AE-RP This Friday
I should mention, the mission is open to heroes only, and although all levels are welcome, most of us will be in the 20-something range. We have four open spots right now, and although the first mission takes place in the Rikti War Zone - this will be accessed through AE - not through the actual war zone in the game, so as to not interfere with the other circumstances/play of that zone.

I'd like to join up! As you already know I'm interested. I need to pick out a toon now. Is there anything in particular you guys need?
I'm tempted to ask to come along. In that range I've got an NRG/NRG Blaster and a Grav/Kin Troller who doesn't have Speed Boost. Which would you prefer?
Doctor Zar (who sets tonight's mini-adventure in motion) has been updated for the amusement of myself and anyone else who cares to take a gander.
Rikti versus sentient genius apes from another dimension. Yes, I am, in fact, just that cheesy.
Doctor Zar (VV Page)

My apologies, unforseen circumstances at work on Friday, scrubbed the planned time.
We *did* manage to cobble together a group of four and perform the first-half of this story on Sunday. It took longer than expected, nearly three-hours and it was a total blast!
Alpha Squad managed to capture a Transit Beam to reliable transport themselves from their dimension to Earth-Delta, the time/space where apes once ruled the Earth. That Earth, is in peril after a massive Rikti invasion, led to the near genocide of the apes that rules the planet.
Doctor Zar is preparing the Transit Beam, to take Alpha Squad to Earth-Delta for next week's episode.
Here are a few of the comic book covers, (cross-overs) tonights mission produced:
Promise not to screw up our next schedule, so hopefully the few that expressed interest last week can join us for the next one.

Well the sequel to the "Save Earth-Delta" story will *not* take place tonight. It won't take place until Hallow'een weekend, probably Sunday November 1.
This will be a single mission on a large map, with a lot of objectives, so will probably take 2 to 2.5 hours to complete. There is an Elite Boss, but no AV.
I'll post here again as we get closer to petition others who might want to enjoy helping a collective of intelligent apes win back their freedom from the Rikti. We have four locked in right now, but we could always use a solid tank, or high-surviving scrapper.
This link here gets you up to speed with the NPC that ignites the story...
Doctor Zar & Earth-Delta
After this Doctor Zar goes away for a while, so we can revisit other stories.
Our RP varies, usually some heavy melo-drama to set up the mission, winding down to witty banter during the actual mission. Sometimes a denouement after the mission ends, with some RP and recap.

I would definitely be interested in joining in on this, probably with my 1920s Mechanical Man, Graaff. He'll have to play a bit of catch-up, but I've got time to get him in the 20-ish range by the weekend (pretty close already). And come on, couldn't EVERY RP use a little alternate-dimension old-fashioned Tesla-manufactured robot Tanker? He's Electric Armor/Superstrength.
He sounds like a perfect fit! I am excited to meet him. Great concept.
The mission is at level 30 (one of the mobs is only level 30, so the mission normalizes to it). If you could just get to 20+ you'll be fine. Before 20, you'll *probably* be okay, (we have good healing), but you might find you have endurance issues because of the lack of stamina.
But post-30, the mission will actually kick you down to 30. Two of the characters locked in are level 50 (a healer and a blaster), that play nerfed to 30.
Even if you can't make it, an image or two of your character would be interesting to see.

Haha, to be honest the visual design for Graaff is still a bit rough - for all its wonderful features there are still limitations to the CoH designer (and, more importantly, my patience). But he is a fun concept to play with. The basic backstory is that he comes from an alternate 1920s where the Wardenclyffe tower was finished and a global wireless energy network allowed for the construction of robots, the Starling Company Mechanical Men. Then he got side-shunted into our universe by their version of the Tunguska Event. He is quite fun to play - he's basically my excuse to play a superhero with a much more 1920s "crime-busting" attitude, somewhere between the Shadow's moral ambiguity and the good ol' 4-Color "Now I will punch this guy because he's evil" style of doing things. That and it lets me use horrifically out-of-date slang and annoy schoolchildren, and even at my own young age that's already hilarious. I can't wait to get old and do it to kids in real life.
Sounds interesting.
My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow
A couple of things:
I love the concept I-N!
Some of you added me to your global friends, while I was overseas on business, so I was late in approving the add. That should be taken care of, as I logged into the game yesterday for the first time in a week.
Secondly, our AE-RP "event" will finally take place on Sunday evening. I will try and send the interested parties here a global tell to remind you, if you are interested. I also added some more color and splash (I hope) to our Alpha Squad page if you are interested. The image below is a link to the page:
The real purpose of our group, is to provide a place for alts and players that can't play every day but would like a little RP and some missions on weekends.
Thanks for your patience,

*Chuckles Ominously...*
Finally, it is over. It was a fun event, that took over 2-hours to complete, with 5 of us on the team, with several obtaining a new level during the adventure. I am sorry our schedule was a little scattered for this. Here's an RP recap of Sunday's mission:
ISSUE 20: Earth-Delta Resistance
Doctor Zar configures the Transit Beam obtained in Issue 19 to send Alpha Squad directly to an underground Rikti Hive on Earth-Delta.
There, Alpha Squad begins to liberate several key members of the Simian Resistance movement, including their Resistance Leader: Grundle. Alpha Squad also destroys the central Security Computer and defeats the Steward of Earth-Delta: Lord K.
The mission is a massive success, due largely to the hard work of: Doctor Zar, Vor Bodil, Alastrina Psyche, Nora Culrive, Ragnaut and Nebula Man.
Doctor Zar agrees to stay behind on Earth-Delta to help strengthen the Resistance Movement and continue the war against the Rikti from his home planet. The rest of Alpha Squad returns to base, triumphant and victorious.
Yet their glory will be fleeting, for little do Alpha Squad know that new trouble is brewing on the horizonÂ…

Our little RP group will be role playing the start of a new story-arc this Friday at 7:30PM Pacific (10:30 Eastern). This arc will entail two missions for now, but will probably expand and develop more in the months ahead.

The purpose of this "mini-arc" is to establish an alternate Earth, with a different time line and history, one that is involved in a major war. This particular "alternate Earth" is a direct homage to "Planet of the Apes", only like the original book, the Apes are scientifically advanced. The additional spin on the premise this time, is this "scientifically advanced" Simian race has fallen victim to a Rikti invasion.
If you find yourself on Friday wanting to have some fun RP, in a campy AE mission involving Rikti, cavemen and highly-sentient apes (and who wouldn't), please join us.
We have four confirmed for this mini-event - but would happily accommodate another four. You don't have to be part of our SG to join, you just have to have a campy spirit, and a willingness to kick the Ritki in the behind.
Add @Ravyna to your global for more details, or PM me here. Or if you see me online on Friday, shoot me a tell.
The events of this small AE mission (should take about 90 minutes to complete), will become the latest "issue" of our SG's comic book.
More details on the event and story here:
The Saga of Doctor Zar - Part 1
More information on Alpha Squad is here.
Even if you can't join us, we hope your weekend RP is filled with great adventure.