Deebs Sketch dump




Originally Posted by Larissa_Rasputin View Post
Cute but kinda evil *thumbs up* I just started reading Haggopian a collection of short stories by Brian Lumley. All Cthulhu Mythos stuff. Ia R'lyeh! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Me and drunkfu/Shia are big lovecraft (and associated authors ) fans , and im just getting him intrested in a number of pulp authors from the peroid like Edger Rice Burroughs "Princess of Mars "

I was pulled into alot of the lovecraft stuff when I found out it was all online and all public domain



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post

I really dig these.
Thanks I love drawing the chibis because you get to exagerate the anatomy so much



Originally Posted by Blood_Wolffe View Post
Those are some thick, heavy lines. I dig your style.
Thanks , I think I overcompensate on the inking because my pencil lines are so light .



More chibis from a IRC channel I frequent

From a Highschool superhero RP on a IRC channel a few of the student body .

Row 1 From left to right

Slingshot , Skirt Chasing master of elasticity
Eurayle , A modern day Medusa ...wears a skirt
Patches , shes a cow with large fertiile tracts of land
Talcat , A kitten with anger management issues , fsssst
Pipeline , can reach through space

Row 2 from left to right

MacGuffin , He builds things to make life intresting
Ditto , she can make a copy but she's the real one !
Ditto , She can make a copy but she's the real one ?
Tinstar , Skirt Chasin power negator and *** kicker
Lovetool , Skirt Chasing Gadgeteer and Ladies man

Row 3

Devilstool , possiable fic character of Drunkies
Toni Bandit, one half of a set of twins with mustelid powers
Bobbi Bandit, one half of a set of twins with mustelid powers
Spot , A dog that takes working for Security seriously



Cute and awesome as always!



She looks really cool deebs. You and shia make such a good team with your line art and his colors



Very cool. I like how the scales that run from her tail also go up her back. Also a wonderful job of "framing" the picture



She looks cute, Deebs! Nicely done!!! DrunkFu did a nice job colorizing her too!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



now with colors by shia



LOL very nice !

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Wow that Slingshot piece is pretty amazing. Nice composition.




Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Wow that Slingshot piece is pretty amazing. Nice composition.

I've been trying to work on my compositions a bit after the discussions in the livestream , im listening honest

Shia just added some color for me so new version