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  1. what do you guys think about this build pvp wise? what travel powers should I use for it, also what skill's/powers should I pick up and what do I absolutely need to dominate in pvp with this build? how should I slot it out.
  2. hey guys and girls, my wife will be joining me to play this game soon, she is NOT nor has she been a player of MMORPG's so it's going to be a bumpy learning experience for her, I explained to her the 5 different AT's you can play and she expressed interest in a MM, I was wondering if you guys would have any tips for a first time player of this game, as far as set up power sets etc, that she can read up on and maybe pick from. she'll be teaming with me most of the time so it should be fun, I can play most any AT in the game so she'll have either a brute to tank for her, or a corrupter to heal/buff/rez her.

    thanks for any and all help.
  3. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
    Is it true that in Korea the official business attire for women is a school girl outfit?

    not sure but if it is I wish they'd bring that rule over here.
  4. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
    That was fun...Who was the person that wanted me to make them a sammich?

    me. i'll take a chicken cutlet sammich, with american cheese, light mayo and lettuce thanks.
  5. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
    Hmm the things one stumbles upon late at night on the forum...this was an interesting read, that's for sure.

    it was. wasn't it?
  6. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
    Are you even in RO still?
    I thought we established that you needed a new VG thus you weren't in the old one?
    I guess you can keep an SG you aren't apart of in your sig, I mean its not like lyin' an' defacin' a popular SG can't be added to your pile of faults.

    I didn't know you 2 cared so much, I feel touched. thanks.
  7. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
    I look forward ta yer sig changin' ta represent the new hawtness.

    why would i do anything to cater to you??
  8. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
    Oh snap.

    Trix not only did Liam get told, but he had to hide his ineffective response with a ghost edit, and now is spamming Zs?

    I bet VGs are knocking down this door with invites. Pie I wish I was as clever as Liam. I guess the Paris Hilton hissy fit really does work!

    found a VG actually.
  9. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Mr_Trix View Post
    What J was apologizing for was thinking that the poster we affectionately referred to as "Black Kingpin" was part of GMW when he was actually a member of WDMKR another group from SWG that arrived shortly after GMW did.

    My recollection of the incident is accurate. One of your GMW buddies used a racially based picture to flame J-Man, we called him out on it, you defended it, I strung you along, you had a meltdown (one of the things I remember was that you were posting while drunk which made it even more entertaining) you were making such a tool of yourself someone else from GMW had to tell you publicly to quit posting, then you were gone. We laughed.

    You don't have to have anger or hate to call a scumbag out on their shortcomings, sometimes it's just really fun. If that makes me mean or a bully, I really don't care. I already have an SG that's pretty much known for being one of the server's fun SGs.

    You have to realize that we're kind of doing you a favor, usually when we do this to some poor sap, someone from the boards will take pity on our target and offer them a spot in their SG . Now the next part of the game is checking out who is going to lower their standards and offer you their pity spot.
    ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  10. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Mr_Trix View Post
    It's not holding a grudge. It's bringing awareness to the Freedom community what accepting someone like you into their fold would bring.

    I mean you still have RO in your sig which means you either couldn't hang in game with RO's skill level and/or you were too much of a jerk that they didn't want you around. Knowing that RO has a pretty high tolerance for jerks means you must be slime on a galactic level.

    There's also your defense of racism issue and subsequent meltdown, which anyone who was on the boards at that time would remember. Here's where the grudge part doesn't hold any water. After your meltdown you were never seen on the boards again. We laughed heartily at your expense. One doesn't hold a grudge over being entertained. You were fun to kick around, just like it's fun kicking you around now. If I found a Galaga machine I would play it. Now I haven't played Galaga in years, does that mean I should walk on by?

    So GMW which you founded has members that will trash you behind your back. RO doesn't want you around. You've been begging to leech off the hard work of others rather than manning up and forming your own SG. So yeah, we're laughing at you now like we did then.

    Best of luck on your search for an SG

    ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  11. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Mr_Trix View Post
    Yeah definitely that was you that had the meltdown a few years back. Funny story, I actually had a run in with a Gorath's Most Wanted member who was quite decent. I mentioned the name Liam Lightsun in regards to the incident that led to you running away from game. They mentioned you were long gone from CoH and that things were quite better since you left. I think that person also used the term "nutjob"

    /em mashed potato
    /em the twist
    /em stanky leg

    /em fancy bow
    oh no, not nutjob anything but that. I could care less what he or she allegedly said. sd I said previously it's amazing you hold a grudge over nothing from 3 years ago, way to live your life champ.
  12. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Mr_Trix View Post
    Of course I'm going to keep bumping your post. I want Freedom to know exactly what type of moron is begging to get into their SG.

