Katie SF




Need a hero's help. I've played red side for a little 4 years. I recently started making heros and playing blue side. I have a hero at lvl 32 and just finished everything I can do in Croatoa that I can find. How do I get the Katie SF, if I'm even spelling it right?



Hero side has task forces, not strike forces; just a terminology nitpick. Don't pay it too much mind.


Katie Hannon is unlocked by Buck Salinger. If you have not finished Bucks' arc, you cannot start KHTF. You can, however, join other characters on a KHTF if someone else has finished Buck Salinger's arc and been introduced.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I finished Buck Salinger's arc, Rescue 3 and protect stone henge, and now all he says is "I have nothing else for you". I just hit lvl 32 after I finished the last mish but I haven't talked to him since I trained up. Maybe that's what I need to do. The zone says it goes up to lvl 34 so I shouldn't have out-leveled it, I hope.



Originally Posted by jc2605 View Post
I finished Buck Salinger's arc, Rescue 3 and protect stone henge, and now all he says is "I have nothing else for you".
If that's the case, you just need to go up to Katie with 5 teammates and start the task force. But to be honest, you do not want to do lead the task force at your current level. You will want someone level 34 or up to lead it. The enemies in it will spawn at level 34 at the very least, with Mary MacComber going up in level to at least level 37.

Check Badge-hunter for a map of croatoa which will show where Katie is, if you didn't already know.

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I talked to her and she says I could start the tf if I wanted to. Thanks a lot, that's what I wanted.



As an aside, they really should look at the merit rewards for this TF. I've thought 9 merits was a marginal reward for the TF as it currently existed, but then in I19 I think they changed the 2nd mission to an escort out rather than just a free the captive... this does not make the mission more challenging or more interesting, it just makes it more tedious (and Amy has trouble navigating the tunnels to boot). Plus on the last run I did Mary went nuts, which seems to happen at least half the time anymore, so you have 10 AVs to defeat, a non-stealthable hostage escort on a very large cavern map, a small defeat all mission, and a final mission that is technically stealthable but often turns into a massive melee-fest anyway.

All for 9 merits, and a hat, and the Amy power (which I admit is nice to have). But I'd like a couple of more merits at least. Nobody I know likes running this TF anymore.

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Oh really? I didn't remember it was as little as seven.

Still, this and the Eden Trial give virtually no reward for the effort. At least I know the Eden Trial can still be stealthed, so I kind of understand why they've set the reward so low. (Would be nice if it were fixed so a level 50 could start it anyway.)

Of course, there are other TFs that probably give too much reward, considering how fast they can be run....

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