The time has come... (Story Permissions)

Dark Shade



Hey man, it's rough having to go to YouTube for stuff like that. XD I need my parents to send my damn DVDs!

That, and I'm afraid I'll only use the characters of the people I know best. <.< That's not giving everyone a fair chance....sooooo....

Okay, everyone, here's another idea. I'll put forth a scenario, and you list off your characters' reactions, okay? This'll help me to get to know your characters and still not wait until finish this.


Your character has a friend who does this one action that annoys them. Constantly. You've asked this friend to stop multiple times.

Finally, it happens -- the friend does it again. It's all you can take.



Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Um, do you want us to pick and choose 2 or 3 characters for this? Because if we write reactions for all of them...well, let's just say quite a few of us have a great many people running about in our heads.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Okies. Hmm. Tafari has very few friends, most of the ones he does have are warrior spirits or blood knights who aren't too much into heavy introspection or conversation. But assuming for a moment that Taf and one of his "friends" are sitting about relaxing, and his friend keeps spitting blood at a target across the way, and this annoys Tafari...

After asking him to stop that final time? He'd do something incredibly painful and incredibly inconvenient to them, but it would also be something they could survive. *To learn from their mistakes...* So in this case, he'd probably throw his blood-spitting friend off the edge of Aeon city and into the ocean.



LPoM would probably attempt behavior correction via the Hypnotron at that point. If it didn't take, he'd point at the friend, and say to Destructotron: "Rend."



Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
Um, do you want us to pick and choose 2 or 3 characters for this? Because if we write reactions for all of them...well, let's just say quite a few of us have a great many people running about in our heads.
Quoted for Truth! *glares at internal line-up* And they are so nice to each other at times.

Originally Posted by _Essex_ View Post
How 'bout the ones you'd like most to see written about? :3
All of them? No, Ok, 2 or 3.... 5 or so...

Originally Posted by _Essex_ View Post
Hey man, it's rough having to go to YouTube for stuff like that. XD I need my parents to send my damn DVDs!

That, and I'm afraid I'll only use the characters of the people I know best. <.< That's not giving everyone a fair chance....sooooo....

Okay, everyone, here's another idea. I'll put forth a scenario, and you list off your characters' reactions, okay? This'll help me to get to know your characters and still not wait until finish this.


Your character has a friend who does this one action that annoys them. Constantly. You've asked this friend to stop multiple times.

Finally, it happens -- the friend does it again. It's all you can take.

*glares at lineup again* ok you lot, act!

.... ... this could take a while.

"Just as I knew all of life's answers they changed all the questions!" - Unknown (seen on a poster)
Sig characters appear in the Ch�teau Rouge thread starting from post #100
I Support Nerd Flirting! - Story/Discussion/Sequel



Originally Posted by _Essex_ View Post
Hey man, it's rough having to go to YouTube for stuff like that. XD I need my parents to send my damn DVDs!

That, and I'm afraid I'll only use the characters of the people I know best. <.< That's not giving everyone a fair chance....sooooo....

Okay, everyone, here's another idea. I'll put forth a scenario, and you list off your characters' reactions, okay? This'll help me to get to know your characters and still not wait until finish this.


Your character has a friend who does this one action that annoys them. Constantly. You've asked this friend to stop multiple times.

Finally, it happens -- the friend does it again. It's all you can take.

Hmm... well, for my two most familiar characters, Energon X and Danny (Target Lad), it's actually fairly easy.

Energon X would simply quietly leave; if his concentration is disrupted too badly, he'll explode, with unpleasant consequences all around.

For Danny... well, let's say that said friend was whistling Allan a'Dale's intro from the Disney Robin Hood movie repeatedly (I won't link to it, as you're unlikely to thank me for getting it stuck in your head for the next sixty years). Easy mistake to make, really, since that song gets jammed into your head so firmly that you'll be hearing it 'til your grave... not unlike the Ducktales themesong, really.

Anyways. Danny's friend is whistling this. After the third or fourth time of asking him to knock it off, our little archer would snap quite nicely. He'd very likely already have been distinctly sarcastic, but, well...

"Right." Danny reached behind him, into his cross-dimensional quiver, and pulled out an arrow with a strange, blunt head. A brief twist, and the Talsorian arrowhead snapped to life with a sharp *CRACK* and a steady hiss, green light lending the scene a washed out hue.

"An' if ye cannae get it into ye're wee tiny brain tha' I'm aboot t'snap an' be fryin' ye faster'n y'can say 'justifiable homicide', p'rhaps a mite o' warnin' will suffice. If'n I'm hearin' e'en one more note o' tha' bloody tune, I'll be performin' brain surgery to get it oot. Nae sure if'n it'll be ye, me, or both, but there'll be brains on th' floor an' I'm nae carin' much whose a' this stage."

