'Shipping Your Toons

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
...and an android based on her.
Thank you for reminding me.

Captain created an android on his account whose exterior shell is modeled after my villainess main. Sadly, I cannot recall if the two women have met even once. I should write to him and ask how my doppleganger is doing and sue for costume monies.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Shipping your own characters between themselves seems sort of... weird.

You'd do better to ship your characters with other people's characters. Plenty of good RP potential there.
Sometimes you get an idea that someone else might not want to play. Sometimes it's a matter of scheduling. Sometimes it's a matter of finding people with similar interests. Sometimes it's less hassle, with less need to poke your RP partner for updating information and stuff. Plus as has been mentioned, if someone leaves the game or stops playing that character, it can really put the damper on playing some. Some of mine are semi-retired as their SO's, best friends or so forth have gone on to other games, or stopped RPing.

I see creating a story based around two characters you control no less weird than writing a romance. It can be an opportunity for interesting dynamics, and while it can lack the surprises and bouncing ideas off someone else, it can be quite fun too.

Concepts I'd like to try when I can dual box:

The Sonic/Sonic Duo. Hi-Fi Girl and Lo-Fi Boy. Brother and Sister who when in close proximinty can boost their vibration control based powered, shielding each other and creating auras that will weaken the foes near their sibling.

The Warlock and bethralled Demon. A Dark Blast/Thermal Corruptor and their Dark/Fire Brute demon, the master boosting their enslaved demon with their infernal magics and letting them take the heat.

The Odd Couple: Peacebringer and Warshade team up action, hoooo! Current Cop and Peacebringer Michael Preston, working along side former Cop and Warshade, Julian Walsh.

For Going Rogue: The 2 Federal Agents. Wolf Maller and Danielle Skorly, members of the FBSA team jokingly refered to as The H Files. Both Dual Pistol/Devices Blasters, investigating metahuman crimes and strange occurances. Complete with back to back badassing.

If I could tri-box, well...

Los Trios Diablos: A group of Hellions from the Rogue Isles. Fire/Fire Brute, Corruptor and Dominator.

The Sisters Three: A Fire/Storm, Ice/Storm and Earth/Storm Controller triplet of witches.

And possibly a Streets of Rage tribute group of MA/Willpower and Willpower/Super Strength ex cops.

As for current characters on one account, some know each other through the SG they're in. Storm Sapphire and Cauter are bromancing best friends, one PPD the other PCFD. Zortel is the adoptive mother of Fusebox. (Also, were I to get another account, Zortel's partner Tessa would be getting her own power suit for real, En/En Blaster and Tess as a FF/En Defender.)



The only characters that I have that have any sort of 'relationship' are my two Bots/Dark Masterminds, BRIGADYR and KOMANDYR ('БРИГАДИР' and 'КОМАНДИР') successive prototypes from a Soviet program to develop a robotic commander for robotic infantry. BRIGADYR, the original, had had a 'defect' in his programming, becoming self-aware and profoundly critical of the orders he was given in testing, throwing them out and creating new plans if what he was given was inefficient or wasteful. The Ministry of Defense wanted a tool that did what it was told, so BRIGADYR was deactivated, crated up, and taken off to storage, and KOMANDYR constructed with an altered core program. However, a misread label on backup media resulted in a load of sections of BRIGADYR's programming into KOMANDYR, with predictable results. After two failures, the research program was, predictably, shut down.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Wait...I thought shipping was when weird fangirls interpreted minor signs of affection/friendliness between a male and a female character as "they're gonna be a couple".
Example: SYNAPSExMYNX OTP ^_______^

Formerly known as Stormy_D



My friend and I have two duos: Eldrix the Blackbird and Arcus the Raven - brother and sister - are the "originals," on redside; later we made Beata the Dove and Gardis the Owl, their Praetorian Earth counterparts.