Whatever happened too and not my idea but a good one.
The City of Heroes CCG has been discontinued in February 2007 as it "did not reach critical mass" according to AEG CEO John Zinser.
In other words, people weren't buying the cards.
As to the idea of playing cards online, I'd rather see the devs work on new missions, zones, AT's than waste time on this idea.
oh please don't misunderstand me, I know it would take time away from other much needed stuff from the game, yet it would be a fun distraction in game.
oh please don't misunderstand me, I know it would take time away from other much needed stuff from the game, yet it would be a fun distraction in game.

Nah, I actually get what you mean, I'm just bustin' yer stones.

If one or more devs don't have anything better to do (unlikely given the amount of work Going Rogue will require for the next 6 months and quite probably beyond), then sure, throw the collectible card game into CoH... but in Pocket D instead of the arenas.
Have a vendor that sells booster packs and a "collector" NPC that will buy and sell specific cards at inflated prices. Make them tradeable and salable on the market. Have tournaments that require a buy-in and play for a pool of inf.
But please, for the love of all things holy, don't tie badges to the card game. I love badges, but I haaaaaaate collectible card games.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
I got quite a few (like 2 boxes IIRC) unopened packs of the CCG.
It was rather a fun little thing to play. I'll probably break open some packs at Thanksgiving a play with my nephews and nieces.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I bought 2 unopened boxes with the intent on playing against others, unfortunatly I was the only one to buy the cards in my area. And to reply to Forbin, when I get bored of the game, I just stop playing but keep my account open, which is what I'm doing now. I love Coh, but atm there isn't much to keep me playing.
I would hope that, if they were to add this to the game, that they would not add any badges, just have it as a stat base. 1 win 50 loses, stuff like that.
Pocket D would be a cool place to have it instead of the arena, could set up a card playing room in there and have Lord Recluse and Statesman playing against each other.
Though if they were to do something like this, from a marketing view point, I would at least put the card game in as an, if wanted, feature like the booster packs. $10 gets you a starter for series one and so on. They could sell booster packs if they wanted to, but I think it would be fun to get them as salvage drops.
By adding the feature as an a purchased item, that would at least let the people who wanted the feature to earn them as salvage drops and those that didn't would get drops as normal. We all know that rare receipe drops are bad, and to add another loot type item would be that much more frustrating for those that didn't want it.
But yes, no badges. I'm a badge collector as well, but that would be overkill.
If they introduce an in-game card game they would also need to give us the option to have 2 foot tall spiky hair
Either you're mixing up your sequels or I am...
Either is possible, really.
An in game version of the card game would be awesome.
Somethign we can do when a TF takes a break or you are waiting for you partner to log in.
Let me start of by saying I strayed from CoH lately. Curiosity got the best of me and I deceided to try out Star Wars. I havn't play it since about a week before the 1st expansion came out as I had already been converted to CoH.
But having played the new (and I believe improved SWG) I only have one suggestion that I would love to see added to CoH.
So let me begin.
What the heck happened to the City of Heroes card game? Did I miss other expansions that came out, is it being played and where. Those are my questions.
Here is my suggestions.
Back to Star Wars, they allow you to play Star Wars card game seperatly from the Star Wars MMO. This about everything else bout the game I found amazing. Why don't we at least have the ability to play the card game for CoH? It wasn't that bad of a card game, and it could be an added perk to Veterans.
Star Wars, gives out new booster packs for Veteran milestones it seems. CoH could easily do the same. Also as an added "loot" drop, we could find random cards while defeating enemies.
The arena would be a great place to hold card contests. We could sell or trade our cards that are found with our friends or at wentworths.
That's all I have, sorry if this isn't the most thought out, or researched suggestion. I don't know the logistics of adding the card game to city of heroes nor the time it would take to do such a thing, or even if there is a demand for it. Just something I'd like to see.
Anyways, forgive me for straying.
Jerikko - Protector.