WARNING! Market interface hazard
It could, if memory serves me right I believe that was a thread in the ubb boards that discussed what needed to be revamped but since the move I'm not sure what box it got placed in.
I'd definitely like to have a copy feature that allowed you to select multiple items and then list them all at the same time at the same price.
The selection arrows in the scroll down boxes are difficult to click as well.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
I once listed an numina unique for 70 the same way.
I was chatting about how I was gonna list it for 70mil
Another hazardous fluke:
Put an item in the market. Enter a price. Do NOT push the "post" button. Now, pick up some other item and drag it into the market window. Drag it over the "post" button on your way to a transaction slot. Ta-da! You just posted your item.
It probably doesn't happen very often, but I listed a LotG 7.5 for about 100 inf the other day by doing this. Luckily it sold for a good price. I bugged this more than a year ago but apparently it hasn't made its way up the priority list.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Something that happen to me last night.
I had posted a purple for 45M. No problem there, however I then moved some salvage to the next slot and when I went to move the sliding bar to select how many to post it picked up the purple that I just posted (the slider bar shows over the top of the previous slot). Because I wasnt playing attention I dropped the enchantment into a blank area of my screen which affectively put it back in my enchantment bar. Goodbye 2.25M posting fee
Hopefully, I wont do that again.
good thing i don't have anyone to talk to ingame, so i haven't ever experienced any of these issues.
Also there are often big delays between when you drop something in a slot, or post it, buy or whatever so careful. Wait a couple seconds.
Some of you may know this already but I thought I would post it for anyone that doesn't. I have been burned by this twice now, but I finally figured out how it happens.
Basically, don't try to chat with the market window open. If you have something stored in a market slot and currently highlighted, and have the cursor in the price listing window, then try to chat by hitting backspace, any number you type will be entered in the price window. If you hit enter to send the chat message you thought you just typed, you will list the item for whatever number you typed in your message.
I first encountered this by putting a BoTZ: -KB recipe in a slot to see the last 5 sale prices. The market server is frequently slow, but if you select an item in a different slot then re-select the slot you are working with it brings up the last 5 immediately. However, it ALSO automatically moves the cursor to the price listing window. I unintentionally listed the BoTZ for 255 inf, it sold for 11 million. The going rate was around 60-75 million at the time. D'OH!
It may seem like an unlikely sequence of events for this to occur, but like I said, it's happened to me twice. I just want folks to be aware of it. I also let QA know.
The whole interface could use a revamp, actually. It's pretty cumbersome and wonky.
...in CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville
Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar