Death of Captain Power - LIVE!




I didn't have time to make the movie poster I wanted, but here it is the one you've all been waiting for. The Death of Captain Power! That's right, I"m dead, and many of you must help discover who did it! Track down the killer of Captain Power and learn there are other secrets behind his demise!

Solo Friendly, and hopefully fun for all, you will soon learn who killed Captain Power!

Starring: Mr. E-Man, Dr. Turgenev, Luna de Nocturne, Scruffy Muffy, Dr. Hollywood, Roxona, 1st Son, Alteranse7en, and Myrdinn

Also Starring: Countess Crey, Vanessa DeVore

And Special Guest and Narrator: Statesman

Missing: Electric_Eddie and Master-Blade as well as other friends of Captain Power both Community and Horde.

Thanks all who sent me costume files, if you have teamed with Captain Power, and wish to be a part of the story arc, you are still welcome to send me a PM and prepare to send a costume file as well as character info, including powers and flight/no flight. Eddie, I couldn't get the file you sent me to work, perhaps we can arrange something different? Blade, never recieved, but everyone is still welcome to send a file, and I would happily edit the arc to include others in it.

Thanks to all the Hordies who participated and have been such good friends to me, as well as teammates.

Hope everyone enjoys my death, but don't worry, I will return! But how?

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Sounds like fun! We need to setup a day to run this and Kitten's arcs, since we didn't get around to it last night. Anyone up for that Tuesday night?



Thanks Paragon.

Also I wanted to say If any of you guys who are Starring in this arc have things you want your character to say in circumstances or power changes, or any other edits let me know. Sorry It took so long, also I'm sorry some of you wanted to test it out. I spent so much time fooling with making it I only tested it once, and not all the way through, so let me know if you see any typos, problem areas or anything that may inhibit this mission arc being fun for all.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
Blade, never recieved,
So did you include me? You came by one day and was like "haha! that's the costume I'm using for my arc now. I gave you a chance to send me a file" lol

I guess I'll be checking it out and I'll know soon enough anyway. :P

Right now I'm defragging, or I'd run it now... but it shouldn't take too much longer.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
So did you include me? You came by one day and was like "haha! that's the costume I'm using for my arc now. I gave you a chance to send me a file" lol

I guess I'll be checking it out and I'll know soon enough anyway. :P

Right now I'm defragging, or I'd run it now... but it shouldn't take too much longer.
No, well, the reason I didn't throw that one in was 1. It woulda been that much more work for me to make you and not get the scales right. 2. I ran out of slots in Mission #2 which is where I introduce the stars. and 3. Since so far I havn't had any other people express interrest in being in it, I picked you to bow out until I get a file from ya or till I can make sure of the scales a little more. I was trying to rush it out there and get you guys an episode. Not to mention I've had a sudden flood of ideas for the next arc and it's due out in I had to get ready to start working on it.

Sorry bro, if you can please send me a costume file and I'd be glad to add you in. Just have too much going on to try to get your costume right, lol.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
Sorry bro, if you can please send me a costume file and I'd be glad to add you in. Just have too much going on to try to get your costume right, lol.
lol It's no problem at all. There is nothing to apologize for. The reason I didn't send a file is because it's bad enough that Tabby is starring in a Freedom arc as a drunk.. lol It's kinda funny, but I dunno if I want to star in any other arcs. I'm sorry. I'm sure you've got other people you can throw in there.



Yes but the question is... where are the Soldiers of the Future and was it Lord Dredd or Sauron? (10,000 geek points to whomever gets the reference )

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Originally Posted by Lord_of_Time View Post
Yes but the question is... where are the Soldiers of the Future and was it Lord Dredd or Sauron? (10,000 geek points to whomever gets the reference )
Lord of the Rings



What is missing here...

I'll give you a hint..


So besides that.. I do have some comments. It's usually a very BAD idea to have a "complete all" mission with stealthy foes in it. Having a Stealth IO on MB, I pretty much had to drag around one of the allies slowly in order for them to make themselves appear so I could even complete the mission.. and the last one ended up being behind a crate! It was very annoying.

I'll finish it later. We're starting the MoSTF now.



Sorry E, didn't meant to forget the "E" I just uploaded the file as you gave it to me. But I'll fix it. And as for the defeat all. I can change the defeat all too, thanks for the info, sorry it was annoying.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



And as for the Soldiers of the Future, in case you didn't notice, this isn't that TV show character that I never saw nor even knew existed until someone told me about it 3 years after creating this character. Sorry, look somewhere else for your 80's non-syndicated TV show characters that only appearantly aired in the far western U.S.

I've been Captain Power on Freedom for 5 years now, and your 80's TV show character has not. Sorry if this makes you sad.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
And as for the Soldiers of the Future, in case you didn't notice, this isn't that TV show character that I never saw nor even knew existed until someone told me about it 3 years after creating this character. Sorry, look somewhere else for your 80's non-syndicated TV show characters that only appearantly aired in the far western U.S.

I've been Captain Power on Freedom for 5 years now, and your 80's TV show character has not. Sorry if this makes you sad.
Oh it's not heheh I was just making a joke. I found it amusing that you had a character called Captain Power and was wondering if anyone would get the reference (that had seen the show ) when I dropped some hints.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Lord of the Rings
Incorrect. But good guess. Actually I was referring to this.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



It was fun, and a slight challenge solo.. but I have to say.. DrHollywood kicked Captian Evil's behind at the end! rofl

Nice job. +5

Will Captain Power return?



Originally Posted by Lord_of_Time View Post
Incorrect. But good guess. Actually I was referring to this.
Wow. I had no idea how bad that show was until I saw it on Veoh. Here's a link to some compiled vids if anyone's interested.



Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
Sorry E, didn't meant to forget the "E" I just uploaded the file as you gave it to me. But I'll fix it. And as for the defeat all. I can change the defeat all too, thanks for the info, sorry it was annoying.
It was probably my fault...I needed to redo my costume since my real costume is defunct in the icon system & I must have neglected adding in the "E"...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I hope to try this tomorrow CP! I was going to run it last night, but my SG actually logged on, and I wanted the time to read everything, so I knew I wouldn't be able to do that with them around.

I really like the idea of Captain Negative (did I get the right name?) Love the picture!

I'm sure its the same great work you have always done CP! I look forward to running it

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
Sounds like fun! We need to setup a day to run this and Kitten's arcs, since we didn't get around to it last night. Anyone up for that Tuesday night?
Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
I hope to try this tomorrow CP! I was going to run it last night, but my SG actually logged on, and I wanted the time to read everything, so I knew I wouldn't be able to do that with them around.

I really like the idea of Captain Negative (did I get the right name?) Love the picture!

I'm sure its the same great work you have always done CP! I look forward to running it
Incredibly good idea; I'll be there.

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



Originally Posted by Myrdinn View Post
Incredibly good idea; I'll be there.
I'll be there as well, do we have a meeting zone? or are we running from the seat of our pants? which of course works too. lol. I'd say if we're setting a meeting zone let's shoot for Founder's AE, because it's DEAD most of the time, so not much spam or difficulty finding each other, and it's near the train. Also I'll be running as my Tank, Ms. Freedom, since Captain Power is supposed to be dead anyway, lol.

Captain Negative was inspired by (for those of you who don't keep up much with comics.) the Marvel Zombies and lately by the Black Lantern Corps from Green Lantern. It's a nice easy way for me to use Captain Power, but not.... And so if you see Cap running around, it's in name He's Captain Negative right now! lol. Also it's a forshadow of the upcoming resurrection of Captain Power....due out sometime around Halloween. (hmm, resurrection around halloween, and a zombie version of Captain Power running around.......) yea it's so cliche' it's pathetic, but I'm a traditionalist, I can't help it!

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
I'll be there as well, do we have a meeting zone? or are we running from the seat of our pants? which of course works too. lol. I'd say if we're setting a meeting zone let's shoot for Founder's AE, because it's DEAD most of the time, so not much spam or difficulty finding each other, and it's near the train. Also I'll be running as my Tank, Ms. Freedom, since Captain Power is supposed to be dead anyway, lol.

Captain Negative was inspired by (for those of you who don't keep up much with comics.) the Marvel Zombies and lately by the Black Lantern Corps from Green Lantern. It's a nice easy way for me to use Captain Power, but not.... And so if you see Cap running around, it's in name He's Captain Negative right now! lol. Also it's a forshadow of the upcoming resurrection of Captain Power....due out sometime around Halloween. (hmm, resurrection around halloween, and a zombie version of Captain Power running around.......) yea it's so cliche' it's pathetic, but I'm a traditionalist, I can't help it!
Founders sounds good to me.

What time is good for everyone? 10ish (Eastern)?

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Founders sounds good to me.

What time is good for everyone? 10ish (Eastern)?

(oh, and I do the same thing... I've got a "Myrdinn Dark" laying about on the redside. I've had him in one form or another since the blueside came out. ...need to level him, one of these days...)

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Founders sounds good to me.

What time is good for everyone? 10ish (Eastern)?
10ish sounds good. It's not a long arc, especially with all the assistance we give us......(what? As MB said earlier, Dr. Hollywood took Captain Evil to the cleaners, prolly a setting I messed up. I'll check it. ANYWAY, so yea, Founders Falls at 10 EST. See you guys there I hope. =D

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
10ish sounds good. It's not a long arc, especially with all the assistance we give us......(what? As MB said earlier, Dr. Hollywood took Captain Evil to the cleaners, prolly a setting I messed up. I'll check it. ANYWAY, so yea, Founders Falls at 10 EST. See you guys there I hope. =D
I've rounded up a few more from Facebook so it looks like we've got:

1. CP
2. Myrdinn
3. Me
4. Darken Sparrow
5. Roxy
6. E (iffy)
7. Alter/Joe (Iffy)
8. Paragon

Edit: This is *not* an official Horde event I'm leading tonight. So don't expect me to setup multiple teams. Seriously.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



You forgot me.

Course, I guess I never confirmed it, but I did set the date and what-not, heh.



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
See message #2 in this thread, as quoted by Myrdinn and followed up by CP himself.
Yes I saw it. I'm sorry you think I stole your idea. I just picked tonight because I wanted to run with some friends and it was my first free night. You can have my spot if you like.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)