I Think I'm in Love




Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Just a quick update. My Warshade is 35 now, and I'm still enjoying him.
I've learned as I level him that when I approach a spawn, one of two things is going to happen: all the mobs will be dead in 10 seconds or less. . .or I will be. Which makes every fight rather interesting.
That's what I loooooooove about WSs so much... There so many "variables" going into every fight, that you really have to be "quick on your feet" thinking-wise to see how you can overcome every situation... It truly is very fun to play.

Oh, and [Eclipse] will change EVERYTHING... When you get good at pulling it off without dying first (haha), you'll feel like you're in "Light Form"... It's AWESOME!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Zorn, you can buy IO's that negate knockback in case you didnt know.

As you are in my SG I might be persuaded to put my hand in my pocked for you if you cannot afford one?

Edit: Also the illusion of damage in nova form isn't such an illusion, with two fast AoE's you can give a lot of blasters a run for their money and only the really AoE heavy ones will outdamage you enough to matter.
Yes, I am going to check this out with Mids. Yes we are in same SG
Lets talk about it when we meet online.



Originally Posted by Zorn View Post
So I feared. Flying is not an option to me, everytime I do it I feel that I am wearing fook me boots . I just cannot stand the idea of flying around and fighting with melee oriented attacks. Also skill that burns out my all endurance is not an option to me because it leaves your toon too vulnerable. I guess I am pretty much still banging my head to wall with pure human PB and there is no solution unless there will be developmental intervention to skills . I stick with my dual form build, it is playable but wont shine when compared to other AT's. Nova damage is ok and sometimes I feel that I can outdamage poor playing blasters but I guess it is just an illusion of grandeur.
I have max slotted Nova and Dwarf for set bonuses. Going to finish those and probably then switch back to Warshade which seems to have lot of more potential than PB.
I think you are misunderstanding me. I am not flying, I am using Combat Flight also known as Hover. My character spends about 70% hovering and 30% on the ground which are the moments I am using Solar Flare. I wouldn't call human form Peacebringers melee oriented because you only have two attacks that are melee, Radiant Strike and Incandescent Strike. Solar Flare could be considered your third, but its PBAoE and requires you to be on the ground.

Dawn Strike doesn't leave your character vulnerable. All you do is use it and then click on a blue and you have your endurance back. Again a very small issue and easy to overcome. I'm sorry you are struggling with your character, I am sure you will figure something out, but the issues you have I have I have never had with my Peacebringer who has been human only since level 1.

To address your original question, I think you are making knockback a larger isssue than it really is. I can go days without ever being knocked back so I don't understand why it is such as issue for you!

If dual-forming works for you then stick with it. Nova damage is not bad, its just limited because you are using the same 4 attacks over and over and that is not good in my opinion. There is nothing saying you have to have a human only Peacebringer to be effective, I just think that human only completely blows formed builds out of the water, but that is just my personal opinion.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I'm looking forward to Eclipse at 38 to see how it affects things. Probably around that time is when I will start slotting some sets too. I'm just using regular SO's at the moment.
Eclipse is love. Aside from Blizzard it is my 2nd favorite power on the game. When I had my Warshades I would just pop a luck, tp into a group and fire off Eclipse for capped resistance. You can choose to use the toggles or not, I kept the first toggle but dropped the 2nd and 3rd because they weren't needed, but it makes capping a lot easier. Eclipse can be made perma very easily so once you have it set up so its perma you will be running around like a Tank minus taunt.

If you have the money you might want to sell your SOs and switch to level 30, 35 or 40 common IOs which can take you all the way to 50 and beyond. Once you save up some inf then you can invest in the proper sets to finalize your build the way you want it and see increased effectiveness.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
Eclipse is love. Aside from Blizzard it is my 2nd favorite power on the game. When I had my Warshades I would just pop a luck, tp into a group and fire off Eclipse for capped resistance. You can choose to use the toggles or not, I kept the first toggle but dropped the 2nd and 3rd because they weren't needed, but it makes capping a lot easier. Eclipse can be made perma very easily so once you have it set up so its perma you will be running around like a Tank minus taunt.

If you have the money you might want to sell your SOs and switch to level 30, 35 or 40 common IOs which can take you all the way to 50 and beyond. Once you save up some inf then you can invest in the proper sets to finalize your build the way you want it and see increased effectiveness.
Thanks for the advice. I hit 38 last night and built out both my Tri-Form and Human Form builds with level 40 IO's. I usually wait until around then as the 40 IO's are roughly +3 SO's in strength.

And you're right about Eclipse. As soon as I got it I jumped into a spawn of Fifth Column to try it out. Hitting the resistance cap was very very nice.

I've only managed two 50's over the years, and I stopped playing both of them almost as soon as they hit 50. I can easily see me not doing this with my Warshade. He's the only character I've played thus far that I'm truly interested in maxing out with sets. It's going to take a while to do so for both builds, but hey, Paragon City isn't going anywhere.



i wish i was a squiddie =[ but the best i have is a lvl 30 defender =[ -tear- i don't even really like hero side at all anymore i've gotten so used to being a villian >_> so my defender never gets leveled coz non of the builds interest me except for the WS =3



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Thanks for the advice. I hit 38 last night and built out both my Tri-Form and Human Form builds with level 40 IO's. I usually wait until around then as the 40 IO's are roughly +3 SO's in strength.

And you're right about Eclipse. As soon as I got it I jumped into a spawn of Fifth Column to try it out. Hitting the resistance cap was very very nice.

