Ice/Psi Dumb Idea?




Hey folks. Just wanted to get an opinion here. I've never managed to get a dom above level 12. For some reason they just aren't clicking for me. I mostly play corrs and upon the daydreaming that corrs ever got Psi, I got the idea of doing psi/cold for a lot of recharge/slow.

Of course, I can't have that yet, so I was considering maybe trying out ice/psi on a dom for a kind of *******-cousin of the idea. This would be purely PVE at this point, I don't really care about perma. Anyone got any comments on the feasibility of this combo?

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I didn't look at the link, so I may be echoing things said there already.

I've played both sets, though not together, and I'd say it most definitely would be worth playing. Ice slick/Arctic Air would provide a very safe platform to get in and drop a psychic shockwave, and the sets would gel well when you Flash Freeze a group and then go in to pick off the sleepers one by one with Psi's increased single target capabilities. Not to mention the stacking -recharge and -slow as you mentioned. Shiver+Psychic Scream would be a good way to slow down whole groups on teams, making it easier for you and the rest of your group to annihilate.

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I have one at lvl 36 who I am absolutely in love with. He is a complete contributor, when holds or traditional controls don't work the soft controls work well, and with the buff, /psi is great at dealing the damage.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.



Thanks Perifi, nice to see you on the boards. :P

Also, I just realized I could do the cold/psi on a defender, but I'm too much of a redsider to care. But that link is helpful and I'll be looking into this as an experiment.

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Actually you can hit the -movement cap (-95%) with unslotted Artic Air (65%) plus unslotted Shiver (65%). Slotted up it gives you totals of -256%. That means that you exceed maximum values even against +5s.

You also hit the -rech cap (75%) with just these 2 powers. Shiver gives a -rech of 65% and Arctic Air gives a -rech of 50%. That will keep you at maximum values against +2s. The values from Shiver can be double stacked with enough +rech except that even that isn't needed. The -20% from Frostbite has a 15 sec duration and a 8 second recharge out of the box. A single recharge will allow you to double stack the -rech in this power keeping you at the cap even against +4s.

The -rech in /Psi would be redundant.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
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Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
But that link is helpful and I'll be looking into this as an experiment.
Keep in mind just how much /Psi has changed when you do that. For example; Telekinetic Thrust is no longer a minor damage knockback power, but a strong attack.

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I only have two level 50s, and I've been playing since about three weeks after the game launched. One of those 50s is an Ice/Psi Dominator. I really enjoy the character and I enjoyed the trip to 50 a great deal -- though I'd have liked it pre-level 38 if /Psi had the current changes back when CoV came out.

My advice:

Use Arctic Air like a madman. Slot it for -End, damage procs and Contagious Confusion if you can. It lets you nerf enemy attacks to half speed, confuse minions and Lieutenants, reduce enemy movement to a crawl AND goes whooshhhhhh all the time to remind you that you are deathdealing engine of wintery destruction. Seriously, this power VASTLY increases your survivability and combined with Shiver can floor enemy recharge. You'll have enemies trying to (slowly) run away simply because they have no more powers ready for the next twenty seconds.

Slot Drain Psyche for +Recharge and +End Mod. Ignore Stamina and Health. It's very easy to hit the endurance regen cap with this power by jumping into the middle of a group of jerks (who will now be confused and slowed by Arctic Air), laugh off the alpha and have seemingly infinite endurance and extreme health regen for 30 seconds -- long enough to polish off most or all of a group. I commonly have over 12 end per second and 50+ health per second regen from this power.

Slot Ice Patch for +recharge. Not only does this power mostly nullify large groups for quite a while, watching them flop up and down like morons as you lay into them really never gets old. Bonus: Ice Patch lets you use Drain Psyche even more easily.

Get to level 38 and revel in Psychic Shockwave. Melting spawns with this as you cackle in your Arctic Air is REALLY FUN. The Dominator version puts the cheap Blaster version to shame. Go nuts.

Ice/Psi has very good soft controls. Use them wisely, ignore damage taken until you're at half health or less (as Drain Psyche's regen is very very good -- though I took Aid Self as my "OH POOP!" option), and you can mess up enemies so much with -recharge and confusion that they are scarcely better than held or stunned enemies. Find a Corruptor friend with /Kinetics and you'll be happy as a clam. This is good stuff. Have fun!

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

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Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Actually you can hit the -movement cap (-95%) with unslotted Artic Air (65%) plus unslotted Shiver (65%). Slotted up it gives you totals of -256%. That means that you exceed maximum values even against +5s.

You also hit the -rech cap (75%) with just these 2 powers. Shiver gives a -rech of 65% and Arctic Air gives a -rech of 50%. That will keep you at maximum values against +2s. The values from Shiver can be double stacked with enough +rech except that even that isn't needed. The -20% from Frostbite has a 15 sec duration and a 8 second recharge out of the box. A single recharge will allow you to double stack the -rech in this power keeping you at the cap even against +4s.

The -rech in /Psi would be redundant.
One thing I like about my Ice/Psi is that you can even nerf AV recharge pretty well with the hugely stackable -recharge from both primary and secondary. Though I like /Psi as much or more for Drain Psyche and Psychic Shockwave.

Soloing, I tend to rely on AA and PS to do my -recharge nerfing, as I just hop in and let fly to start damaging early instead of setting up a Shiver cone. But... I'm impatient.

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

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Slot Drain Psyche for +Recharge and +End Mod....Slot Ice Patch for +recharge.
Are you talking about slotting for recharge reduction and extra end mod, or are you talking about Procs here?

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Originally Posted by FizRep View Post
One thing I like about my Ice/Psi is that you can even nerf AV recharge pretty well with the hugely stackable -recharge from both primary and secondary. Though I like /Psi as much or more for Drain Psyche and Psychic Shockwave.

Soloing, I tend to rely on AA and PS to do my -recharge nerfing, as I just hop in and let fly to start damaging early instead of setting up a Shiver cone. But... I'm impatient.
I merely mention that the extra -rech in /psi is redundant, not that the 2 paired together is a bad idea. They synergize quite well together but that's due to the power options available, not to adding together or layering the secondary effects. Just like my FF/Dark defender an Ice/Psi Dom exemplars fairly well. (It actually plays better when exemplared than at the same level when leveling up.)

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
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