Hami Raid




I picked up a bio nuke on my Dom yesterday so I'll have that to offer up for a redside hami raid. No EoEs but I'll try to join in if anyone's hunting for them.



Originally Posted by ProGamerUSA View Post
There's Blue Hami Raid going on off and on throughout the week. Every Sat by Leandro, Sunday by Tritonfree, and TBA announced on FE / RF2009 Channel off and on. If in anycase there are more than enough people and leaders, there will be multiple HIVE RAIDS.

Thank you for making Tuesday night Hami Raid very smooth everyone. Once calling out Non-EVAC, it went pretty fast. Thank you again.

RED HAMI UPDATE: So far we have 1 Bio-Nukes and 20 EOEs, anyone want to offer theirs?

So Far the leaders to RED HAMI RAID are @Souther, @coldfate, @coldfate2, @black_barrier
Depending on when it is I can lead a brute team that's all i have experience in red side. I'll try to get a nuke on my pain dom.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
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Red Hami Update: So far we have 5 Bio-Nukes and 20 EoEs. once we have 12 Bio-Nukes and 100 EoEs, we'll schedule Redside Hami raid. Thank you for your interest.

Blue Hami raid: tonight 9pm EST Friday Jan22 if you can make it. i know it's a short notice on the forum.



I have been playing red exclusively for a while but never got in on a hami raid and would like to participate. Forgive me I don't know much of the lingo (i.e. EoE, Bio-Nuke), I have a 50 thug/poison MM, and a 42 SOA. The rest of my toons are low lvl.
If you dont think I'd be much of a help, could someone point in the right direction on getting built for getting into these raids in the future. Thank you in advance

I was relieved of my previous position for telling the truth. Now I make my living translating the lies of other men.
Global:@Ex Iferis



Originally Posted by metalhead300 View Post
I have been playing red exclusively for a while but never got in on a hami raid and would like to participate. Forgive me I don't know much of the lingo (i.e. EoE, Bio-Nuke), I have a 50 thug/poison MM, and a 42 SOA. The rest of my toons are low lvl.
If you dont think I'd be much of a help, could someone point in the right direction on getting built for getting into these raids in the future. Thank you in advance
Any AT builds can participate in HAMI RAID, it is the only end content where every teams are made up differently and have to coordinate to kill it. Since on the Redside the Regen Buff's are lower than Blueside, getting bio-nukes from warburg helps. Since the Mito and Hami splash damage is a special AOE damage, it will cut thru any defense you have, getting EoE's : Essence of the Earth inspiration helps. EoE's drop randomly by killing GM's in Monster Island. Killing GM's in Abyss will spawn HAMI.

REDSIDE UPDATE: 5 bio-nukes / 49 EoEs so far, 4 Leaders have stepped up if the schedule merits. Thank you.



Tonight was a mess. At the scheduled raid time, there were already over 20 people in The Hive, and they had already spawned Hamidon. Since our tankers needed EOE, We attempted to move into The Hive 2, but the zone got filled fast, which meant a lot of ULTRA people couldn't get in.

21:55 EST: We start killing monsters.
22:01 EST: Hamidon spawns.
22:11 EST: First attack wave. Everybody in the goo.
22:17 EST: Hamidon at 75%. First bloom.
22:25 EST: Second attack wave.
22:33 EST: Hamidon at 50%. Second bloom.
22:37 EST: Third attack wave.
22:46 EST: Hamidon at 25%. Third and final bloom.
22:50 EST: Fourth attack wave
23:00 EST: Hamidon dies.

At this point, ULTRA stayed in The Hive 2 to raid again, while Tammy took over Hive 1. The first two blooms went really fast; unfortunately, for the third bloom we picked a few griefers, and it went downhill from there (taunting into the green team = lots of dead trollers). The green team was wiped in both the third and the fourth bloom, and we had to leave the goo and reenter. The final wave took 22 minutes, instead of the usual 6 to 8.

