some random, and basic thoughts:
My Dark/Cold remains one of my favorite characters. nice balance of solo and team benefiting powers - in a buff and debuff balanced mix.
I have toyed with the idea of making a Dark/Pain on occasion, Pain Dom provides additional healing for yourself, and a mix of team oriented buffs.
Everyone always appreciates a /kin, though I've never leveled one.
As one new to the game, I'd wait on /kinetics. It's a pretty 'button mashy' set, and can leave you vulnerable. (It does give awesome buffs, though.) /radiation is a great 'easy but awesome' set, in my opinion, and is excellent both solo and on teams. Bring break frees, though, when solo, to keep toggles up against stuff that messes with your head. The -resistance makes your damage better, and it has some good -tohit to stack with you blasts for extra enemy whiffs. The immobilize from dark/ will keep toggled debuffs from running as they like to do.
/Dark is great for theme, and another great solo/team set. More controls than /radiation, but not as many weakening powers. (Still excellent, nonetheless.) With dark, this is about as crazy -to hit as you can get. Stuff will miss you like crazy.
/Traps is good, but you'll need to learn timing/placement to get some good use. Your -to hit from dark helps stack with the excellent defense from your forcefield unit, and the immobilize keeps them in traps effects.
/Storm has excellent debuffs and protection, used right. It has a learning curve, but once you're good at the set, you'll be rewarded by the awe-inspiring simultaneous mixture of chaos and safety you have. Be warned, this set plays very differently than just about any other sets. The crazy -to hit from hurricane stacks well with dark/, and you can knock things into a clump then tentacle them for AoE goodness.
/Cold is good, the early shields are great on teams, but may be less useful solo. Still, good tricks to be had. Your dark/ -to hit stacks with the defense you get from /cold, but be warned, /cold corrs get less defense than their team members.
/thermal, sonic, and pain are just better on teams. If you solo, they have fewer tricks for you. Thermal is heals with some solid single target debuffs and some decent ally armors, sonic gives armor and makes stuff take extra damage, (though it has a few skippable powers) pain heals and gives extra damage.
/Trick arrow is, well, tricky. Not much damage mitigation, though your darks/ -to hit helps this, and the immobilize keeps stuff in arrow patch effects.
Whatever you choose, check the forum guides on the powers. You can find guides on support sets in the corruptor, defender, and controller guide sections, though some tactics may be different for a corruptor. Still, it's good for knowing ahead of time what powers do what, what's worth taking, and some good way of using said powers.
I'd agree /kinetics is really fast paced for a first time player. I am making one though very soon
But if you want something kind of solo like I strongly suggest /rad. It's very "I can do bad all by myself." /storm is good too (was a little slow for me). /thermal is another very good one. /sonic, /pain, & /cold give me buff bot... I dunno if you like that kind thing but you could look into it.
I had a friend who made a dark/traps and he seemed to like it a lot too. /Traps can solo for corrs and I've seen it done. And of course, dark/dark is a classic. You can solo with this too.
/trick arrow just isnt sexy IMO.
It really depends on what kind of play style you feel would suite you and what secondary really interests you from start to finish.
My vote would be for dark/dark. It lends itself to all sorts of themes and has plenty of eye-candy effects. There are very few powers to shy away from and they almost all have their uses (avoid Black Hole). It can solo and team well. Enjoy levels 1-20 and get a feel for how it plays and then take Fearsome Stare and watch your face slowly turn into a big grin as you use it for the first time and realize that you now have an entire spawn cowering in fear.
I've played dark/rad and enjoyed it as well. I agree with everyone else about taking Kinetics. It's very fun but not for the new or feint of heart. Dark/Storm works well together and although I haven't seen very many, I imagine dark/cold would be a good pairing as well.
As a new player though, I would pick a secondary that has some sort of heal in it to help you along so /dark and /rad would be my picks. Yes, you get one in the dark primary but not for a very long time and it's not much of one at that.
My vote is for Dark/Dark or Dark/Rad. To me at least, Dark Blast is more enjoyable with an early blooming secondary. I've always found the damage to be a bit anaemic until the attacks are decently slotted with SOs+. /Rad and /Dark are very strong early on, so it should make the ride a bit more enjoyable.
I'm actually working on a Dark/Cold because I love how potentially awesome it looks on paper, but man... not having a lot of fun so far. I figure I'll have to get to 35 before it becomes really enjoyable. I don't know if I can do it!
Dark/Rad would be my vote. Rad Infect basically shores up Darks lack of Aim, as well as stacks nicely with the to-hit debuffs. Its a great set that blooms early and stays steady throughout the game, and soloes nicely.
Thanks for your advice everyone. Think I will go dark/dark. Have a good concept going in my head. Thanks again..
For pvp dark/cold
I recently started a dark/storm and the synergy is beautiful
Thanks for your advice everyone. Think I will go dark/dark. Have a good concept going in my head. Thanks again..

My advice:
Get Dark Blast, Gloom, TT and NF. These are quick attacks and all very good once you learn to use them. They're still not Fire in terms of damage, but the Acc debuff will be keeping you alive longer. Everything else in Dark Blast is optional.
Almost everything in Dark Miasma is bloody brilliant. Except for Black Hole, there's a good argument for every single one of them, and you might get tempted to horde them to yourself, your "preciouseses". Share them with your party. They'll appreciate it.
The debuffs in /Dark are almost as important as the control aspect. Twilight Grasp cripples Regen, Tar Patch slices into Resistance, HT obliterates Regen and FS has a godlike Acc debuff.
The synergy between the primary and secondary of a Dark/Dark is possibly the best I've found in the game. If the damage feels a bit lacklustre, note much more survivable your team is with your actions, and try layering your soft controls to play as a corruptroller. There's a lot of fun ways to play the AT.
I am pretty new to the game and am looking for a good corruptor build I can solo with. I like Dark as my primary but am unsure about my secondary. Storm looks like fun, a lot of nice toys to keep things off of you and wreak havoc; howevr, kinetics seems to be more practical a secondary to solo with. Kinetics also seems to bring more to a team. I love the o2 blast of storm, but self heals may be nice! Any advice would be appreciated.
It's great that you want to make a build that's more team oriented. I'd invite you to any of my speed runs with either of the above builds.
Edit: saw you made your decision already, hope you have fun with the dark/dark.
I am pretty new to the game and am looking for a good corruptor build I can solo with. I like Dark as my primary but am unsure about my secondary. Storm looks like fun, a lot of nice toys to keep things off of you and wreak havoc; howevr, kinetics seems to be more practical a secondary to solo with. Kinetics also seems to bring more to a team. I love the o2 blast of storm, but self heals may be nice! Any advice would be appreciated.