Energy Aura: A Profitable Future Investment ?
That would be a reason to abandon typed defenses altogether. That wouldn't be the worst idea in the world, but it's probably too late for that.
A magnetic field that repulses fast traveling bullets and large slow moving objects but if you turn up/down the temperature you will still get burned/frozen.
I like the idea for possibly adding the -DMG aura to Entropy Shield. It fits the name, and considering EA is meant to be the Brute version of Ice Armor, very appropriate. Though I'm not sure how I feel about a taunt aura in a status protection power.
I mentioned this in the past and somebody said that dark armor has a stealth and also a damage aura. For dark armor, you can switch off the damage aura and even stealth independently according to the situation, therefore the offensive aura and stealth won't interact with each other. Energy aura is quite different in this aspect.
You mean to say that if they added an offensive component to sayyy Power Shield, that it'd run the risk of detoggling and costing a defense build a significant portion of defense?
Assuming that's what you're getting at, yes. It's a problem. But not too big of one. When you're sneaking, you shouldn't be getting attacked too much anyway. Could also be offset by adding a combat-suppressed portion of defense to Energy Cloak (like the Concealment power pool abilities).
Though it's true -- No matter what power a taunt aura were to get added to, it'd be odd and feel strangely tacked on (hi2u, Brute Evasion).
Could always put it in Energy Cloak. I'd laugh. Players everywhere would cry.
Here's one to try out for Conserve Power replacement:
Efficiency - Auto, Self +Rech, +END Discount, +Move Speed, RES (END Drain, Slow)
20% END Discount
10% +Recharge
35% +Run/Fly Speed
40% Run/Fly/Jump/Recharge Speed Debuff Resist
50% END Drain Resist
It's basically Lightning Reflexes/Quickness with a proportionate END Discount value to if one was spamming CP and some END Drain RES for good measure.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize
As for what would replace Conserve Power if/when it gets proliferated? Hrm... tough one. We know the cottage rule is still in effect, so it can't deviate from its original goal too much. If you look at how CP was changed to Energize for the proliferation, it still retains much of its END Discount design. It just cut back some of that and added in the Heal and +Regen.
Since Energy Aura already has a Heal in it, I'd imagine CP in this case would receive the Energize treatment, but would give either a small DEF or RES buff instead of the Heal/+Regen. At least, that's what I'd wish for.
Energy Drain already gives EA a very small heal, I think CP will be replaced bya power that lower END Cost, and grants the user +Resist to All (bar possibly Toxic/Psychic).
Of course, that's what I want/hope for.
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