Others... Flashpoint Zeo is nearly nine feet tall and built like a brick wall. He'd probably just pick up the offender by the head, dangle them off the ground, and ask them to stop again. If they persisted, he'd probably start squeezing >.>

Tempus Fugitive would probably stick them in a time loop where they have to put up with THEMSELVES doing it over and over and over again. He might let them out later, assuming he remembered, but he doesn't really have a lot of friends. That habit might be why

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Tempus Fugitive would probably stick them in a time loop where they have to put up with THEMSELVES doing it over and over and over again. He might let them out later, assuming he remembered, but he doesn't really have a lot of friends. That habit might be why.
Good thing he's not the only time travelling Kheldian around here, hmm?

E: Admittedly though, Pax would probably do pretty much the same. She'd just be a bit nicer about it, at least threaten them with it and only actually do it if they still don't stop.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Okay then. Took me a while to decide this, even among the characters that I personally created, but I think at the moment my 'favorite' character is my own emo-boy, Jade, mostly because the contrast of his strong phyiscal and weak mental aspects (not to mention his emotional instability) is just so fun to mess with.

As for what he'd do in that situation? Glowing Eyes of Doom. He'd glare really, really hard, and since he doesn't need to blink, that tends to quiet down even the most energetic people. If that doesn't work, he'd probably resort to begging.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Amusing question...

Toy Dispenser would shoot his friend's hair with a static bolt to make it all poofy. He'd keep doing so until the person figured out to STOP DOING THAT ALL THE TIME MY GOD WOMAN IT'S INCREDIBLY BLOODY ANNOYING.

Solid Shot would be even more direct, saying "Stop that!" as he punches the person in the chest. Repitions of the annoying thing would earn more punches.

Archlich would just get up and walk away, mumbling something about 'pathetic mortals' and going to continue his research in a quieter, less annoying place.

Lord Netharak would kill the poor ******* and eat his soul. >_> Or just sit there and continue taking it if the guy happened to be more powerful than him.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Most of my characters: Headlock, followed by an outside corner headache.

You take the perpetrator and ram their head into an outside corner (the point).

Kipland would probably punch the perpetrator in the groin. If it's a female, he would hose her down like he would a cat, probably with a squirt gun.

Ryat66 (indeed, most of the Ryats) would look for a way to annoy the person back.

Ryat99 would freeze the perpetrator in a block of ice.

Sheldon would probably taze the poor friend. He has other methods at his disposal, but nothing says "Knock it the [frick] off!" like a couple thousands volts.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by _Essex_ View Post

Your character has a friend who does this one action that annoys them. Constantly. You've asked this friend to stop multiple times.

Finally, it happens -- the friend does it again. It's all you can take.

The mighty Grog is more likely to annoy than be annoyed; he's Big enough to take anything, and too Big for any silliness like editing his own actions out of consideration for others' sensibilities. For argument's sake, let's say a friend actually manages to annoy him. There's only two possible outcomes that don't involve Headsplitter: get drunk, or get the friend drunk. Grog knows from personal experience that it's much easier to get the friend drunk than to self-medicate (the last attempt resulted in a windfall for several bar owners, followed by a week of being forced to tell people, "Sorry, we're out of that. Grog drank it all."), so he would take the friend by the shoulder, squeeze until the friend yelped, then pour a liberal amount of whatever spirits he had on his person at the time down the friend's throat, repeating as often as necessary until the annoying behavior stopped.

Grog the Big

#69397 Get Grog a Drink!
#155312 No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded
#229565 Take Back the Park! (lowbie friendly)

Praetor of the [url=""]Forgotten Legion[/url] SG and mod for the HUB player community. All hail the mighty Grog!



Eh, why not?

You probably already know how Ian would react in this situation.

Jase doesn't have many 'friends' though those he does consider friends aren't all that comfortable around him. If a friend of his started doing something annoying even after he told them to stop, he'd do one of two things:

1. Use his telethapy to get in their head and find out something that annoys them and then do that repeatedly. If that doesn't work, he'll probably look into their mind and find something to frighten them, a phobia or something. If that doesn't work he'd probably dump them in the Shadow Place which isn't a pleasant place to be nor a place you'd 'want' to escape from even if you could.

2. If they were straight, he'd flirt with them and do/say things that would make them feel *really* awkward and stop or run away.



I figure that you already know you have permission to use my characters how you see fit (and I doubt you need me to explain their personalities; besides, my characters are probably the kind you're trying to cut back on!) Nevertheless, I felt I ought to officially post my permission here. XD