23:20 EST: We start killing monsters. Again.
23:24 EST: Hamidon spawns. Again.
23:29 EST: First attack wave. Everybody in the goo.
23:37 EST: Hamidon at 75%. First bloom.
23:42 EST: Second attack wave.
23:51 EST: Hamidon at 50%. Second bloom.
23:53 EST: Third attack wave. Stalled due to griefing.
00:06 EST: Third attack wave redux.
00:16 EST: Hamidon at 25%. Third bloom.
00:20 EST: Fourth attack wave. Stalled due to griefing.
00:31 EST: Fourth attack wave redux.
00:42 EST: ULTRA has defeated Hamidon. Again.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



still got it done though. 38 minutes is great!



Alot of new people showed up to both Hami Raid and we ended up having 3 Hami Raid in one night. Though we had Belle Berserker who didn't understand or maybe just too impatient and started GM Aggro and ended up spawning the HIVE within 5 GM, we all finished. Interestingly my first Hami was not within 24 and picked up 53 merits, our second Hami I was able to pick up an HO. Absolutely a wonderful night to have 3 Hami Raids on Freedom.

No matter what Hami Raid, it's normal to have new people and show up with their intentions.

Frustrating it may have been who couldn't make the 1st Hami Raid. With low amount of EoEs we killed HAMI 3 times are an accomplishment.

Issue resolution: We will give ULTRA their privacy for their SG + friends Hami Raid. They deserve it. Freedom Elite, though we commend their HAMI RAIDS, will not post their HAMI. Ultra will continue to have sat/sun hami raid on their schedule and if we cross schedule, they will move to hive2 as posted by Leandro on previous thread. It is not Freedom Elites or Ultra's fault for people wanting to come to either HIVEs and grief the process for whichever side who couldn't get in. The difficulty was the younglings who come impatiently and rush to kill GM or to move to either hives only griefs the process for either side.

The best resolution for any of us is to have EoE farming conducted when Hami spawns early or buy EoE's ahead of time in case of early Hami spawn, and teams once formed don't leave the hive. Latency is another issue who dropped out and couldn't get back in.

The rest depends on each team's responsibility to have coordination. We've had non-evac but because many who were new to hami raid, it stayed as evac raid.



ok time to put you on blast. thanks for posting on FE for everyone to come to HIVE 2 as quietly as they can and sneak in. you instigator you and YES you DID do that.

@Coldfate listen. The reason we moved to hive 2 is due to there being 33 people unhidden in the hive and HOUR before our raid was scheduled to be started. YES we are a supergroup based channel, BUT none of us have problems if anyone on the server would like to join in on our hami raids. Would just like to give people in our group a fighting chance to get in ti thie hive. I do not think that is so unfair.

We have assigned people to do specific things in our raid from our global channel. having so many in the hive before we start made it impossible for us to get a chance to get everyone in the hive. next time stop causing drama, run your raid in hive 1 if you want, come and help on our raid, and have fun

Wait... oh yea, this is a video game. Where is the controller?



Originally Posted by ProGamerUSA View Post
Interestingly my first Hami was not within 24 and picked up 53 merits, our second Hami I was able to pick up an HO.
The reward timer for Hami is 18 hours, not 24 hours. I just confirmed that by picking 53 merits again, 18 hours and 10 minutes after getting 53 merits on last night's first Hami.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by PowerFlame View Post
ok time to put you on blast. you instigator you and YES you DID do that.

next time stop causing drama, run your raid in hive 1 if you want, come and help on our raid, and have fun

Wait... oh yea, this is a video game. Where is the controller?
lol, omg PF, who's creating drama here? Glad we had 3 Hami Raid on Freedom no matter who came to grief it. Hami got owned. We can cry for HO. waaah

And yes, the reward window did say, I can't choose HO because it hasn't been 24 hours. But it's what i got, 53 merit first raid and suprisingly I was able to pick up HO 2nd.



You can pick up an alternate reward, but not the same reward, within the time period. This works for Hamidon, Stateman's TF, and Recluse's SF.

