Blue moon wishes/thoughts for the new year




Hey everybody.

This was inspired by a thread I saw in the Comic Culture forum. The premise is essentially the same though I feel the people around here will get a better response and generally will be kinder than those people (I made the mistake of posting what I'm gonna post here there, though I'm not taking it down because I have a handful of freinds there). What are your thoughts/wishes for the new year? You don't get a blue moon new years often so might as well use it.

I have a few wishes. I am wishing that my move to my college dorm/apartment in two weeks goes well. I hope for good grades an lots of new freinds.

I do have two bigger wishes though. I do wish to find a nice guy to be with and to not be the lone single guy among my freinds anymore. Goign hand in hand with that is my wish for my parents to finally believe and accept the fact that I am homosexual. It's been a long uphill battle and it's hurt me a fair amount so I'm hoping with the new experiences next year I can convince them finally that this is the life I lead.

And of course, I hope for many more pleasant times on the forums with all you guys and here's to good teaming with you all via any sort of artsy forum goodness. You have become a part of my life that has been a lot of help to me in lots of ways. Best wishes to you all.

Well I hope I can hear your wishes for the new year and happy new year to you all.

Kevin "General Knowledge" Anderson



Absolute best of luck with your parents. The older I get, the more insane it seems to me why the heck anyone cares what other people do in their bedrooms. I hope you find a nice guy, too =)

For me, I'm hoping my appeal for financial aid for college goes through. Again. Since I had two semesters where I had to withdraw from classes (one when my mother died and the other when I developed a disease that left me with partial blindness), until I graduate, I'll have to appeal to be allowed to take Federal student loans and aid every semester.... It's like never being able to get over hurdles, and they were things I had no control over. I want to choke them every time I have to give them my mother's death certificate to prove she died when I said she did.



I'm wishing things work out for the wife and I and she gets pregnant.

Happy new year all and may all your wishes come true.



I hope my art progresses twice as much as it has this year. I hope to find more balance in my life. I hope to find a women who will treat me right.



my wish is that I hope everyone here and those I know IRL get what they need and find happiness in the travels that lead them to where they need to be. I am blessed to know each and every one of you plus I have a blessed family as well here at home. I honestly can't wish for anything for myself.



For me, 2009 started out with some extreme pressure...I was told on Christmas Eve of 2008 that the company I was working for was folding and I'd be laid off in a few weeks. I spent my holidays getting my resume together and networking for a new job.

Things have settled down for me now, with a new job, new digs, and I think the growth of my gallery reflects how good I've got it these days. I'm especially happy to have recently grown closer friendships with folks from the Art Forums here. My interest in CoH/V has been renewed with our recent SG/'s fairly uncommon that a group like this comes together and gels quickly; invariably I run into people that you just don't want to team/be in the same group yet and that hasn't happened. I think I've found just the right niche and I have all of you to thank for that.

This year will be about tackling other goals such as getting back into shape, developing my career further, and drawing/creating art more regularly. I hope all of your goals do come through for you, and if there's anything I can do to assist you, please let me know. We're a team now, I'm pulling for all of us to have a very successful 2010.



I would wish that all your wishes come true, having the love of my life, a house, a fulfilling yet underpaid job, a great son, (sorry GD he just found a nice guy) and the fattest cat in all of creation... may everyone's New Year be filled with hope. I am looking forward to the new decade, 2010 has a great ring to it...

Here's to better art, more art, and my FART crown, oh yeah I said it!

Peace out...



I have a few wishes myself for 2010.

First off that my work situation is finally resolved. I'm unhappy where I'm working now (and underpaid to boot) and I really want to find a way to escape that such that I will be happy and can start developing a stable financial footing with with to stand on.

I also wish that my experimentations with graphic design continue and I can make something out of what is currently a hobby that I enjoy doing. (Maybe related to number 1 eh? Who knows).

I've been stuck in a rut for a while and I want to improve myself and get out of it.

I also wish success and happiness for all of my friends, both those I know in person and those I know over the intertubes.



I guess my wish is that I'll finish my book. I'm a third of the way through it. Also, I would like college to go more smoothly and veteran's affairs to go more smoothly for me too. Anyone who's dealt with them before knows that you have to wait months for your money, and it can get difficult quick.

I wish a good year for everyone.



Hmm my wishes? Well I'd like to survive my last semester of high school and also figure out what the heck I want to major in. My skills as an artist to improve 10 folds and finally to get a girlfriend. Also I wish for this year to be a great year for me, last year just kinda sucked all around for me.

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller



My appeal for Federal aid went through yesterday. So, yay! I can attend college for another semester!!



Grats Wassy!

I don't post a bunch but when I do it's here (drinking a Dos XX. lol sorry it popped in my head) and the Comics section (usually to complain about Heroes). You guys and ladies here are awesome though and I hope to one day be in financial situation to afford some cool arts from you all!

I know some of you know my last year was a nightmare. My wife was diagnosed with MS and had to leave work, my son had to enter a school from hell and money and work were horrible. As the year closed my wife is doing better, my son is now in a certified home school program and I had a position change at work. No money news yet but I'm hopeful for the first time in a long time. So my wish for the new year would be that what I consider a positive shift in my life would continue.

Also how can I not wish all your hopes and dreams and needs come true?!?!?!



Grats Wassy!

I'm already very blessed with employment, a great family and a community of people here! Besides my wishes for health, joy and peace to all - my personal wish is to find more time to dedicate to my art, learn Photoshop and have better health this year.

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