CoX repetitive?? Nooooooo :)




Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post

Massively gives is a pretty good write-up. I am sure anyone that has played this game for over a month would concur. The repetition in this game is savage and the main reason I stray! It's true!

Also, this just in, other related/surprising news: the sky is blue!
+1000 for the article in question. New maps has been one of my biggest request for ages. One of the nice side aspects of using the AE is that people will use unique maps far more than what the devs will.



Originally Posted by Juteboxhero View Post
I am guessing by your forum date that you have not been playing that long so no you might not see the issue. Trying playing 5+ years, like a lot of people in this game, and you would think different. Does get old after awhile and new layouts will go along way to correct that.
Try reading my forum reg date and telling me I shouldn't feel the exact same way as the guy you quoted.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I love Striga. It's one of the must under-used zones with some great arcs and an excellent Task Force.
Excellent Task Force, sure. Great arcs... I disagree. I don't find the Council all that compelling, I don't find a whole zone that's practically ABOUT the Council to such an extent that contacts have to make excuses as to why you're not fighting Council compelling, and I certainly don't appreciate the disjointed approach to storytelling that sends you on redundant hunts and unrelated tasks that amount to nothing more than busywork while contributing little to the actual story and dumping a "storyline" mission at the end.

I appreciate Faultline in a big way, but Striga is nothing at all like Faultline in the slightest.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I personally like Striga, but then I like the Dr. Kahn Taskforce so maybe I'm not the best judge of these things.

Anyway, I feel like there's a couple crossed wires in this thread. Every MMORPG I can think of essentially has you beating up a group of guys, taking their stuff, getting experience and moving onto the next group of guys. That's just the nature of the beast. The main complaint (at least my main complaint and that of the article) is the scenery while you're beating up guys and taking their stuff. It's repetitive and often times nonsensical both in layout and in setting. The repetitive nature of it also makes the world seem very static. It's a shame to enter one of the Paragon City storefronts and find yourself in the same generic office building again.

I won't claim to know how much work would be involved, but a good smattering of additional tile sets and building themes would go a long way towards making Paragon City more than City of Generic Offices & Warehouses.



Originally Posted by Juteboxhero View Post
I am guessing by your forum date that you have not been playing that long so no you might not see the issue. Trying playing 5+ years, like a lot of people in this game, and you would think different. Does get old after awhile and new layouts will go along way to correct that.
I played Regnum Online, Conqueror Online and particularyMu Online for years with buddies and those games makes you want to kill yourself over and over again every more second you endure their mind shredding repetivensess. *shivers just thinking of the blasphemy* So no, CoX is not repetitive IMO.

There exist a loop of same maps I will agree on this, but when you are in a fun mission group or with your SG buddies you're always having a blast no matter what you do in CoX. Whether it's "Defeat all on a boat", "Defeat all enemies in the office" - there's nothing more satisfying than watching 8 different characters power up their abilities and buffs and blast away!