Ticket cap hitting early?

Eva Destruction



(Apologies if this has come up already. I couldn't find anything when I searched.)

Just got out of an AE mission with my 50 BS/Shield Scrapper, fighting against Longbow. Settings were 8-man, +1, with bosses. After a few minutes of rockin' the broadsword, I got the 'One or more tickets were not awarded, as you have reached the ticket cap for this map' message. This isn't that unusual for that character - she usually hits the ticket cap in missions due to the large numbers of enemies she fights - but I'd only collected ~160 tickets. I had less than ten tickets in my inventory starting the mission, so I'm nowhere near the max number.

What gives? I thought the cap was a lot higher than that - like 1200 or so. It wasn't a very large map. Does that affect how large the Ticket Cap is, or what?

The Ballad of Iron Percy



tickets are now based on map size i believe.



Yes, I noticed a much lower ticket cap on a fairly large map, and it was capping at around 320. I'm gonna try changing the map and seeing if that changes anything. The cap seemed crazy low, because I would hit the cap on a 6 man team (not solo, each member on the team) after about 10% of the map.



Thanks, it was the map. Weird, because I was capped at 318 on a huge map. I'm trying out different maps to find one where I won't cap in the first room.

Does anyone have a list of all the different maps with the current ticket caps?



Thanks for the replies. I guess this is working as intended?

What's the purpose of this change? Farming prevention? Reduce the number of tickets going to the players? 160 for a single mission (even one on a very small map) seems... low. Two bronze rolls worth of recipes or 20 pieces of common salvage is less than what I'd expect running through a normal mission.

Doesn't this act as a deterrent for players who want to run normal player-made story arcs? I like playing with high spawn counts for the rewards. I'd rather play through legitimate stories and actual arcs for my tickets, but this change gives me a rather forceful nudge toward large farm maps with click-to-complete objectives if I'm actually interested in earning tickets. I'm still fighting through hordes of enemies on a smaller map - you still have to defeat mobs to earn tickets - so it's not like players can bypass the risk for their rewards by choosing a smaller map, can they?

Why can't I have both the experience of running an actual arc and the full rewards for the mobs I'm defeating?

If I have to choose, I guess I'll stick to farm maps. Player-made arcs can be hit-or-miss, but tickets are always good. I just wish I didn't have pick one or the other. ::shrug::

The Ballad of Iron Percy



The intent of the change, as with many for the AE, was ostensibly to prevent ticket farming. As such things go, this was possibly the most misguided of those changes, because it really does very little to prevent ticket farming. Anyone who wants to farm tickets just picks from the biggest maps and resets when they reach 1/2 the cap (getting the other 1/2 from the completion reward).

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
The intent of the change, as with many for the AE, was ostensibly to prevent ticket farming. As such things go, this was possibly the most misguided of those changes, because it really does very little to prevent ticket farming. Anyone who wants to farm tickets just picks from the biggest maps and resets when they reach 1/2 the cap (getting the other 1/2 from the completion reward).
This is one of those areas where it's tough to decide whether to be frustrated with the farmers for messing things up for the rest of us, or to be frustrated with the devs for being so paranoid about farmers that they hamstring the rest of us.

That said, I've yet to hit the ticket cap in a mission. I haven't played much AE since this change was put in place because my graphics card died, so I don't know how much this change will affect my playstyle. Luckily the PC is still under warranty, so it is being repaired. I've been without it for two weeks -- but I'm getting it back today.



Originally Posted by The_Hegemon View Post
Thanks for the replies. I guess this is working as intended?

What's the purpose of this change? Farming prevention? Reduce the number of tickets going to the players? 160 for a single mission (even one on a very small map) seems... low. Two bronze rolls worth of recipes or 20 pieces of common salvage is less than what I'd expect running through a normal mission.

Doesn't this act as a deterrent for players who want to run normal player-made story arcs? I like playing with high spawn counts for the rewards. I'd rather play through legitimate stories and actual arcs for my tickets, but this change gives me a rather forceful nudge toward large farm maps with click-to-complete objectives if I'm actually interested in earning tickets. I'm still fighting through hordes of enemies on a smaller map - you still have to defeat mobs to earn tickets - so it's not like players can bypass the risk for their rewards by choosing a smaller map, can they?

Why can't I have both the experience of running an actual arc and the full rewards for the mobs I'm defeating?

If I have to choose, I guess I'll stick to farm maps. Player-made arcs can be hit-or-miss, but tickets are always good. I just wish I didn't have pick one or the other. ::shrug::
I remember during issue 14 when I made some new characters and could rely on a 3 or 4 mission AE arc to give me enough tickets to buy a rare salvage piece, which I would then sell on the market and use to finance my DOs.

Now I can go through 5 missions and not even have 400 tickets.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
The intent of the change, as with many for the AE, was ostensibly to prevent ticket farming. As such things go, this was possibly the most misguided of those changes, because it really does very little to prevent ticket farming. Anyone who wants to farm tickets just picks from the biggest maps and resets when they reach 1/2 the cap (getting the other 1/2 from the completion reward).

Before the new difficulty settings, non-farmers would very rarely run into the cap on the smaller maps, unless it had a few bosses and the RNG was kind and gave you tickets on each one. Now, you can, very easily.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World