Art for Influence!




((I'm taking commissions on a barter basis based on some in-game goals I have. I'm hoping this is allowable to post here, and if it is not, I already have sent a request to the mods to have this thread pulled. In the meantime, I like to draw, and you can see my stuff at my devart site. Just follow the link in my sig.

To the forum moderator -- I should have done more research on this issue and apologize for any cans of worms I have opened here.))



seems cool to bad all i have is infamy



((Retracted ))



This is against the rules bro.



2mil infamy.. that is if the mods will allow it. since in a way this is RMT.

Does not always detect CoH



Good point. BTW, how does one take a pic in costume creator, just enter it and hit the button to take screenshots?



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
This is against the rules bro.



Is it really RMT?

I mean, I've seen lots of other games allow the exchange of artwork for in game currency. You can't exchange the artwork for real currency, so there's no "Real Money" involved. It's closer to an exchange of gifts than an actual RMT transaction. No one really profits from it in a monetary sense.

The main issue would be in the use of Inf to purchase something available for real money, or the use of an outside skill to gain an edge in the game. From that standpoint, yes it does violate the rules.

But from a traditional RMT Perspective (Buying Inf, spamming inf ads, using bots, hacking accounts, exchanging NC-Soft's virtual property for real money) it doesn't really fit...



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
Is it really RMT?
I was wondering this myself cause it doesn't seem so but Im gonna go ahead and ask a MOD just to be 100% certain.

Edit<> OK I just PMed TheOcho so we will just have to wait and see what the official response is



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I was wondering this myself cause it doesn't seem so but Im gonna go ahead and ask a MOD just to be 100% certain.

Edit<> OK I just PMed TheOcho so we will just have to wait and see what the official response is
I'd like to give you a GIFT of infamy if you happen to be benevolent and give me the GIFT of a character drawing.



((I'm still waiting for a response from the mod. It doesn't violate the letter of the rules, since art is not the same as currency (if you think it is, try earning a few dollars by doing commissions -- not as lucrative as you'd think, unless you're really, really good). However, I can see it violating the spirit of the rule. So I'm just waiting for tomorrow to see if this thread is deleted or not (as per request). I don't want to open a can of worms either way, so even if this is allowed, I'll probably move it to the art boards where people normally solicit for commissions. ))



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
This is against the rules bro.
There is no rule against accepting and recieving gifts.

There is however a rule against the payment for in-game currency or loot with real world monetary funds.

Seems to me Heroid isn't making a real world monetary exchange for in-game items/currency.

P.s. My hat looks so much cooler now. d;D



Heya Heroid

We ran into this over in the Coh screenshot/ fan art forums , the official moderator take on it was telling people you are open for comissions is okay , discussing prices of any sort on the forums is not okay .

We usually just post that we are open for comissions then simply link to our Deviant Art page journal listing rates and such .

We haven't had any issues

hope that helps sir



But it's just inf., isn't it? I can see it would be an issue if it was $$'s, but...

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Honestly I wouldn't worry about it myself but the OP seemed concerned so best to pass on how its done over in the art forums and what we have been told is acceptable to give him a bit of piece o mind .

better safe than sorry and all that rot



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
Honestly I wouldn't worry about it myself but the OP seemed concerned so best to pass on how its done over in the art forums and what we have been told is acceptable to give him a bit of piece o mind .

better safe than sorry and all that rot
((Thanks! ))