Trying to find out what god you might have been born from?...




always remember-- demi-gods are old super-heros that havent learned the power of spandex yet..

(( warning: this is kinna like a screenshot contest..err.. sorta kinna maybe.. )) I saw the lightning thief and wondered what god I might be from if I was put in that setting...

so far ive made a list of all the gods and am using zodiac signs to find it..

... my sign is cancer the crab, and im born in the year of the ox..

*looks through list*...

sooo that makes me son of Babe the Blue Ox .. *sniffle*.. even in mythology I suck :*(


anyway.. using your zodiac sign and Chinese zodiac animal... try to make a demi-god of yourself
and make it in game.. then take a screenie and post it here... *good luck*



I'm a capricorn (ram head/fish body) and the year of the goat, what would that make me ?



Originally Posted by EnnVee View Post
I'm a capricorn (ram head/fish body) and the year of the goat, what would that make me ?
the demi-goddess Hornaiad (horn + naiad ) patron goddess of all things that float in water that a goat would likely eat when hungry..

your powers include the ability to swim and breath in water, along with super-human healing when drinking soup or ramin noodles..



I would be the mighty Crabull (crab + bull ) ... patron demi-god of sewage drains and clogged toilets..

my powers are the ability to summon Bull-Crab servants at will, that know the phone number of a good plumber and/or drain cleaning, septic tank business...

*posting screenie in a bit*



ok, my hubby is a pisces (double fish) and the year of the rat, who would he hail from ?



((EDIT: forgot about your double animal sign ))

Originally Posted by EnnVee View Post
ok, my hubby is a pisces (double fish) and the year of the rat, who would he hail from ?
.. he would be Ratuna (rat+tuna) patron demi-god of all food stuffs that sink to the bottom of water..

..sense your hubby has double fish in zodiac and an animal known for eating harvest items..

..he would most likly be the son of Dagon.. .

..double goat\ram for you would be..

..the daugther of Pan..

************************************************** *****************

.. I would be the son of Diana.. heres my screenie of the coh character I made..

ALL HAIL CRABULL the bull-crab son of Diana and unclogger of toilets..



Okay, so I'm a cancer and I was born in the year of the horse, what does that mean?



I'll give this a shot.

Sagittarius + Year of the Ox = ???

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



Bast probably

Egyptian cat-goddess.



Originally Posted by GeneralKnowledge View Post
Okay, so I'm a cancer and I was born in the year of the horse, what does that mean?
ahh.. behold the mighty Lobstallion (lobster + stallion) son of Neptune - god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses..

the patron demi-god of all things from the sea that scientists call funny names and rich people pay a fortune to eat..

your prime symbol is that of the horseshoe crab with a silver spoon in its mouth..

water powers as well as the ability to summon deep sea exotic creatures are at your finger tips..



Originally Posted by TremDei View Post
I'll give this a shot.

Sagittarius + Year of the Ox = ???
behold the might demi-god Targetaurus (target + taurus ) son of Zeus and Jupiter

patron demi-god of bullfighters and all hunters that kill animals associated with the zodiac..
able to summon undead animals within the zodiac.. your powers are as varied as your linage..

apon a festival night within the land of gods.. both zeus and jupiter took the form of a white bull to seduce the most beautifulest woman in the land.. it is said that zeus found her first, and soon after he left... Jupiter soon found her as well.

Mistaking the second white bull for the first, the lady was seduced by it again... the demi-god from this mating was known as Targetaurus, slayer of all zodiac animals..

so strange was his conception that Targetaurus himself was not born from that woman, but instead was born from her great-great grand child many years later..( story's vary on wither that great-great grand child was female or male.. other storys suggest that the familys pet monkey "mister bobo" was actually the birth giver )

Targetaurs's symbol is a golden two headed bull with arrows sticking out of it...



I have no idea what is going on in this thread... And frankly, it scares me a little.

((exits quickly))



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I have no idea what is going on in this thread... And frankly, it scares me a little.

((exits quickly))
heehee.. sorry, im having to much fun .. im making my own screenies now...

behold Hornaiad.. on her normal watery trip around the ocean beaches..

..the demi-goddess Hornaiad (horn + naiad ) daughter of Pan and patron goddess of all things that float in water that a goat would likely eat when hungry..

Ratuna on a normal day at sea..

Ratuna (rat+tuna) son of Dagon and the patron demi-god of all food stuffs that sink to the bottom of water..

Lobstallion at work..

Lobstallion (lobster + stallion) son of Neptune - god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses..

the patron demi-god of all things from the sea that scientists call funny names and rich people pay a fortune to eat..


the demi-god Targetaurus (target + taurus ) son of Zeus and Jupiter
patron demi-god of bullfighters and all hunters that kill animals associated with the zodiac..


