pvp drop i16 rules ?




So anyone have a detailed guide or a link on detailed rules on i16 pvp drop stuff?

Some ppl say you can still get pvp drop in Arena match (true / false) ?
(They say you dont get rep point but still the 5min cool down apply / any proof?!)

Ive heard story about you need to be inside 5 level difference of your opponent to have a chance of a drop , (rumor ?)

Well i hear a lot of stuff, but i cant confirm anything from the little experience i have.

I'm trying to find a guide but i guess my search fu is weak.

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yes you can still drop them in arena matches. and they are on a 10 min timer.

as far as anyone i know knows, if they can be in zone, you can get a drop.

the best place to ask is in the PvP forums. or pm a red name to find out.



Originally Posted by xeaon View Post
So anyone have a detailed guide or a link on detailed rules on i16 pvp drop stuff?

Some ppl say you can still get pvp drop in Arena match (true / false) ?
(They say you dont get rep point but still the 5min cool down apply / any proof?!)

Ive heard story about you need to be inside 5 level difference of your opponent to have a chance of a drop , (rumor ?)

Well i hear a lot of stuff, but i cant confirm anything from the little experience i have.

I'm trying to find a guide but i guess my search fu is weak.
You can still get drops in arena, in rated AND unrated matches... Yes you don't get rep, but it's still on the same timer as in zones, which is every 5minutes.

Being inside 5lvls I believe used to be the case, I am not sure if it still applies... Never needed to test it.



IIRC these are some rules associated with the PvP drops:

1) Recipes will only drop off of kills where you gain or would have gained (In the case of the Arena) reputation.

  • When you kill an enemy in a zone you gain reputation. You cannot gain reputation (ie. get another chance at a recipe drop) for 5 minutes. At that point the reputation timer resets and you get another chance.
  • When you kill an enemy in the Arena, you do not gain reputation, however the same rules still apply. Once you kill an opponent, there is a 5 minute wait time before you get another chance at a PvP recipe.

2) When (Haha...when...IF) you get a recipe drop, there is a separate timer that gives you a 10 minute window where you cannot get another PvP Recipe.

3) If you are on a team, the chance at getting a PvP drop is split between your teammates.

Right Example: Jimmy and Delilah are on a team. Jimmy kills Billy. The game then decides if that kill will drop a recipe. If it does the game then randomly chooses someone on the team to get it. Meaning, Jimmy may have killed Billy, but Delilah might get the PvP drop from it.

a) PvP IO? Yes/No
b) Who? Teammate 1 or Teammate 2 or Teammate 3 or...

Wrong Example: Jimmy and Delilah are on a team, Jimmy Kills Billy. The Random Number Generator (Or how ever the game decides Yes/No questions) decided that Jimmy gets a PvP drop. Then the Random Number Generator decides that Delilah gets a drop.

a) Does Teammate 1 get a drop? Yes/No
b) Does Teammate 2 get a drop? Yes/No
c) Does Teammate 3 get a drop? Yes/No

Past Facts:
  • The Reputation timer used to be 10 minutes.
  • The Reputation timer used to also be put on you if your opponent killed you.
  • The Reputation timer used to reset to 10 minutes every time you died.
  • The Reputation timer used to reset to 10 minutes every time you killed the same opponent before the Reputation timer hit 0.
  • The Recipe drop chance used to not be tied to the Reputation timer (Ah the good ole days!).

Originally Posted by xeaon View Post
Ive heard story about you need to be inside 5 level difference of your opponent to have a chance of a drop , (rumor ?)
I have always just assumed so because:

a) It limits how many PvP IOs are available.
b) It follows the general idea of rewards in PvE.

So far in the entire time I have PvPed since they made these changes, I have gotten 1 PvP IO (I don't PvP all day/every day, but I certainly consider myself more than just a casual PvPer). It was off of another level 50. That means I know levels 50s will drop recipes when level 50s kill them. I will continue to PvP and let you know if I get a PvP drop off of anyone lower than 45. I should be able to get back to you in I99.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I am wrong. After days of farming PvP IOs following these rules and not getting a single drop I gave up.

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Computer, you sound about right.

I clearly remember reading info about the new i16 pvp drop rules, on a patch note doh. I remember reading about the reduction of the rep cool down to 5min. That the pvp timer is also 5min but a diff timer, they just append to tick at same time etc.

But i fail to track down that patch note.

As for the 5 lvl difference, i guess its hard to proove until somone actualy report they killed a lvl15 in BB with beeing lvl50 or something. If its like pve, then well in pvp zones and arena everyone is lvl'ed to equal levels, how that would affect it, guess we wont know for sure. Pretty much everyone i know that got pvp drop, had it, killing lvl50 while being lvl50.

If anyone can report they killed someone 6 level lower and still had a drop, or the inverse +++6 , etc.

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