I also thought it was 24 hours, but I remember begging the devs during Beta to reduce it so that regularly scheduled raids and TFs could be run everyday at the same time, without worrying if you finished it 1 minute too fast.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by ProGamerUSA View Post
lol, omg PF, who's creating drama here? Glad we had 3 Hami Raid on Freedom no matter who came to grief it. Hami got owned. We can cry for HO. waaah

And yes, the reward window did say, I can't choose HO because it hasn't been 24 hours. But it's what i got, 53 merit first raid and suprisingly I was able to pick up HO 2nd.
lol might want to quote the whole thing instead of picking pieces out to make you feel better



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
You can pick up an alternate reward, but not the same reward, within the time period. This works for Hamidon, Stateman's TF, and Recluse's SF.

I also thought it was 24 hours, but I remember begging the devs during Beta to reduce it so that regularly scheduled raids and TFs could be run everyday at the same time, without worrying if you finished it 1 minute too fast.
And you won, according to the September 15th Patch Notes:

The Hero and Villain Respec Trials, Terra Volta Trial, Eden Trial, Sewer Trial, Hamidon Raid, Statesman Taskforce and Lord Recluse Strikeforce had their Merit Reward diminishing return timer reduced from 24 hours to 18 hours to be consistent with other taskforce diminishing return timers.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



We had a lot of people showing up from RF2009, Freedom Events and Freedom TF for tonight's raid, and other than the monster phase taking FOREVER (27 minutes), it was a really quick raid (the four attack waves took 34 minutes). Instructing the Kinetics users to follow the Yellow Damage team and spamming Fulcrum Shift seemed to do quite a difference.

(Red: monster phase; alternating green/blue: mito waves. The time scale is adjusted so the scheduled time to start = 0:00, regardless on when we actually start.)

We attempted to get Fulcrum Shift going beforehand by targeting an Oil Slick Arrow during the countdown, but it didn't seem to help that much. The difference was very noticeable in the goo, however.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



we are refining our process! peeps are picking up the stradegy well



Yellow Mitos have extraordinary range and AOE defense (I'm talking waaaay beyond soft-cap). Fulcrum Shift takes a tohit roll. Are you sure that fulcrum shift was hitting?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Yellow Mitos have extraordinary range and AOE defense (I'm talking waaaay beyond soft-cap). Fulcrum Shift takes a tohit roll. Are you sure that fulcrum shift was hitting?
I was watching the buffs bar; 1-2 bubbles of Fulcrum were getting through (had several kins though, so yes, they were missing a lot). I wonder if the blues are in range for FS targetting at each yellow; that way the kins could target a blue and FS while hanging with the scrappers, giving them the 50% buff (40% for trollers); they'd miss the 25% buff (20% for trollers) but they could stack it a lot more.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



i dont understand your little flow chart



scheduled raid start time is at 0:00 no matter when we start killing the monsters. Red bar is the time duration of monster killing to spawn hami. Blue and Green alternate time bars for the waves between blooms. the space between each colored time bar is the time it took us to set up and buff before we attack.



To clarify the post above:

0:00 - This is the time the raid is scheduled to start. Be it 8PM, 10PM or whatever, it's always 0:00 in the chart. Sometimes we get a lot of people early, so we start killing monsters before this time; hence the negative 30 minutes. If people turn up late, we have "dead time" until the monster phase starts, and it's marked. The chart goes up to one hour and a half from the scheduled time, no matter when do we actually start.

Red bar - Monster phase. The last one was ridiculously long.

Green / blue bars - Each mito wave is marked with a color; if two consecutive bars are the same color, it's because something went wrong with that wave, and we had to reset and reenter the goo. This can be seen in January 18th and January 23rd; on January 18th, Hami moved to the left, and the messed up positions were enough to cause a wipe in the final wave, which we had to recover from. In January 23rd, we had a few griefers taunting into the green tea, which caused wipes in the last two waves.

Fortunately, in both cases we still ended within an hour and a half of the scheduled time. The goal is to consistently get it within an hour of the scheduled time, though of course long monster phases can screw that up.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Red Hami Update: 6 bio-nukes / 49 EoEs now! Thank you for notifying me. Once we have a dedicated 12 Bio-nukes / 100 EoEs and dedicated Leaders, we will schedule Redside Hami Raid. Can't wait!

