can't apply it.

And that's the breaker for me. If I can use experience, slotting and skill to hardly, if ever, die on a higher damage AT, why would I play a lower damage one?

It's about being tough enough. If a Scrapper or Brute can be built and played so that they can put out all their damage without dying, which they can and frequently are, why would I want to play a Tanker? Whose damage is yes, piddly in comparison. Who has superfluous amounts of survivability and pays for it in piddly damage. Ditto for a Corr versus a Defender.

If you think Defenders and Tankers are better than Corrs and Brutes because the Corrs and Brutes always die, you need to play with some non-awful Corrs and Brutes.

Or better yet, apply some of that incredible skill of yours you're always raving about and properly play a Corruptor or Brute. If you're as good as you seem to think you are, you should be able to survive just fine. And if you're surviving just fine, why would you make the tradeoff for lower damage and more survivability?

And if you want to talk soloing numbers, here is the list of my apparently low-survivability ATs that can and have soloed x8 missions with bosses.

At +4: My Fire/Dark, my Rad/Kin, my Ice/Cold, my Fire/Fire dom, my Fortunata and my Fire/Traps.

Pretty much all of my Corrs can solo at +1-2 x8 with or without bosses.
I do have Corrs, Brutes, and a Dom and Blaster.They dont have any issues at all when I play them.These issues are what can clearly be seen when others play these ATs by average players.

Keep in mind Average Players make up more then 90%+ of the CoX population.It carries no merit if you, my self, and a very small hand full of players dont experiance these problems.

I was mearly pointing out how the majority of the game's population used high damage ATs....Pathetically.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I do have Corrs, Brutes, and a Dom and Blaster.They dont have any issues at all when I play them.These issues are what can clearly be seen when others play these ATs by average players.

Keep in mind Average Players make up more then 90%+ of the CoX population.It carries no merit if you, my self, and a very small hand full of players dont experiance these problems.

I was mearly pointing out how the majority of the game's population used high damage ATs....Pathetically.
Sorry, we keep forgetting that you're better than everyone else.

Hard to believe that we can forget when you remind us all the time.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Sorry, we keep forgetting that you're better than everyone else.

Hard to believe that we can forget when you remind us all the time.
Humans are dumb mindless animals and you know it.I bet your a good player as well there ClawsandEffect, but that doesnt mean alot of people are.

I know im a good player, and if you feel im rubbing it in your face or any one elses, then I apologize for making it seem that way.

However facts are facts.When you pug outside of your SG or VG and watch countless players on all ATs just perform terribly it makes you raise an eyebrow at the recklessness and stupidity thats being displayed right in front of you.

Im a soloist for the most part.Meaning I tend to find a way to handle a full team load on whatever I play, and if I cant, then I wont play it.I just find it easier to Solo with Tankers and Defenders above all other ATs for my playing style.Doesnt mean I cant solo large mobs with a Blaster or Scrapper.I just do it better with a Defensive Primary class instead of a Offensive Primary class.

Other acceptions are a Claws/Invln Scrapper I have and it does very well at soloing.Ill be making a Spines/Elec Scrapper soon because I have a Concept for it, as well as a DB/SR Scrapper due to Concept as well.Im sure at higher levels these will do decent to very well with Soloing.

The Spines/Elec will prolly be my favorite.

Not everyone plays as well as many of us do.Keep that in mind.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Humans are dumb mindless animals and you know it.I bet your a good player as well there ClawsandEffect, but that doesnt mean alot of people are.

I know im a good player, and if you feel im rubbing it in your face or any one elses, then I apologize for making it seem that way.

However facts are facts.When you pug outside of your SG or VG and watch countless players on all ATs just perform terribly it makes you raise an eyebrow at the recklessness and stupidity thats being displayed right in front of you.

Im a soloist for the most part.Meaning I tend to find a way to handle a full team load on whatever I play, and if I cant, then I wont play it.I just find it easier to Solo with Tankers and Defenders above all other ATs for my playing style.Doesnt mean I cant solo large mobs with a Blaster or Scrapper.I just do it better with a Defensive Primary class instead of a Offensive Primary class.

Other acceptions are a Claws/Invln Scrapper I have and it does very well at soloing.Ill be making a Spines/Elec Scrapper soon because I have a Concept for it, as well as a DB/SR Scrapper due to Concept as well.Im sure at higher levels these will do decent to very well with Soloing.

The Spines/Elec will prolly be my favorite.

Not everyone plays as well as many of us do.Keep that in mind.
Dumb, mindless animals? Really?

I'm very sorry that you are thusly afflicted with being part of our lowly species.

I am however very glad you've managed to overcome your base, human roots and ascended to something much, much greater.

Even if it's only in your head.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



i rolled a DP/Pain as to never be tempted to use my primary in any pvp situation, thereby forcing me to heal as if i were somewhat decent at it.