Oh god the servers are going to melt





define "fluffy tail" please.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
Personally, I blame Ashcraft.
Finally, someone has the right idea!

Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
Lag during Rikti raids are a weapon of the Rikti, not the servers. The Rikti are so intelligent that they know to attack not the toon, but you, the player, with their Rikti lag weaponry. Those clever little weasels.......
To be accurate they are Mark VII CDDF Rikti Lag Cannons. They just got the third cannon up and running a week ago. It runs on concentrated amounts of Drama and Doom.

Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
Shhhh you guys...
not a rikti spy is spying on us..
its trickery i tell you!
Denial: Rikti: Any collaboration with.

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Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post

define "fluffy tail" please.
Well it has to be nice looking, well shaped and fit well.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
Well it has to be nice looking, well shaped and fit well.
Sounds like you're describing the Playmate of the Month.

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Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
That could have a lot to do with it. I believe the weekly raids have at least 5 teams going by the time we land on the mothership. In any case, we'll see tonight.
Maybe, but I still would've expected some lag with what we've been seeing the past few Thursdays. Either way, we'll find out like you said.



Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
Well it has to be nice looking, well shaped and fit well.

thats what she said



Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
So I see Amy is still giving Guiness to the squirrels.... Bad girl... I'm thinking of giving her my student card to make her stop.
Lies and slander.

I'd never partake in any activity involving that milkshake of a beer you call Guinness.

Now if you'll kindly look the other way, I need to go change my avatar.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
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Really, Budweiser is some awful awful ****. Then again, I can say the same thing about most American beers.



Okay, so if I, a non-beer/ale, etc. drinker, were to ask... what would you recommend for me to try? I'm a mixed drinks kinda gal (rum+, vodka+, tequila+ typically), but come from a family of beer-drinkers and have always wanted to try something new without having it turn me off the entire subset of alcohol.

Recommendations in PM welcome, if anyone thinks that is way off-topic or inappropriate for age.



Beer is honestly an acquired taste imo, and I have to be in a certain mood to want one.

That being said, usually I'll drink either Heineken or Michelob (the only domestic beer I can stand), occasionally Guinness (but it really is sort of like drinking bread). Also, another nasty beer, Corona.. I really don't see how people want to drink that stuff constantly.



Stray is right, beer really is an acquired taste. I'm spoiled by living in Europe and having had a Belgian gf so I'm all about yummy beers like Jupiler and Duvel (which are bog-standard in BE) but hard to find anywhere else.

To be honest, given the choice I'd rather drink cider, a nice cool Magners or Bulmers (I'm not a plant I swear) is much nicer to quench than a beer, but beer can hit the spot. As a general recommendation, if you're gonna try beer, like coffee, try it with an open mind and try all sorts to see what you do and don't like.

As an aside note, if you've come from a family of beer drinkers wine is of course an option. It generally is 2-3 times as strong (alcohol content wise) compared to beer but can be much nicer. Bear in mind the fact that both crappy beers and crappy wines can be tolerable if drunk at the right temperature (if a beer is cold it can often nullify whatever nastiness there is and ditto for rose/white wines).

Hope this helps.

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Just to clarify, even though wine has a higher alcohol by volume concentration (Beer on average is 5%, Wine is 12-15% with the highest non-distilled alcoholic beverage possible being 20%) a 12oz bottle/can/mug of beer is equal to a 5-6oz glass of wine (which is typically how much is in a glass). To put it in another perspective, both those are equal to about 1.5 oz (or a shot) of 80 proof liquor, which is what goes in a typical mixed drink. I had to learn all this stuff to get my ABC license to serve alcohol when I worked as a bartender.

And yeah, what Silas said is better advice as far as choosing one to drink, it is sort of like coffee.



Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
Just to clarify, even though wine has a higher alcohol by volume concentration (Beer on average is 5%, Wine is 12-15% with the highest non-distilled alcoholic beverage possible being 20%) a 12oz bottle/can/mug of beer is equal to a 5-6oz glass of wine (which is typically how much is in a glass). To put it in another perspective, both those are equal to about 1.5 oz (or a shot) of 80 proof liquor, which is what goes in a typical mixed drink. I had to learn all this stuff to get my ABC license to serve alcohol when I worked as a bartender.

And yeah, what Silas said is better advice as far as choosing one to drink, it is sort of like coffee.
It's funny you mentioned this because I *just* got out of a class on hypertension and how many standard drinks you're supposed to limit yourself to per week, standard drinks being defined as what you described.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Yup, every bartender has to learn this stuff to be licensed to sell and serve by the drink.



I always feel left out when people talk about drinks...



You and me both. I take a half dozen medications every day, and half of them have nice big labels on them that read, "Do not take with alcohol." Bah.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
I always feel left out when people talk about drinks...
I feel that way when people talk about bars. Being extremely allergic to smoke I can't go "hang out" with the majority of my classmates because ND won't set up a smoking ban. And unfortunately I'm not allowed to take the matter into my own hands with a crowbar.



Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
I feel that way when people talk about bars. Being extremely allergic to smoke I can't go "hang out" with the majority of my classmates because ND won't set up a smoking ban. And unfortunately I'm not allowed to take the matter into my own hands with a crowbar.
By all means, take the matter into your own hands.

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Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
I feel that way when people talk about bars. Being extremely allergic to smoke I can't go "hang out" with the majority of my classmates because ND won't set up a smoking ban. And unfortunately I'm not allowed to take the matter into my own hands with a crowbar.
I'm in that boat with you, Talon.

Had chronic bronchitis as a kid. Smoke makes me feel like my lungs are strangling each other with chains.

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Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
By all means, take the matter into your own hands.
If only it weren't for that pesky jail time afterward.