Saturday Matine - The Princess and the Pirate
I can bring Sinistrahd, level 25 db/wp brute...or Bailout, 20 necro/pain dom mm.
Zak the Space Varmit AR/Energy Blaster
Apocryphus Energy/Energy Blaster
Swordwraith Broadsword/DA Scrapper
Brother Bullet AR/Dev Blaster
Sinistrahd DB/WP Brute
Solar Despot En/En Brute
I should be there with Psychic Thorn lvl29Dom. But since I might be late make me an alt.
awakened death 50 necro/dark mm, Necrospider 50 Crabspider, Death's Hunter 50 claw/regen stalker, Inhuman-Rampage 50 DM/WP brute, Xander the Protector 50 Kat/sr scrapper, Phantom Force 50 Ill/Rad Controller, Friendly Persuader 50 Inv/Wm tank
Global: @Cinder Spawn
I'm in. Lashon Hara, level 25-ish Sonic/Sonic Cor.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
I'll be there! Not sure what toon.
I'll be there with Summer's Son, Fire/Fire Brute.
sketches on tumblr | finished pieces and resources on dA
Currently most active:
Shining Finger: 40 Elec/Titan][Summer's Son: 38 Fire/Fire/Pyre
Hyperion Tekk][Dark-stream
City of Heroes LiveJournal community.
Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.
Save our game Master post.
I'm there..
Generaxx, level 22 elec/SR brute
I'll grab any pity spots available with Neurodyne 21(?) Mind/Electric dom.
if there is still room I would be there. Most probably with Duke Lektrolite (Dom Elec/Grav).

Char Site | My DeviantArt
you know me, the King of the alt list. can offer MM, Crab, Corr
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
Whoops! My mistake. I have a prior commitment that day and won't be able to make it. My apologies for the error. Hope to see you-all next week.
I might just grab my ice/cold corrupter.
Too many alts to list.
This week will be a Silver Mantis SF run (L20-25) at the usual 1pm eastern time with a 12:45 gathering time by the Sharks Base Portal.

1. Darkbridger - Seizure (L33 Mind/Psi Dom)
2. MikeHoncho - Naughty Mike Honcho (L30ish Sonic/Pain Corr)
3. Scimifish - ?
4. Katfood - Something Useful (L22 Wishful/Thinking Stalker)
5. MissInformed - Lashon Hara (L25ish Sonic/Sonic Corr)
6. Bobitron - ?
7. syrusb - Summer's Son (L? Fire/Fire Brute)
8. Steeple - Generaxx (L22 Elec/SR Brute)
9. Thornster
10. docbuzzard