Quick question:




How much recharge is needed to make AM perma?

With a 127.50% recharge bonus(with hasten+AM) I have some downtime, and I'd like to know what I need to aim for in order to get it down for only a little bit.

I know that the amount needed to perma it is floating around somewhere, but I can't find it.



I don't have the numbers handy, so I can't tell you, but I can tell you how to figure it out.

Take the Duration and divide by the base Recharge Time. This will give you the TOTAL recharge needed to make the power become available just as it wears off. Subtract 100% from the result you got to get the Recharge bonus needed.
Example: If the Duration is 300s and the Recharge is 100s, you need (300/100)-1=2.00 or +200% Recharge bonus.
Note: Recharge slotted in the power counts towards the Recharge needed. If you have 95% Recharge slotted, you only need +105% from other sources in this example.
Also, when calculated this way, the power is "down" during the animation time. Replace Duration in the formula with (Duration+Activation Time). This makes it so that, if you activate the power the instant it's ready, the animation ends and the power restarts just as the first application wears off. (Actually, not exactly in most cases; search for "Arcanatime" to find out why)

Of course, slows will create gaps. Some people like to go over the minimum needed t buffer against this.

Also remember that there is a hard cap of +400% on recharge time. If Duration is more than 5x Recharge, it is never going to be possible to perma the power.

I've spent so long typing this, and been interrupted so many times (Darn customers think I'm actually here for their benefit! The nerve!) someone's probably already answered your original question. But now, you know how to figure it out for any power!




Originally Posted by Border View Post
How much recharge is needed to make AM perma?

With a 127.50% recharge bonus(with hasten+AM) I have some downtime, and I'd like to know what I need to aim for in order to get it down for only a little bit.

I know that the amount needed to perma it is floating around somewhere, but I can't find it.
This is a rather complex question you're asking. I'll try to break it down in pieces.

First: AM has recharge of 422s and a duration of 120s. So it requires 422/120 = 3.52 total recharge to be perma. That part is easy (technically, as previously mentioned, you need to factor in activation, but I won't because this is going to get pretty complicated as it is).

If you slot it to the ED soft cap (+0.95), then the combination of slotting plus AM's buff (+0.2) gives a total recharge of 1 + 0.95 + 0.2 = 2.15. You'd need 3.52 - 2.15 = 1.37 more recharge, or +137% recharge.

You say you have Hasten which helps: it offers +0.7 (+70%) recharge. In that case you'd only need +67% recharge more.

But Hasten isn't perma either. In this case, you have a problem. Specifically an algebra problem. I will refer you to my Guide to Recharge, specifically the section on "Multiple Recharge Boosting Powers."

But in summary, working backward we assume that AM goes perma before Hasten, and thus assume that you are always under a +0.2 recharge buff but might not be under the Hasten buff all the time. We then have to solve this equation pair:

1.37 = h + b (average hasten buff plus outside buff equals the buff necessary to make AM perma)
h = 0.7 * 120 * (1.95 + 0.2 + h + b) / 450 (average hasten buff equals hasten's buff times its uptime percentage)

h = 0.7 * 120 * (1.95 + 0.2 + 1.37) / 450
h = 0.657
b = 0.713

In other words, slot both AM and Hasten with +95% recharge, and somehow get +71.3% recharge in invention bonuses (or some other source), and AM will be basically perma. Hasten will, incidentally, be close to perma:

120 * (1.95 + 0.7 + 0.2 + 0.713) = 427.56
450 - 427.56 = 22.44
22.44 / (1.95 + 0.2 + 0.713) = 7.8

Hasten will be up 120s and down about 8s, plus activation time. Just as a double check, hasten's average buff will be about 0.657, so AM's recharge will be:

120 * (1.95 + 0.657 + 0.2 + 0.713) = 422.4
422 < 422.4

So AM is perma under these circumstances. Although technically speaking, this is only on average. The *worst* case Hasten cycling would be the case where Hasten aligns such that all of its downtime occurs in a single AM cycle. In that case, Hasten's average benefit during that one cycle would be 0.7 * (112/120) = 0.653. That is so close to the average (0.657) that its basically a roundoff error. To be safe, and to include activation times, I would say that +75% recharge would make AM perma (and Hasten just about perma) when you are cycling both continuously.

I wish there was an easier way to compute this, but there it is. I hope I got the math right: I'm a bit rushed at the moment, which is why I performed the doublecheck calculation. If I made a boo-boo, the doublecheck says it wasn't a big one.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If I read this right, I need 71.3% recharge without anything on(Hasten or AM in this case) to get AM perma, right?

To be honest, I'm not striving to make it perma, I just wanted to see how close I should try to get. Right now I only have 33.75%, so I have a ways to go I guess.



Originally Posted by Border View Post
If I read this right, I need 71.3% recharge without anything on(Hasten or AM in this case) to get AM perma, right?

To be honest, I'm not striving to make it perma, I just wanted to see how close I should try to get. Right now I only have 33.75%, so I have a ways to go I guess.
No what Arcanaville is saying is you need those two powers cycling(make sure thay get clicked as soon as they are up) with 95% recharge slotting in them(ED capped) plus 75% recharge bonus globally to make AM perma.



Originally Posted by Border View Post
If I read this right, I need 71.3% recharge without anything on(Hasten or AM in this case) to get AM perma, right?

To be honest, I'm not striving to make it perma, I just wanted to see how close I should try to get. Right now I only have 33.75%, so I have a ways to go I guess.
With that level of recharge assuming you cycle Hasten as fast as it recharges AM will be up "most of the time."

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
AM's buff (+0.2)
AM gives +30% recharge, not 20%...




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
AM gives +30% recharge, not 20%...
Oops, you're right (actually, my guide got it right: I should have probably read that). Ah well, I did say I was rushed. Fortunately, it only changes the computed required recharge by about two percentage points (from 71.3% to 69.4%) and given the wiggle room required by cast times I'd still recommend aiming for about 75% recharge bonus just to be sure.

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