I've only managed two 50's over the years, and I stopped playing both of them almost as soon as they hit 50. I can easily see me not doing this with my Warshade. He's the only character I've played thus far that I'm truly interested in maxing out with sets. It's going to take a while to do so for both builds, but hey, Paragon City isn't going anywhere.
I typically don't slot my characters with anything before level 22. Once I hit level 22 I use level 25 common IOs until level 37 and then I slot them with level 40 sets and only level 40. I am kind of anal when comes to mismatched levels so I go for the consistency of 40s.

Originally Posted by HomsikPanda View Post
i wish i was a squiddie =[ but the best i have is a lvl 30 defender =[ -tear- i don't even really like hero side at all anymore i've gotten so used to being a villian >_> so my defender never gets leveled coz non of the builds interest me except for the WS =3
I've never understood that because the builds villainside are very simillar t heroside builds for the most part.

Content is the only thing different in my eyes when it comes to the two games.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by HomsikPanda View Post
i wish i was a squiddie =[ but the best i have is a lvl 30 defender =[ -tear- i don't even really like hero side at all anymore i've gotten so used to being a villian >_> so my defender never gets leveled coz non of the builds interest me except for the WS =3
Roll up a scrapper. They are really self-sufficient, so they are easy to team or solo. They do a ton of damage, so they level pretty quickly. I personally recommend a broadsword or katana paired with regen or willpower. Regen-heavy sets paired with the stackable melee defense from Parry or Divine Avalanche is incredibly powerful. I love my BS/Regen!

Man up and get to 50! You simply must experience a mature Warshade!

...in CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville

Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar



Originally Posted by Novella View Post

I've never understood that because the builds villainside are very simillar t heroside builds for the most part.

Content is the only thing different in my eyes when it comes to the two games.
there is no hero side masterminds or hero side soldiers of arachnos, also the inheret abilitys can make all the difference, for example a brute and a tank, they are pretty much the oposite of each other as far as powers, brutes have offense as thier primary and defence as thier secondary, tanks have defence and then offence, and stalkers have thier hide ability..... and i'm not interested in the other 2 >_>;



Originally Posted by HomsikPanda View Post
there is no hero side masterminds or hero side soldiers of arachnos, also the inheret abilitys can make all the difference, for example a brute and a tank, they are pretty much the oposite of each other as far as powers, brutes have offense as thier primary and defence as thier secondary, tanks have defence and then offence, and stalkers have thier hide ability..... and i'm not interested in the other 2 >_>;
Brutes aren't compared to Tanks. Brutes do not have the same resistance cap of a Tank and there damage is more along the lines of a Scrapper so most people consider Brutes the Scrappers of CoV. True there are no Mastermind or Soldiers of Arachnos, hence why I said "for the most part" at the end of my statement, but it still doesn't explain why a person would only stay on CoV if they started on CoH (not saying you did that).

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Since I joined the CoX world at the beta of CoV I have always perffered the villain ATs over the Hero Ats since nothing blueside appealed to me (no MasterMinds.)

It wasn't until after I got two of my villains to lvl 50 that I began to play blueside to unlock the Kheldian ATs since I like semitry and I love unlocking stuff. I tortured my way through 50 levels using a FoTM Fire/Kin Controller since I was told that it was able to solo well and leveled fast (since I had no experience with this AT or the Dominator AT this prooved inaccurate in my case.)

While I was leveling upwards I looked on at other WS players with a sense of envy since they had something I wanted right there and then which only served to fuel my mission to hit 50 come hell or high water.

What did it get me? Well I got to level 50 and immedietly leveled and made my new WS Cyber Dragon Epsilon and like you I felt a great sense of acomplishment...followed by cancelling my sub due to CoX burnout since I worked my *** off to get a lvl 40 MM to 50, a SS/WP Brute from 1 to 50 and a Troller from 1 to 50.

After about two months of relaxation I came back and began to whip me some *** big time. My reaction can only be wrapped up in one phrase:

"Oh my God this is ******* badass son!"

I loved my WS so much that even after I migrated from Infinity to Virtue I refused to remake my WS from there and paid to have her transffered to Virtue and got he to 50. Espilon is now my main Hero and is the primary/only toon I use when teaming up for TFs and the like unless i'm working on a side project.

While I am not yet finished IOing her out she can curb stomp anyone who stands in her way. I love WS's that much. The form switching alone was super easy to adapt to with the use of some very useful keybinds I found on these very forums. I also prepared ahead of time by reading up on some info provided by Alien One along with several other Kheld specialists who were kind enough to provide insight on these two ATs and offer some sample builds. The time needed to get used to this was at best two minutes since this was not an issue due to my MasterMind experience.

Of all of the powers at our disposal I love Stygian Circle along with Stygian Return since if I die with the click of a simple button boom full rez with untouchability for maximum backlash towards those remaining mobs who dared to cross me. My current project is to work on a Human form WS build and a PB since i'm pretty much spoiled on using WS powers and need to adjust to the PB playstyle.

All in all I fel this is one of the best ATs in the game period and once Going Rouge goes live I will have a Nictus running rampant in the Rouge Isles.



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
Brutes aren't compared to Tanks. Brutes do not have the same resistance cap of a Tank and there damage is more along the lines of a Scrapper so most people consider Brutes the Scrappers of CoV. True there are no Mastermind or Soldiers of Arachnos, hence why I said "for the most part" at the end of my statement, but it still doesn't explain why a person would only stay on CoV if they started on CoH (not saying you did that).
i started on coh, but i find the classes the huge difference, and true the brute is more like a "scrapper" but in the cov world, the brute = tank, you use the the same as a tank to pull aggro and keep the baddies of the more squishy teammates,, scrappers, you use the stalker as the resident scrapper.... the only real characters that are the same are the corrupter/blaster and the controller/umm.. i forget =/...