*whew* glad I got that out of my system...



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
behold the might demi-god Targetaurus (target + taurus ) son of Zeus and Jupiter
I know Zeus has a bit of a rep for getting around and inseminating anything that moves but getting it on with an alternate version of yourself and managing to have babies is quite a feat, even for someone who could apparently score even when in the form of a swan (with human ladies, not with other swans. That wouldn't be as impressive).



I'm atheist, I was hatched.



I have little doubt that Loki had some involvement with my birth.

But I'm a Scorpio born in the year of the Rabbit.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
I know Zeus has a bit of a rep for getting around and inseminating anything that moves but getting it on with an alternate version of yourself and managing to have babies is quite a feat, even for someone who could apparently score even when in the form of a swan (with human ladies, not with other swans. That wouldn't be as impressive).
nowhere near as confusing as trying to keep up with supermans history plots and sub-plots and alternative dimension storys... I wonder if anyone is gonna try to make a "history of superman" and try to fit in every story from every comic hes been in, and some how make it into a readable biography...



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I have little doubt that Loki had some involvement with my birth.

But I'm a Scorpio born in the year of the Rabbit.
Scorbunny (scorpion+bunny) son of Persephone.. patron demi-god of all cute cuddly creatures that kill for fun..

((story: it is said that Persephone, wanting to anger Hades.. ordered Loki to find the seeds of many monsters, so they she could plant them in Hades hair and let them grow from his skull while he slept...

Loki however planted the seeds inside Persephone while she slept.. cause her to give birth to the demi-god Scorbunny..

Scorbunny could transform from a cute animal into a demon beast at will..

So cute was he in his animal form, that Hades tried to throw him from his domain, only to have Scorbunny return later with two pink bunnys with scorpion tails in-tow.. and every time Hades threw him out.. two more pink bunnys would enter hell.. followed by scorbunny himself..

Persepnone is very proud of her off spring for the anger he has caused Hades.. and tartarus itself now has a new layer devoted to nothing but pink bunnys with scorpion tails ))

Scorbunnys sign is a stuffed animal with a rusty nail through its head..



Libra + Year of the Dragon.... GO...



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
Libra + Year of the Dragon.... GO...
...err.. scales.. balance... dragon...
I get Leviathan.. but thats as far as I can figure it out :*(

*sigh*.. ok, yea stumped me..



How about Twin Dragons? (ie. Gemini hailing from the Year of the Dragon)

Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."



Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
How about Twin Dragons? (ie. Gemini hailing from the Year of the Dragon)
..*sniffle*.. everything falls apart when dragons come into it..

its like Aunt May vs. the Hulk..

I thought I could shift it over to something like a lizard, but then it gets to
close to the serpent animal..

can anyone think of a "real life" animal that comes close to the imagery of a dragon, that
also dosent come close to a serpent?... thinking maybe Lion or bear or shark..some type of alpha animal thats at the top of its food chain..



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
Scorbunny (scorpion+bunny) son of Persephone.. patron demi-god of all cute cuddly creatures that kill for fun..

((story: it is said that Persephone, wanting to anger Hades.. ordered Loki to find the seeds of many monsters, so they she could plant them in Hades hair and let them grow from his skull while he slept...

Loki however planted the seeds inside Persephone while she slept.. cause her to give birth to the demi-god Scorbunny..

Scorbunny could transform from a cute animal into a demon beast at will..

So cute was he in his animal form, that Hades tried to throw him from his domain, only to have Scorbunny return later with two pink bunnys with scorpion tails in-tow.. and every time Hades threw him out.. two more pink bunnys would enter hell.. followed by scorbunny himself..

Persepnone is very proud of her off spring for the anger he has caused Hades.. and tartarus itself now has a new layer devoted to nothing but pink bunnys with scorpion tails ))

Scorbunnys sign is a stuffed animal with a rusty nail through its head..

Awesome! And you managed to reference my other two favourite deities too.


@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Awesome! And you managed to reference my other two favourite deities too.

heehee..ty.. I woulda done a screen shoot with him.. but the game dosent have a scorpion tail costume piece yet..

*waves fist angrily at the coh costume designer*

..suppose I could draw something later.. after I finish my drawing for this months art contest..



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
..*sniffle*.. everything falls apart when dragons come into it..

its like Aunt May vs. the Hulk..

I thought I could shift it over to something like a lizard, but then it gets to
close to the serpent animal..

can anyone think of a "real life" animal that comes close to the imagery of a dragon, that
also dosent come close to a serpent?... thinking maybe Lion or bear or shark..some type of alpha animal thats at the top of its food chain..
Komodo dragon? Crocodile? Dinosaur?

Okay, I'll nibble. Gemini, Rat.