Here's an idea I had...




for an additional buff to Kheldians.

Replace Peacebringer's Build Up with "Photonic Embrace" which would ideally have the same tohit and damage buffs as buildup, but last at least twice as long.

Add a 300% Regen debuff to each of the Photon Seekers.

Add a 500% Regen debuff to Eclipse.

Opinions? Sucks? Awesome? Meh?

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Cause Kheldians don't bring enough to a team compared to, say, Arachnos, and PBs don't do enough damage.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



If you want to give me perma build-up then sure... but honestly, I don't need it.

EDIT: Just read that you're rocking a Bi-form PB, dwarfs aren't really needed once you hit 50, this might be why you think PB's do little or no damage.

Quantum Comet : Level 50 Peacebringer
Leader and Founder of The A.T.O.M. League (Union)



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
Cause Kheldians don't bring enough to a team compared to, say, Arachnos
Resurection of an extremely pointless argument. "Bring enough" is an entirely subjective thing and Khelds make their contribution differently than VEATs. Sure, a Peacebringer can't passively boost the Damage, Defense and ToHit of the team. But when the Tank goes down and the bad guys are blitzing the squishies that Widow can't turn into a Brute and fill the gap.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
PBs don't do enough damage.
According to you perhaps but I've never had an issue with the damage on my 50 triform PB. But what constitutes enough damage is extremely subjective.

These kinda suggestions ran rampant back in i12 when VEATs first came onto the scene. People were clamoring for changes to Khelds that would make them function more like the SoAs. But over time people came to the conclusion that the EATs were different beasts and one group shouldn't be shoehorned into the workings of the other.

In regards to your actual suggestion

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
Replace Peacebringer's Build Up with "Photonic Embrace" which would ideally have the same tohit and damage buffs as buildup, but last at least twice as long.
That's 72% Damage and 18% ToHit for 20 seconds at the current values. While that sounds juicy it probably wouldn't make it into the game. It's just a bit too good to maintain balance. 20 seconds is a long time to have that big of a boost.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
Add a 300% Regen debuff to each of the Photon Seekers. Add a 500% Regen debuff to Eclipse.
Sparing the usual pleasantries, that's just ludicrous. You're talking about AoEs that can floor the Regen of Minions and Lieutenants without any sort of slotting. As if that's not enough, with Hasten and decent IO slotting Warshades could abuse the hell out of Eclipse. Again, way too good to be true.

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Furthermore, that -regen is going to be useless in 99% of content. Against AVs, yes, it'll be useful, but it's not like minions and LTs meaningfully regenerate.

Edit: By the way, I want to specify, I don't agree that giving -regen to PBs and WSes would be overpowered. I actually think it would be useless. It wouldn't address any of the real problems the archetypes face - and I'd need someone to tell me exactly what they think those problems are. It's a fine matter of opinion at this point. 'Contributes Less Than X' is not a meaningful problem in my mind. Back to the main thread of the post:

I don't like these suggestions because they don't seem to address anything that, say, increasing the scalars overall wouldn't do. Why tie buffs to specific powers that people would take anyway?



Ultimately this seems like an overboard fix to a nonexistant problem. Kheldians certainly don't need to be made more like VEATs, any more than Defenders need to be more like Controllers or Tankers need to be more like Brutes. They are different ATs with different strengths and weaknesses. Making everything the same is never a good solution to anything.

I'm not opposed to some attention to Kheldians, especially PBs, and very cogent arguments have been made in the not too distant past for various improvements that may bring them more in line with Warshades without making them overpowered or destroying their current playstyle and function. However, the OP's changes would firstly be overpowered with the numbers given and secondly are targeted towards upper-tier powers. Since much of the misconception about the roles of Kheldians seems to come from people who haven't yet reached the upper 30s, changes to these powers are unlikely to effect the changes desired. It almost reads like the OP picked two powers at random or chose the only powers he could think of offhand. Adding extra debuff to Eclipse I find particularly baffling - are people really complaining that Eclipse isn't doing enough? Who are these people, and what are they smoking?

Kheldians are already perfectly capable of contributing to teams as they are now. They do not do so in the same way that a VEAT does, nor should they.

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I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
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I agree that Build Up needs changing for PB's, but I think a longer duration means it needs to give a smaller buff. I would also give it the Fiery Embrace treatment, so it gives big +energy damage and small +other damage.

Photon Seekers don't need -regen, it would be useless on all but AV's. I think a stun would be better, maybe mag 1 per seeker, or mag 1.5 so a boss can be stunned if all 3 hit.

Eclipse is so great I am afraid every single day it is going to be nerfed, adding anything will never happen. Though I think a good -regen power is the only thing stopping Warshades from reliably soloing AV's, so I would sadly have to say no

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Eclipse is so great I am afraid every single day it is going to be nerfed
Same here... Eclipse is so good that I've always felt that it's "too good to be true."

One of these days, I'm going to wake up and realize it was all a dream.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Build up for Peacebringers does need something. Either an increase in duration so changing to a form doesn't hurt it so much, or make the form change have less of a duration (and it sounds like the extended duration would be easier). After that, it would probably be okay, or at least on par with other Build-ups out there.

I suppose I wouldn't entirely be against upping the recharge for a much longer duration (like 20 seconds), but not the 180 second recharge for Fiery Embrace. I think Build-up needs something for Peacebringers to put it a little more competitive/on par with Warshades, but that's it.

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Belated Justice, #88003
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I think they should either make Photon Seekers recharge faster or change the the 3 pets to one pet and have it look like lightform, have the same AI like a Singularity, and have human form range powers.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
Change the the 3 pets to one pet and have it look like lightform, have the same AI like a Singularity, and have human form range powers.
Only problem with that idea is that it's a carbon copy of Extracted Essence minus actually having to extract anything from a dead enemy. That compromises one of the differences in playstyle between PBs and Warshades and could potentially end up being too much of an advantage.

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Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Same here... Eclipse is so good that I've always felt that it's "too good to be true."

One of these days, I'm going to wake up and realize it was all a dream.

I also feel like Eclipse is almost too good to be true...along with Dark Extraction, Gravitic Emanation, and Stygian Circle.

If you don't believe me on either of those:
Dark Extraction being the most damaging pets blueside (last time I read), while doing useful -recharge if you have a few out.
Gravitic Emanation being perma by just slotting with Acc/Stun/Recharge IO's - who else can that easily perma a mag 3 AoE stun? Makes soloing 90% of situations a cake walk.
Stygian Circle eliminating end problems basically as soon as you get it, and increasing survival by a ton.