looking for a SG




Aw man... I missed Alty on TS? With Disco? Next you're going to tell me the Canadian population doubled.

/em shakes fist at Korea



Originally Posted by Mister_Laser View Post
Aw man... I missed Alty on TS? With Disco? Next you're going to tell me the Canadian population doubled.

/em shakes fist at Korea
That was a while back when you all had the Keep J-Force Alive contest...I haven't been back into crazy town yet



Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
That was fun...Who was the person that wanted me to make them a sammich?

me. i'll take a chicken cutlet sammich, with american cheese, light mayo and lettuce thanks.



Originally Posted by Mister_Laser View Post
Aw man... I missed Alty on TS? With Disco? Next you're going to tell me the Canadian population doubled.

/em shakes fist at Korea

Laser, when you shake your fist at things do you say "Oh Hells Yeah"? That would be awesome.



I've got a meeting with my IT Department on Monday. If they don't give me the answer I want (that they'll fix connection problems with my web servers after 4 weeks) I'll at least get the fist shake in. I can't promise the "Oh Hells Yeah!" because there might be someone there that could fire me.


You know what. If they give me the answer I want, that they'll fix my server connection issues because that's the agreement they signed, I'll give 'em both. It'd be justifiable since it's a good thing.



Is it true that in Korea the official business attire for women is a school girl outfit?



Have you been hanging out at the mall again? Hey J, hear the knocking at your door? It's the cops. RUN!

This reminds me of the TS chat we had one night where we determined the official business attire for all women ideally would be a Baroness outfit. As horrible as it was, G.I. Joe the movie affirmed that.



After having an old asian woman chew me out in the middle of a busy day because I took her daughter out for a movie I swore, never again!

Azns, not worth it .... well unless you are trying to do complete some of those challenges in Street Fighter 4.



Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
After having an old asian woman chew me out in the middle of a busy day because I took her daughter out for a movie I swore, never again!

Azns, not worth it .... well unless you are trying to do complete some of those challenges in Street Fighter 4.

Don't hate just because you don't have any game :P

EDIT: Omg I remember that story now! I was actually joking about the cops thing. I kinda wish I could have taken that line back...kinda.



Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
Is it true that in Korea the official business attire for women is a school girl outfit?

not sure but if it is I wish they'd bring that rule over here.



Whoa! I forgot that video existed. One of the greatest videos ever. NERF KICK, yo. Now i'm gonna have to watch the video of Ry vs. Sal.