Teleporter Beacon Grouping
There's various approaches I've seen work. I think the important thing is just to have an obvious system rather than randomness.
Most people seem to split off the city and hazard zones, organizing them within those two groups either alphabetically or by level range. I'm more a fan of the latter.
So, for instance, you might organize this way:
Atlas Park/Galaxy City
Kings Row/Steel Canyon
Skyway City/Faultline
Talos Island/Independence Port
Founders Falls/Peregrine Island
Rikti War Zone/Pocket D
The Hollows/Perez Park
Boomtown/Striga Isle
Terra Volta/Dark Astoria
Crey's Folly/Eden
If you go this route, I'd place the Hollow/Perez beacons on the telepad closest to the 3x4 room where the other hazard zone beacons are.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Tyvm for the help. Now I can place the beacons with some confidence that they will be in good order. I really appreciate the help.
You're quite welcome. Now that zone level restrictions have been lifted from the hazard zones and anyone can go there, some might argue that segregating the hazard zones doesn't make as much sense as it once did.
However, you'll have far, far fewer missions in hazard zones than elsewhere on average, so I still think it makes sense to put the city zones in one aggregate and the hazard zones in smaller aggregate elsewhere in the base. SG members will be using the city zone teleports to go from place to place and they'll get a heck of a lot more traffic than will the hazard zones.
Good luck with your base! I'm sure however you set it up, your SG mates will be appreciative to have the convenience.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Mine are placed in 3 rooms, instead of two. And arranged almost precisely as Justaris suggested. Except that Atlas has its own pad, seeing as how it is so oft traveled, I decided to give it its own dedicated access, and PI and RWZ are in the center each on their own as well. Then, I have another room that only has the Pocket D teleporter, and connected to that room, are all the remaining hazard zone TPers.
[City Zones] -> [Pocket D] -> [Hazard Zones]
I find it to be a rather intuitive system, and works just fine for us.
I have also seen it organized based on what areas branch from where. So, AP and Perez would share a spot, Steel and Boomtown would share, IP and TV, etc. This one is slightly harder to organize, as several zones attach to PP for instance, but it often ends up making a lot of sense as well.
In the courtyard of Castle Draconis (my main SG base) I put the Hazard Zone with the City Zone of the same level, roughly.
8 Telepads -
King's Row/Pocket D (not a HZ, I know, but there aren't any that connect)
Steel Canyon/Faultline (again, not an HZ, but Faultline connects to Skyway)
Talos Island/Dark Astoria
Croatoa/Striga Island
Brickstown/Crey's Folly
Founder's Falls/Eden
Peregrine Island/Rikti War Zone
Here's a vid of my set up.
I put the main city zones by level and paired them with the hazard/secondary zone that's associated with them.
Atlas - Hollows
Galaxy - Perez
Kings - Pocket D
Sky - Faultline
Steel - Boomtown
Talos -Astoria
Independence Port - Terra Volta
Croatoa - Striga
Founders - Eden
Bricks - Crey's
Peregrine - RWZ (Rikti Crash Site used to be off of PI)
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I was in a similar position to you last year. Redside the TPs are arranged in level order, but heroside was much more complex.
Because the SG was new to blue side, it was more confusing to have things in level order because we didn't know the zones.
I eventually settled on alphabetical while ensuring the frequently used areas were most accessable (Talos, Atlas).
Now the TPs are in a 5x5 and a 3x4 room. The 3x4 holds 4 TPs of the most often used (Talos, Atlas, PI, FF, Steel, RWZ and Pocket D), the 5x5 room holds the rest in alphabetical order left to right.
I am still reviewing the order because I know if a team mate uses a base it can be a bit confusing. But it works well for me. I used to have little decorations near each beacon as an aide-memoire (sacks for talos - shops, weapons for RWZ, bottles for the D) that helped a little early on.
Do check out the overlay in this thread, I love the arcane TPs but the beacons seem more tricky to read, this helps that a great deal.

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Just my two bits here, but considering the number of zones blueside (and thus beacons & pads needed), I have all my beacons arranged alphabetically, stretching in a long line along one wall across the two rooms needed. Basically its a long "L" shape of nothing but porters.
Closest porter in the first image of course starts with Atlas, and the line continues through into the next room and around the corner (2nd and 3rd images) in alphabetical order. The only beacon I haven't bothered to place is Pocket D since the few people in this SG all have the Pocket D VIP Pass. If the need comes up for it, I'll add it into the line.
I have played red side for 3 years but am new to blue side. I have a sg base with all 22 beacons. In the 5 x 5 room, I have 8 porters, 2 rows of 4, and I put the other 3 in the 3 x 4 room. I haven't placed any beacons yet because I'm not sure about the grouping. It's easy to place beacons on vill side b/c there are so few they practically group themselves. I'm wondering if someone has suggestions for beacon grouping on hero side? I want to make the grouping easy for teammates to use during tf's. Suggestions Please!