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I talked to her and she says I could start the tf if I wanted to. Thanks a lot, that's what I wanted.
I finished Buck Salinger's arc, Rescue 3 and protect stone henge, and now all he says is "I have nothing else for you". I just hit lvl 32 after I finished the last mish but I haven't talked to him since I trained up. Maybe that's what I need to do. The zone says it goes up to lvl 34 so I shouldn't have out-leveled it, I hope.
Need a hero's help. I've played red side for a little 4 years. I recently started making heros and playing blue side. I have a hero at lvl 32 and just finished everything I can do in Croatoa that I can find. How do I get the Katie SF, if I'm even spelling it right?
Tyvm for the help. Now I can place the beacons with some confidence that they will be in good order. I really appreciate the help.
I have played red side for 3 years but am new to blue side. I have a sg base with all 22 beacons. In the 5 x 5 room, I have 8 porters, 2 rows of 4, and I put the other 3 in the 3 x 4 room. I haven't placed any beacons yet because I'm not sure about the grouping. It's easy to place beacons on vill side b/c there are so few they practically group themselves. I'm wondering if someone has suggestions for beacon grouping on hero side? I want to make the grouping easy for teammates to use during tf's. Suggestions Please!
I have played on Champion server for just over 3 years. During which time I've made a lot of friends and built up a nice sg base with a ton of prestige. It's hard to walk away from all that to another server. With the release of I-13 and pretty much every issue and patch since, this game been one nerf after another. People get very frustrated when they spend their time to level up and IO a character only to watch it's performance be diminished by a new nerf, in several cases making the toon no longer fun to play. This has caused and continues to cause population decreases across the servers. Champion got to a point where you either ran PvE solo most of the time or stood around in one of the PvP zones for hours waiting for anyone to PvP with. I got to a point where I barely logged into the game at all and was on the brink of discontinuing both of my accounts. Why give more money by paying for server transfers to the same people responsible for the population decline? I couldn't justify that. With this free server transfer, I moved toons from both of my accounts over to Freedom and started over with a base. This saved me from dropping my accounts because Freedom is like the game used to be when I fell in love with it years ago. It's easy to find teams for whatever you want to do. The zones are always full and active. I posted a thread a while back about server consolidation that met with many negative comments. Maybe this is the Dev's way of giving us the ability to consolidate the servers ourselves. It could also be a sign that game population has dropped to a point that the end may be near. Either way, I'm glad they did it.
I upgraded from Vista Ultimate to Win 7 Ultimate. I did a clean install of everything. I purchased and run CoX as a stand alone program, not through a client like Steam. Everything on my pc works great including the game. The only problem I've noticed is the CoH Updater takes 1.5 minutes to start from the time I click the icon. After that, everything else is fine. I have a ton of free space and memory. My CPU is a AMD 64 dual core at 3 Ghz. I know it has nothing to do with my hardware as it's the same hardware when I ran Vista. This isn't really a problem as it is an annoyance. Any ideas on how to rectify this annoyance will be appreciated. Of course, patience is a virtue they say, just not one of mine.
Look, I already asked you to look it up.
Pistols are not generally effective passed 3 to 5 meters. They were designed as last-chance military weapons to be used when your enemy charges at you. They are "knock-down" weapons intended to keep opponents from over running your position.
They are melee weapons. And CoH melee range is 10 feet/3 meters. Look it up
[/ QUOTE ]
The maximum EFFECTIVE range of an Beretta 9mm pistol is 50 meters or 54.7 yards, but the maximum range of the bullet itself is 1800 meters. This is the pistol used by all branches excluding the special forces units. It is not a knockdown pistol designed for military as a last resort. It was designed as a secondary weapon in case of failure of your primary weapon. However the average shooter will be lucky to hit a man size target past 25 meters. How do I know this you might ask? I am a Combat Weapons Master Instructor for the United States Marine Corps. As far as them being melee weapons in game I don't know and don't care but they are not melee weapons in the military. That is what your bayonet or k-bar knifes are designed for. 8)
[/ QUOTE ]
When I was in the service, many years ago, we were issued a M-16 A2, short barrel 12ga. pump, and a 1911 Colt .45 with .45 ACP FMJ ammo. The Colt served us very well. I am sorry to hear that you are now issued Barretas. For home defense, I use a Glock 30 compact .45 using .45 GAC HP ammo. It is sighted for 10 yards because it is a "home defense" weapon. The range is much more than that, but 30 feet suits it's purpose. All guns have a range, hence why they are ranged weapons, not melee. If u want a melee weapon, try a baseball bat, they work well.
Anyway, has anyone heard about a perspective release date for this expansion? I'm really looking forward to it. -
Flight may be the coolest travel power in the game but why keep it so slow. I have 2 travel powers on all of my 50's but only 1 has flight. When I use flight, 2 slotted with freebirds I think, I'm always the last one to the mish but I have one of the fastest loading machines. Will you PLEASE speed up flight? More people would probably use it if it wasn't so slow.
(Edit) This is probably the wrong page to post this. although I've played for years, I seldom post. Could someone inform me to which page this should go. -
You are as intelligent as a dead bush -
If I didn't have a reason to close both of my accounts an quit this game I do now. Talk about the villians. If we weren't under powered before, we definately are now. Have any of the Dev's ever read a comic. Villians are equally as powerful as hero's, just opposite weaknesses. I can't believe we got screwed again. Are they biased or am I insane?