Halo Reach
Wrong forums, bud. This is City of Heroes, not Halo.

Did you perhaps mean to post in the Comic subforum instead of Suggestions?
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Opps wrong form lol! sorry about that
Power is unless without the will to use it,
But will in nothing unless you believe in yourself.
And that is ture power!
Written by-Mr Amazing
Didnt take long for the Flood of corrections to appear. OMG! Get Master Chief!
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time

Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!
I see whut u did thar.
Didnt take long for the Flood of corrections to appear. OMG! Get Master Chief!
And I still /FACEPALM

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Considering Halo Reach is a prequel to Halo 1, and the only reason the master chief is on the Pillar of autumn is because he was supposedly the only spartan to survive the Fall of Reach - I would venture a guess that he will make an appearance in the game in some fashion.
Hey guys its me Amazing here to talk about what they should do in Halo Reach. First of all who all here thinks they should bring Master Chief back? He belongs in the game you cant have a good Halo game without him right? I want all of you City of Friends feel free tell how they you feel about this and plz also add anything you would like they to see in Halo Reach they should add!
*Hopes this gets moved and not deleted*
Here is what I would like to see in Halo: Reach
-A robust sandbox to help balance a large competitive/professional e-Sports scene
-This sandbox should include
-Map Editor
-Map Maker (better than whats offered in Halo 3)
-Weapon Customizer - Including Bullet spread, damage, distance, etc
-The standard gameplay should be use the innovation bungie is known for. Halo 2 and 3 tried to cater to many different niche markets, keeping intact legacy items that made the first game great, while sacrificing the need for a different system. Having a robust sandbox would allow for Bungie to make the game they want to make, while at the same time, allowing the competitive scene make the game balanced and fun to watch.
-A Long campaign that rounds out the halo story line nicely.
There's also talk of a fire fight mode like in ODST, because of how popular it was.
Join the Advocates of Fate on Infinity today!

Nah, a Flood of corrections would have to include that the OP's signature should be editted to change the third word in the second sentence to "Is", rather than "In", and that "Ture" in the third line should be "True".
Thank you.

That would be a correction.
Thank you.

That would be a correction.

Hey guys its me Amazing here to talk about what they should do in Halo Reach. First of all who all here thinks they should bring Master Chief back? He belongs in the game you cant have a good Halo game without him right? I want all of you City of Friends feel free tell how they you feel about this and plz also add anything you would like they to see in Halo Reach they should add!
Power is unless without the will to use it,
But will in nothing unless you believe in yourself.
And that is ture power!
Written by-Mr Amazing