Thanks to all the great people who's stepping up to make Freedom Server full of HAMI RAIDS again! Thank you so much Leandro, Philly girl, Enrious, Gilly, Southern, PF, Australia and everyone who participates to make it so much fun.

Leandro and PF, that's a great Graph! Wow that's awesome!



I have a merc/dark MM, a cold/fire corr and an arrow/pain corr that can participate in any team you would like.

I think 12 nukes and 100 EoEs is a bit of overkill, but I guess it's better to be over-prepared than under. Anything unused can be saved for the next one.

Ideally, Brutes should only need 1 or 2 EoEs per wave. Other than the Hammy Taunter, regen buffs from the gather phase should get you by the first 30 - 60 seconds, but it's not bad to go ahead and pop one as you run in.

At 2/3rds to 1/2 health Brutes should go ahead and pop a second unless they have dull pain or something equivalent, then they can probably hold off if their heal fills them back up.

If everything is working as planned, all six yellows should be down before the expiration of the second EoE. But mierde happens so it's better to have more than less.

Similarly, unless you are doing a no-retreat raid, one bio-nuke for each or the first 3 waves is all you need. But extras can be used if there is a wipe.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I have a merc/dark MM, a cold/fire corr and an arrow/pain corr that can participate in any team you would like.

I think 12 nukes and 100 EoEs is a bit of overkill, but I guess it's better to be over-prepared than under. Anything unused can be saved for the next one.

Ideally, Brutes should only need 1 or 2 EoEs per wave. Other than the Hammy Taunter, regen buffs from the gather phase should get you by the first 30 - 60 seconds, but it's not bad to go ahead and pop one as you run in.

At 2/3rds to 1/2 health Brutes should go ahead and pop a second unless they have dull pain or something equivalent, then they can probably hold off if their heal fills them back up.

If everything is working as planned, all six yellows should be down before the expiration of the second EoE. But mierde happens so it's better to have more than less.

Similarly, unless you are doing a no-retreat raid, one bio-nuke for each or the first 3 waves is all you need. But extras can be used if there is a wipe.
Flea after my brutes last night I don't expect the normal 1-2 eoe's I am not sure what they did with their eoe's and i am afraid to even think about it. Re the 12 nukes well out of the 12 people that tell her they get them you know at least half won't be able to make it i would imagine especially since there has been no date or time set, so it's not an unreasable number. I think it would be easier to set a date and time first though, then people who know they can make it can get bio nukes.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Bionic Flea, I agree with you but because it's not a norm for us to have a regular Redside Hami raid like we do on Blueside, to a well fine tuned Hami Raid teams it's overkill. Once we have a continued team leaders who knows how to lead a specified team and make it regularly we can loosen up and unused EoEs or Bio-nukes can be stocked. Since Bio-nukes only covers 20 people at a time, it's just math considering cap of 50 people.

Philly Girl, yeah, believe me, I contemplated and tried a scheduled Redside Hami Raid with Team Sign up sheet. More than once, it ended up a pug style as an example of one not having people for Blue spike team and people who originally said they have bio nukes not being able to make it so we only had 3 bio-nukes. The only stable team we had was a solid pet streaming and the Hami splash was locked by their tier 3 pets. Brutes I lead for example though some were overzealous and bragged how great their brute will be didn't have enough KB processing so they kept getting hit hard even while they tried to pop EoE's, turns out 2 or 3 without taunt didn't help either though I told them without taunt it won't work but they insisted. So many brutes on redside don't pick up Taunt so they end up being a glorified scrapper pvp build with gloom.

Having a dedicated team leaders with proper team builds are the only option we have till we make it regularly. We are in a process of picking up more people who's interested in leading teams. This incentive to pick up bio-nukes and some are wanting to EoE farm prior seems to motivate and I have few wanting to make rare REDSIDE become regular. I appreciate your thoughts and critique, would you want to help? This isn't just Freedom Elite, rf2009, Ultra thing at this stage. I'd rather have a unified approach at this point. Any help would be nice.