    You're welcome.

    translation "I'm really a loser with nothing better to spend my time doing so I will call you a moron to make myself feel better and then make like it's not all about me and me not having a life"

    my response "dance puppet dance"
  13. thanks same to everyone else here and their families/friends.
  14. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Mr_Trix View Post
    The reason I remember that incident is that you went on and on trying to defend your racism and made such a pathetic mess of yourself to the point that members of your own SG were telling you to knock it off.

    As always we're just trying to provide a service to the community as a whole. Finally, no, I don't need your autograph. I can always go to CVS if I want something that says "****** bag" on it.

    thanks fan boy. keep bumping my post to the top for me. you're the bestest.
  15. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
    I would recommend checking on the Champion server. I hear they'll accept anyone.

    that will be at the top of my list, right after a vicious game of scratch and sniff.
  16. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
    No, I remember black kingpin.

    Oh that was good times. Especially the part where we ran you off the boards until 3 years later.
    My favorite part though was the notch we put on our JFS board of People We Have Educated into Silence.

    I think we should put another notch on there knowing that Liam was really two people. He counts double!

    you clearly can't read, I left this game out of boredom from the grind. Liam was one person when whatever you're talking about happened, then I got bored of this game and left to unfortunately return to SWG when it once again became playable. then quit that, and played that awesome game called life. now that I have some spare time on my hands, I figured i'd check this game out a bit again.

    however if you feel you chased me off then more power to you, if you feel that you educated me into silence okay cool, I am glad I made you feel so cool. now as I stated before move on.

    still looking for a VG/SG
  17. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Mr_Trix View Post
    Well actually you were trying to defend some amateurish racist pic that tried to flame J-Man, that was posted by one of your GMW buddies. You had some sort of drunken rant after J-Force made you look foolish. So yeah I remember you, Liam Lightsun, the crying trashbag. Wecome back, and we are recruiting, but we won't be recruiting you.

    wow, I made it to your personal forums? I feel honored, I am almost a celebrity. the bottom line is this, I play these games for fun. you guys clearly do not. to be honest I wouldn't be caught dead in a guild/sg/vg like that. i'd rather watch paint dry then have my eyes bleached.

    now if you guys continue to post here it simply means you want my autograph and you're all fans. however since you've already stated I am not welcome into your group, which once again i don't want to be a part of, you can now either ignore this thread which I know you won't OR continue to post in it, which will only keep it at the top of the page.

    to be honest, I don't remember what the gripe was about 3 (THREE) years ago but clearly you do, and that's quite sad. move on people it's just a video game.
  18. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Mr_Trix View Post
    Liam Lightsun, I remember a toolbox by that name. So were you the one who flipped out on the boards a few years ago or was that your buddy?

    flipped? nah more like using what I called the paris hilton campaign to stir stuff up which is any publicity is good publicity and look it worked you remembered me from like 3+ years ago.
  19. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post

    I miss Black Kingpin
    GMW was gorath's most wanted we came from the gorath server over on swg. so are there any VG's recruiting?
  20. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    I am still looking for a VG or an SG as I have toons on both sides.
  21. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
    Ah, makes sense then. Because the Jah I played with only left about 6 months ago. Welcome back to Freedom anyway, and don't give out your account... it's not a good idea!

    yup jahbless came over with us when this game came out we formed GMW back in the day my toon's original name was Liam Lightsun, and he changed it on me. so I'll have to shell out the 9.99 to get it back.

    considering there's nothing really worked for on the account like there was in swg with my elder jedi I didn't mind letting him use the account for a bit.
  22. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
    I believe J is referring to his large sack...
    sack? of laundry?
  23. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
    Welcome back Jah, It's good to see you again =)

    I don't have a good SG to offer you a home, but we still run the Monday and Wed night events and you are always welcome to come.

    See you around =)

    thanks, you have me confused with someone else, I am the original owner of this account when I left I let a friend and former guildy use the account.
  24. JahRastaFari

    looking for a SG

    Originally Posted by LegendaryJMan View Post
    Does that mean you are really good at pretending to hold things up?

    that depends on the size of said object that I am holding *wink wink*