Does SR for brutes have a taunt aura?
Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)
Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders
Yes it does, but im not exactly sure how effective it is. I have a /sr brute and I can tell that it is there, but since im not a major hardcore taunt examiner im not sure if it is as good as say mudpots ;P

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
i have a lvl 50 sr brute and it does not have any taunt auras on it, you can get taunt from the primary set, and AoE powers, but the sr set has no taunt toggles. its exactly the same as the scrapper sr set (with minor variations on the numbers)

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)
Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders
Wrong, the numbers are exactly the same, there is a taunt aura in evasion. It also differs from the scrapper set in the order you get your powers, you get aoe defense earlier and quickness comes later.

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
Are you sure? When you look at the power ingame (the AOE defense toggle) it does say +???% Taunt (forgot the numbers exactly)
from my experience playing on teams with the sr, this little taunt aura does NOTHING if im not dmging the enemies, and if someone attacks an enemy in the taunt aura, it will not hold the aggro of the enemy unless you attack them first, a pbaoe attack will hold the taunt better than this toggle will.
edit: another quick check shows that you cant even slot taunt IO sets, you can enhance the taunt, but you cant slot more than generic enhances

yes, i stand corrected, the toggle does have a +400% taunt on target, but how i consider it useless because its an 8 ft radius and does not host any kind of effects other than the taunt, so its prolly THE worst taunt aura a brute could have and thus does little to nothing in an actual fight when you are on a team.
from my experience playing on teams with the sr, this little taunt aura does NOTHING if im not dmging the enemies, and if someone attacks an enemy in the taunt aura, it will not hold the aggro of the enemy unless you attack them first, a pbaoe attack will hold the taunt better than this toggle will. |
One thing to keep in mind is that Taunt acts as a multiplier to the hatred generated by an attack, so having the taunt aura means that your AoE attacks will generate a lot more hatred than they would otherwise.
other poeple i know that have sr brutes say to build them like scrappers because they are the worst at holding aggro.

Okay that is what I thought. A really weak taunt, but technically it is there. I did not know that you could not slot taunt sets in it. Very interesting!

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
Don't I know you???
it still doesnt help that much overall compared to say mud pots, or even RTTC. this +taunt does nothing more than help generate fury faster since it does not apply any effects to you or the enemies when they are within range of the taunt aura.
other poeple i know that have sr brutes say to build them like scrappers because they are the worst at holding aggro. |
-8 Foot Radius
-2 second pulse
-Mag 4 taunt
-13.5 sec duration
-8 Foot Radius
-1 second pulse
-Mag 3 taunt
-1 second duration
The significantly lower magnitude of RTTC coupled with the short duration means that it is very easy to strip aggro off of a WP brute with another brute, unless they taunt. Strictly considering the AoE taunt capability of those two powers, Evasion is superior.
Considering the entire set, I'd put RTTC on a SR any day.
it still doesnt help that much overall compared to say mud pots, or even RTTC. this +taunt does nothing more than help generate fury faster since it does not apply any effects to you or the enemies when they are within range of the taunt aura.
other poeple i know that have sr brutes say to build them like scrappers because they are the worst at holding aggro. |
For sets that have taunt auras, Rise to the Challenge is worse for holding aggro than Evasion, for reasons mentioned earlier in the thread (lower magnitude, less than 10% of the duration). After Rise to the Challenge you have to check and see if you're hitting the mobs, because the damage auras - if they hit - will work better than anything else (damage + taunt > taunt alone), but if they don't hit then the autohit auras are better and Evasion becomes better than Blazing Aura, Death Shroud, and Lightning Field.
Sure, Evasion doesn't have a debuff, but neither does Invincibility. Or are you saying that Invulnerability can't hold aggro?
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
SR's taunt aura in Evasion is pretty standard, in magnitude and duration. SR should have no problems holding aggro; those that say they do are probably just used to the /SR of Scrappers, and not Brutes. (That, and the fact that since it's a Defense set, you won't notice the additional aggro as much if your defenses are good, since you'll still be dodging the majority of them)
I thought I read that the AOE toggle (evasion?) does, can't seem to find that thread, can someone answer please?