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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
    smoke come pvp with us...
    Does PvP happen much on Justice? I'd really like to start working on my PvP badges but the zones and arena seem like ghost towns these days. I guess what I'm saying is, when are you on, I'll join you if you'll have me.
  2. TimothyX

    Grand Lanista

    Does anyone on Justice (blue side) want to go for this badge sometime this week? My schedule is pretty open so send me a tell in the game (@TimothyX) if you're up for doing this.
  3. TimothyX

    HellBane / Caleb

    Well, I made some progress tonight. I killed a hundred Nerva Demons and spawned Caleb and then used the /targetcustomnext Caleb command and, for the first time ever, I found him and targeted him. Unfortunately he's so damn fast that I lost him in the time it took me to type a message to the globals for help. Whatever though, at least I laid eyes on him. Next time I'll put a team together first. And have a full inspiration tray of yellows. I'll try again in the morning.
  4. TimothyX

    HellBane / Caleb

    Thanks for the replies everyone and thanks especially for the /targetcustomnext advice, that should be a huge help.

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    At any rate you might want to specify which server you are on. You might also ask in your server's badge channel(s) and server forum.
    Doh! Yeah, that might've been helpful. I'm on Justice, and I play almost every weekday morning and randomly on the weekends. If anyone wants to join in, feel free to send me a tell in game (@TimothyX).

    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    If you have spent quite a bit of time on defeating Spectral Demons, then chances are that you have summoned Caleb. It is just a matter of finding him. I am not sure if he triggers the global monster alert.
    Every time I've spawned him, there has been a global monster alert. It wouldn't surprise me much to find out that a lot of people just ignore it when they see it due to previous frustrations.

    Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
    Since you've been able to spawn him successfully, care to share the trick? I've been on multiple teams that were going by what's on paragonwiki and were unable to spawn him after an hour or more of trying. That is one of the badges I just pretend doesn't exist in the game at this point, it's too frustrating trying for it.
    The only thing I've ever needed to do to spawn him is to kill a ton of Nerva Demons. I'm doing this with my 50 blaster and I'm sticking to the shoreline of Thorn Isle so it's not a problem. As previously mentioned, less damage intensive AT's will likely need a team helping with this. Allegedly you only need 100 but whatever, after killing everything I run into between sunrise and sunset, he spawns. That said, if you don't see the global monster alert that he's spawned at sunset it's possible that he's already in the zone or that he's on some sort of timer and you can only spawn him every so often. Those are the theories I've been given by others anyway.

    Thanks again for the helpful advice everyone!
  5. Hey Tubbius, I've noticed it in the last few weeks too. It doesn't matter if I'm alone in a zone, which I have been a lot lately, or taking part in a ship raid, I just get weird lag spikes. The reason they're weird is that they don't always happen but when they do happen they seem to happen on a bizarrely regular schedule. Like every five minutes my game just turns into a slide show for a 60-90 seconds (I'm not actually timing anything but the intervals are that regular). There's no way it's my bandwidth, I have insanely fast internet here. I'd begun to think it was one of the recent Windows updates but after uninstalling all of them, there was no difference. I've reinstalled them and have updated all my drivers and still the problem happens. Not every day but frequently enough.

    I'm buying a new system in the next month or so and I'm really hoping that puts an end to it.

    Originally Posted by Tubbius View Post
    I usually experience around 200-300 ping when playing on Justice, even if my girlfriend and I are both sharing the connection to the router which is in the other room. As of late, though, for roughly the past week, I've been experiencing lag spikes of anywhere between 900-1000 ping up into the 5500-6000 range, even when I'm the only person active on the connection and fairly late at night. As far as I know, all of the hardware at the house is still in good condition.

    Is anyone ELSE lagging like crazy on Justice as of late? I'm east coast US, but I've never had this kind of trouble before. Could it have anything to do with the fact that my mom is on Facebook playing various games often while I'm trying to play COH?

    I know all this is REALLY vague, but I'm no computer man. I'm just looking to see if anyone else is experiencing similar stuff.

  6. TimothyX

    HellBane / Caleb

    Hi everyone. I've been told that you need decent +perception in order to spot Caleb once he's been spawned. I have no idea if that's the case but I've managed to spawn him five times both alone and on teams and I've never even seen him. Does anyone else out there need the badge too? I'd really like to get a team of players together and go after him sometime this week or this weekend maybe. He's literally the last defeat badge I need. Anyone up for that?
  7. Jack Lord - 50 Ice/Ice Blaster, if you have room for me.
  8. TimothyX

    Static Team

    Well, I'm up for this Saturday at 8pm. I'll send you a tell when I'm in game next. I'm assuming your global is @StoneJaguar but if that's not it, please let me know.

    Originally Posted by StoneJaguar View Post
    yes 8pm PST. West Coast time.

    what i would like to do is form a team and while we advance in our career, do the badge missions, do the task forces, hunt the appriate monsters and explore and check out the plaques. I would like to possibly turn the team into a monster hunting team when the server messages popup and we are between missions. That would have to be a team decision.

    ty btw chrome. that would be great. just call it an 8pm PST start time. 6 spots open. PM me or post in this thread if you have preference for AT/powersets.

    For supergroup, i have a supergroup that is usable or ppl can use their own SGs. doesnt matter.

  9. TimothyX

    Static Team

    Saturday's at 8pm? I'd be up for that. Send me a tell, my global is @TimothyX.
  10. i decided to just try googling the terms kheldians and backstory and wound up finding a rather excellent post by Memphis_Bill in the guides section of these very forums. here's the link for anyone else who might also be curious about the kheld backstory:

  11. that's a start, anyway. thanks much!
  12. Hi all, I hope this is the right place to ask this question. Does anyone happen to know where I can go to find the background story on Khelds? I've searched around the CoH site and on the forums here and I can't find much beyond the I3 discussion of what exactly Kheldians are. A couple years ago I spent half my day blowing off work and reading the backstory to CoH and I was wondering if there was something similar for the Khelds. Would really appreciate being pointed in the right direction. Thanks!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    this what happened in the last game i played hackers ruined it for everyone dupin rares and gold and just anything to cheat there no extened maintenance there trying to catch the hacker and we pay for it so unless people don't let GM'S know of wrong doing's in the game it we ruin it and there we not be a COH IT WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Searches for Gibberish to English Dictionary...*