Static Team
Have you put this in Justice United or JFA2010 at all? Lots of action there and some people may be interested.
I want to start up a static team on Justice server.
Saturday nights. 8pm PST(11pm EST) start time. I know this is late for alot of players. But this is the start time I wanna use. I actually might move it up an hour and make it 9pm PST start time. Dunno yet. To give everyone a background on my static team experience, i have been a leader of or part of a static team(s) for at least 4 years. On Justice and on Champion(most recent). I am the leader of a villain static team running on Sunday nights. We have had the same 8 players from the start and for the most part has been super fun. On Wednesday night, my static team is lv 50 and in the final parts of the praetorian AV arc and are about to make the move to a villain team. I would prefer this new static team i want to put together be a hero team. More choices and much more to do. This will not be a power-level team, but rather i want it to be a monster/badge hunting style team. That is my hope. Therefore i put this out to the players on Justice(or anyone else reading this thread) to see who might be interested. I plan to have our first session Jan 2nd if possible. That gives a week and a half to get enough people. Even if we only have 4 heroes by then, i still plan to start the team. I will work out other details of the team as this thread fills with interested folks. SJ |
If you can PM me some details like which badges, extact times (since you stated it might be an hour later), and what zone to start in. I can put it on the Justice United calendar and Message of the day for others to join to get the ball rolling.

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Saturday's at 8pm? I'd be up for that. Send me a tell, my global is @TimothyX.
yes 8pm PST. West Coast time.
what i would like to do is form a team and while we advance in our career, do the badge missions, do the task forces, hunt the appriate monsters and explore and check out the plaques. I would like to possibly turn the team into a monster hunting team when the server messages popup and we are between missions. That would have to be a team decision.
ty btw chrome. that would be great. just call it an 8pm PST start time. 6 spots open. PM me or post in this thread if you have preference for AT/powersets.
For supergroup, i have a supergroup that is usable or ppl can use their own SGs. doesnt matter.
Well, I'm up for this Saturday at 8pm. I'll send you a tell when I'm in game next. I'm assuming your global is @StoneJaguar but if that's not it, please let me know.
yes 8pm PST. West Coast time.
what i would like to do is form a team and while we advance in our career, do the badge missions, do the task forces, hunt the appriate monsters and explore and check out the plaques. I would like to possibly turn the team into a monster hunting team when the server messages popup and we are between missions. That would have to be a team decision. ty btw chrome. that would be great. just call it an 8pm PST start time. 6 spots open. PM me or post in this thread if you have preference for AT/powersets. For supergroup, i have a supergroup that is usable or ppl can use their own SGs. doesnt matter. sJ |
If there is still room you can count me in.
LOL just gonna be 3 of us.
and yes, @stonejaguar
Well, keep in mind I havent mentioned levels or ATs or anything. we can meet at the time with alts then break to make new toons after we figure out how the team is made up. maybe more ppl will show up.
Lets meet in atlas park away from the normal traffic. Lets meet at the Undefeated badge. If you dont know where that is, it is near the Steel tunnel out of AP on a billboard. Meet ont he adjoining building's roof. 8pm tonight pacific time.
As far as team makeup goes, for a large team usually anything the player wants is ok. unless you end up having multiple of same powersets or multiple tanks.
On a 3 or 4 person team, this might be an issue. lets talk about that tonight.
There is a small chance I may be late or not be able to show up. Very small. If I am not on by 8:30, then postpone to next week. I don't hide my global and am in both justice united and JFA2010.
see ya later.
So far, just 3 of us for this static team. We will discuss the team when we meet in AP. See if it will be fun with just 3. It can be. I guess we could leave the door open for more ppl to join as we start out.
I want to start up a static team on Justice server.
Saturday nights. 8pm PST(11pm EST) start time. I know this is late for alot of players. But this is the start time I wanna use. I actually might move it up an hour and make it 9pm PST start time. Dunno yet.
To give everyone a background on my static team experience, i have been a leader of or part of a static team(s) for at least 4 years. On Justice and on Champion(most recent). I am the leader of a villain static team running on Sunday nights. We have had the same 8 players from the start and for the most part has been super fun. On Wednesday night, my static team is lv 50 and in the final parts of the praetorian AV arc and are about to make the move to a villain team.
I would prefer this new static team i want to put together be a hero team. More choices and much more to do. This will not be a power-level team, but rather i want it to be a monster/badge hunting style team. That is my hope.
Therefore i put this out to the players on Justice(or anyone else reading this thread) to see who might be interested.
I plan to have our first session Jan 2nd if possible. That gives a week and a half to get enough people. Even if we only have 4 heroes by then, i still plan to start the team. I will work out other details of the team as this thread fills with interested folks.