Bacon On The Big Screen!




Bacon and Cash

"I noticed. And Cash? You can stop holding your bacon. "

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Bacon Fiction

(Pulp Fiction)

"Everyone be cool! This is a robbery! I am going to come around and collect your bacon!"



Four Bacons
(Four Rooms)
"Well, most recently, there's room 309, there's this scary Mexican gangster dude poking his finger in my chest. There's his hooligan kids snapping their fingers at me. There's a putrid, rotting corpse of a dead wh(ahem) stuck in the springs of the bed. There's rooms blazing afire. There's a big fat needle from God knows where, stuck in my leg, infecting me with God knows what. And finally there's me, walking out the door, right *#& now. Bacon noches."



The Neverending Bacon

"Bastian, Say My Bacon!"

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Bacon Act

(Class Act)

"Would you stop frying me?! You're making me much too hot!"



Bacon City

(Sin City)

You crazy Bacon broad! Just take a look at this mug. Would any of you dames let me get close enough to you to kill you? None of you would, but Goldie... But she only did because she thought I could protect her. And I bet those cops didn't do a damn thing about those other girls, did they? But as soon as they had me for a fall guy they showed up, guns blazing. But they didn't get me and I've been killing my way to the truth ever since. So go ahead, doll, shoot me now, or get the hell out of my way.



A Nightmare on Bacon Street

(Now we add quotes to the movies? ok)

"And now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my bacon to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my bacon to take."



Only if you wish Emmi, tho I suspect people like to do it

The Usual Bacons

(The Usual Suspects)



[quote=Emmi Blaze;2300487]
(Now we add quotes to the movies? ok)

(Actually we don't have to, but it adds to the fun )

Bacon Party

(House Party)

"*sniff sniff* Yo, what's that smell? I think I smell...I SMELL BACON!"



"*sniff sniff* Yo, what's that smell? I think I smell...I SMELL BACON!"

LOL, OMFG, Angry!!!



Bacon (Rudy)

"Who's the bacon man now?"



Hot Bacon!

(Hot Shots)



The Baconator (The Terminator)

"I'll be bacon."



Forrest Bacon

(Forrest Gump)

"Life is like a box of bacon. You never know what you're gonna get"



The Invention of Bacon
"We have to have bacon right now or the worlds going to end!"

"For BACON!"

Star Wars: The Phantom Bacon
"May the bacon be with you."

Inglourious Bacon



Back to the Bacon (Back to the Future)

"Bacon? Where we're going we don't need bacon ... "



Bacons (Clerks)

"Why don't you open the shutters and let some light in here?"
"I can't. Someone jammed bacon in the locks."
"Bunch of savages in this town."

"And try not eat any more bacon on your way through the parking lot!"

"She ate 37 strips of bacon!"
"In a row?!"

"Bacon merchant! Bacon merchant!"

Hell, almost every line in this move can have Bacon in it!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Hell, almost every line in this move can have Bacon in it!
I'm not even supposed to eat bacon today



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Bacons (Clerks)

"Why don't you open the shutters and let some light in here?"
"I can't. Someone jammed bacon in the locks."
"Bunch of savages in this town."

"And try not eat any more bacon on your way through the parking lot!"

"She ate 37 strips of bacon!"
"In a row?!"

"Bacon merchant! Bacon merchant!"

Hell, almost every line in this move can have Bacon in it!
A classic film! And the start of Jay and Silent Bob as we know them.

Chasing Bacon

(Chasing Amy) pretty much unquotable...



(mallrats) dont know any quotes



Fear And Bacon In Las Vegas

"We can't stop here! This is bacon country!"

Originally Posted by IdioticGenius View Post
(mallrats) dont know any quotes
"I'm going to give your girlfriend bacon in a very uncomfortable place!"
"In the back seat of a Volkswagon?"

"Is The Thing's dork made of bacon?"

"Fry, fat ***, FRY!"

"It's a schooner!"
"No, it's a sailboat!"
"A schooner IS a sailboat!"
"Oh yeah? Well... THERE IS NO EASTER BACON!"

"Bacon Boochies!"

You, sir, need to watch Mallrats again.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint: