Calling all static teams!




Whoever "leads" the raid should be giving guidance to everyone in attendance and its fairly simple to follow.



Originally Posted by Da_White_Rapper View Post
Maybe she's hawt. And if so....then hawt chicks get a pass for being crazy. It's the rule. No really it is.....
Well my ex-wife is hawt and crazy, so I know where you are coming from. It is also why she is my EX_wife



Originally Posted by Felecia_Divine View Post
Hmmmm, i read this thread a little late. If you need extra support then contact a member of ALL-OUT-WAR in game since we have members on almost at all hours of the day that should not be a problem.

ALL-OUT-WAR has 2 static teams running and about to start another one since our Fire Static Team has hit level 50.

Fire Team: All fire based powers, ours had Fire Blaster, Fire Scrapper, Fire Tank, Fire/Emp (Divine Witch), Fire/Force, Fire/Storm, Fire/Kin, and Fire/Rad. This team rolls extremely well!

Lords Of War: Run by Capt. Scotland (Crey Freezebot, Darklin Wizard) This team took the following powers: Archery, Trick Arrow, Devices, and Traps. Yes all are Blasters. Fast and Furious and tons of Fun! We are still running about level 35 if your interested in joining. My character is Gunmetal Queen (Assault/Device). Capt. Scotlands character is Gadgetter (archer).

Yes it is true AOW is an inactive sg with no one in it (oozing sarcasm here) so contact the following in-game.

Solar Fire Sr. (A-Jay), Solarflames, Pyreklism, Fire Sword Scrapper (Kassey), Burnin Rad (shaawing), Illyana Radburner (Battling Beastman), Gadgetter (Capt. Scotland), Apocrypha, Frozen Flafatron, White Raven 724, Lost Warlock (Toxic Striker), SENSELESS, Fallen Savior, Prixy and anyone with ALL-OUT-WAR above their names. There are many i have not added to this list, but it will help you find people who can help you and get teams going.

As for myself i only help people who are team friendly. I do not help people who do not respect others, such as those who continually harass people in PvP Zones and people who constantly jump teams in the middle of missions and TF's. So no i will not help Templars of Steel, Protectors of Neverland, Untouchables, or EXILE! Or people who have been nasty such as Dark Friar or Sonic.

Use a little common sense and respect each other and i will be more than willing to help you!

If you want to get on regular static teams, or just have fun with a great group of people get an ALT and join ALL-OUT-WAR, we will help you get your character to where you want to be!

Thanks for listening this is my tirade for the day

wow @ all the irony/hypocrisy/lies in this post.




Thanks for the offer Felecia... but this was a discussion focused primarily on specific static teams and you are not a member of any of them as far as I can recall. We weren't asking for someone to swoop in to offer to "save us"; most of us have been on raids and are big girls and boys- we can figure out how to do it without AOW's involvement.

Even if we did want outside help on something like a raid, I'm pretty sure we'd ask someone from one of our own SG's that run raids all the time instead.

After all, we've managed to make it to 50 on our toons without outsiders rescuing us from ourselves and most of us have years of play experience to help the entire team as needed.



Originally Posted by StoneJaguar View Post
hmmm.. that mothership raid woulda been fun with just static teams... i play a plant/sonic so i woulda been the bubbler i suppose... I get off work at 6:30pm PDT. And with commute time, my earliest get home time is 7:15pm. So unless the MS raid was later, i just couldnt make it. And one of our players lives/works in Germany. i shouldnt have to explain the problems there.

Actually the Unleashed Wednesday night static team is nearing the end anyway... as far as the hero team goes. Last mission of statesman next week and depending on how fast that goes, we will start the ouroboros versions of the praetorian arcs. after those are done, we have all made villains and will be playing a villain static team.

by the way, send me an invite for that static team channel ANYTIME. I would like to join it. Static teams are super fun.

edit: i read some more of this thread. yeh the unleashed team can't make it for this MS raid. our team doesnt officially start until 8pm pacific time. except for the player in Germany all of us live in washington or california. 9 eastern is just too early. i am still at work.


If I can get my game crash issues worked out I may have to hit you up about this static teamage on Wed. nights........



What's the verdict?
Do we go for it?
On the Roof near Pylon 17?

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



I'll be there- (time?) If no one else shows I can dance around like a chicken and take a nap I suppose.



Ill make an attempt, but i might be farming gin and tonics as its the last cruise ship for the summer season today



Originally Posted by Beetle_King View Post
Ill make an attempt, but i might be farming gin and tonics as its the last cruise ship for the summer season today
I'd like an invite to that farm.



Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
I'd like an invite to that farm.
Everyone is invited, Ive got a company credit card



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
What's the verdict?
Do we go for it?
On the Roof near Pylon 17?
See ya there, i think you said 9pm ET

bringing my 49 PB from the sunday static



Originally Posted by Beetle_King View Post
Everyone is invited, Ive got a company credit card
Captain Stubing's gunna be pissed!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



If the kids go down easy.....especially that middle one....count me or around 9....



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
I dunno.
It seems that most of the Wednsday night Static Teams play between 7pm Eastern - 11pm Eastern, so we should probably schedule it somewhere in the middle of that. Say, about 9pm Eastern.
Yep, still on for tonight. I should have the Soul Eaterz static team there with space for about 2 (we may need a kin for our stoney if Rednecker is unable to attend).

Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous



Originally Posted by TFury View Post
Yep, still on for tonight. I should have the Soul Eaterz static team there with space for about 2 (we may need a kin for our stoney if Rednecker is unable to attend).
If a Kin is absolutely Necessary, and one can not be found, I'll take one for the team and bring my Rad/Kin Corr instead of my Elec/Inv Brute Static Toon.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Static team raid went well last nice and was nice to see everyone that made it (and thanks Bud for joining in as well)

Koodo's for Stray for taking the job as leader even though you really didnt want to, and BA for getting eveyone together for it.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Yeah....big up to stray for leading. And thanks to the people who did A LOT of rezzing.....for me that is.

Just to be clear....I was on as Fossil you probably saw me dead...err....sleeping......



Originally Posted by Da_White_Rapper View Post
Just to be clear....I was on as Fossil you probably saw me dead...err....sleeping......
I thought we were having a Ship Licking contest!
... I guess I was winning then.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



I call a tie, my rez was recharging more than it was up.



Great MS raid everybody!! Everyone had a great time and suprisingly no lag at all. Thanks for leading Stray. Looking forward to next week's static team.


Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
I thought we were having a Ship Licking contest!
... I guess I was winning then.

So like it's like licking toads or something?!?!?!? Wasn't that a Beavis and Butthead episode? LOL

Anyways...Stray was talking a lot of smack about me dirtnap abilities!



Awesome Job Stray. Thanks for running the first run.

The Heroic Origins of T-Spiker Arc ID: 246162