Freedom Horde Members - READ ME Please :)




Hello Everyone!

I thought I would just take a few moments to talk with you guys. Let me start by saying that I love you all (or at least most of ya!) and the Freedom Horde is full of people I view as friends and even family. So I think because I care about you all so much, I need to remind everyone of a few things (Sorry in advance for the wall of TEXT!)

Here to Have fun!

The Freedom Horde came about because I wanted to make more friends and have fun playing with people on a regular basis. Over time we have all become friends, and we continue to expand our circle of friends on a weekly basis. What this means is that unless we're doing a "Master of" attempt, we're here to goof off, have fun, run wild, chat, and in the process beat down lots of enemies and get a few badges.

So if you are just here to get badges, or merits, we are probably not the group for you. Good luck in the future, but please don't expect our runs to be uber fast and smooth. Sometimes they are, but usually they are a collection of crazyiness!

We Have Team Leaders for a Reason

Every time you attend a Horde event, you are going to be on a great team led by someone we know is a good leader. So please guys, pay attention to your leader, and try to do what they say. We always welcome suggestions as leaders, but remember, we are trying to do what is best for the ENTIRE TEAM not just one player. All of us are good players and we welcome feedback from our teams. If we decide to fight or stealth (it's always for a reason), we'll let you know. If you cannot live with that, than please don't return to one of our events. In fact I highly encourage you to setup your own events if you don't like how our teams run! We will support you!

You are on a Team for a Reason

We play together because we like to! Things get wild and crazy! Yes sometimes teams get split, and that's cool! But if you continually run off on your own, then why are you on the team? These are team events, so please guys, be respectful of your team!

We Post Important TF Information For A Reason

This includes Level range, minimum team sizes, numbers of teams, Location, start time, etc etc. So please, take the time to read the information. We have had SEVERAL instances of people who are too low in level, or who have no idea what zone to show up in, or who have no idea what time we are starting. Our times change from event to event, leader to leader. So please don't assume it's a certain time. Read the posts!

We Post Start Times For a Reason as Well

It's because we are not psychic. We don't know if you are on your way or not. I leave it up to each team leader if they want to wait for missing people or not. I personally do not wait. I think its rude to keep people who show up on time waiting for someone who may or may not arrive. So if you want to join us, show up on time or take the chance of not having a spot available. We almost always have extra people show up, so if you are signed up, but not there, I will more than likely fill your spot.

The Automatic Sign Up List

You guys know who you are. I love you all! But starting next week, if you miss more than 2 of my events without posting that you have to miss, or sending someone a message that you cannot make it, then I'm taking you off the automatic sign up list. Its not fair to other players to save a spot for someone who doesn't care enough to arrive on time. Every once in a while it happens to everyone. But repeated occurances means you're not as into these events as you thought you might be. You are still welcome to join, but you have to sign up manually. I'm not going to assume we can count on you being there.

The Team Lists

Only a few people know this, but I make up the team lists for Monday nights events that morning and send them to the team leaders. I spend time making sure each team has a mix of buffs, debuffs, ranged and melee damage (if available). Sometimes this is very hard when people just list themselves as TBA. It also makes it difficult for the team leaders to find you if we don't know your toons name. So if you sign up, please try to be specific. We really appreciate it!

A Horde Super Group

Several people mentioned wanting to start a Horde SG last night. If you all do, I wish you lots of luck, and I can arrange to coalition my base with it. My base has access to all the TPs, etc. So if you all start it, I think it's a great idea!

I'll probably keep Dyanthia in my current group for now because I'm working hard on unlocking the first SG healing badge for the group, and right now she's the only active healer.

Rearranging the Order of TF's

Just a heads up, but I'm going to move the ITF to the week after next (which is the respec). I'm bumping it in front of the Sewer and Eden trials to give the lowbies a chance to get to 38.

A Lot of Us Are Here for XP

I don't know of the exact numbers, but a good chunk of us are leveling toons thru the Monday night events, and we are here for XP! So keep this in mind when you start trying to race to the end of the TF's. Even though we banter back and forth, there is no race to be the first team done. We are here to have fun, play our toons, and hang out with friends! So keep us lowbies in mind. Nothing says you have to clear everything, but sometimes just fighting is pretty awesome!

Leave Your Attitude at Home

Yes, we can get a bit wild and crazy when chatting. But seriously, if you are mean spirited in your attitude, or prickish, or snobbish, or know it all-ish, then all it's doing is making people dislike you. It's not funny or cool. It's annoying. So if you cop an attitude with the group, just stop. Seriously, just stop. We are here to have fun, not get into drama or "I know more than you" kinda BS.

Finally, if You Don't Like Us...

You are free to leave! I'm not trying to be mean or rude. But like I said, we are a group of friends, we are here to have fun. If you don't like how we lead events, or you don't like some of the people here, then please leave. We won't fault you for it! We can be a bit of handful at times

Remember, this is just a friendly reminder guys. I like you all, and I want everyone to have a good time so we can keep this thing going.


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post

You are on a Team for a Reason

We play together because we like to! Things get wild and crazy! Yes sometimes teams get split, and that's cool! But if you continually run off on your own, then why are you on the team? These are team events, so please guys, be respectful of your team!
Stay BEHIND Death'dealer, and NEXT to Rox. Bring Rox flowers, chocolates, and anything else that powers RAs. Check.
...means blasters shouldn't punch the purple elite boss. *sniff* So going to level a tank... eventually.

Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
We Post Start Times For a Reason as Well

It's because we are not psychic. We don't know if you are on your way or not. I leave it up to each team leader if they want to wait for missing people or not. I personally do not wait. I think its rude to keep people who show up on time waiting for someone who may or may not arrive. So if you want to join us, show up on time or take the chance of not having a spot available. We almost always have extra people show up, so if you are signed up, but not there, I will more than likely fill your spot.
Rups, sorry. But Heroes is such a... ?good?... ?... show. Promise won't be late in the future; figure out someway on that.

And, finally, I swear to not joke about RHPS. Well, not after Oct. 31st or so. Ish. Whot's wrong with Riff-Raff?! Other than the first thirty or forty things that come to mind. And quoting the songs mid-TF will be right out, even "Over at the Frankenstein Place" and "Timewarp." The former, anytime we have to take care of Vaz; the latter, especially during Oro TFs/missions. *sniff*

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



All very good points Luna. Thank you for posting this.

We've been running for about 7 months now.. (I know.. Can you believe it!? lol.).. and it's easy to loose sight of what the group is all about after all this time, especially with new members joining each week.

I can admit, I can be a pain in the rear myself. I have a sarcastic sense of humor, so I tend to accidentally offend people when somebody catches the tail end of a conversation or when somebody new doesn't understand what's actually going on. It's not intentional, and I'm sorry. Please don't take it personally. I've been trying to work on that, but if somebody does have a problem with something I said, I would hope they'd come to me personally so we can deal with it. All I want is for everybody to get along and have fun!

I also want to draw a little attention to the Freedom Horde Social Group!

Freedom Horde Social Group

This Social Group area on the forum is designed to be a place to archive our events. It makes it easy to quickly find out what events are upcoming, and to find previous event threads in case we want to look back on something that happened before or compare result times / team roster, etc.

Everybody is free to join the Social Group, even if they are not "regulars" on our weekly runs, and posting freely is enabled... but I'll turn it off if I have to! We're trying to limit the posting to only linking to our events' sign up threads. Use the linked threads to sign up for events and to let us know what's going on. PLEASE try NOT to use the Social Group for general chat. It'll push our current event posts off the main page, and defeat the purpose of having them there.

Joining a group will display that group at the top of the list each time you visit the Social Group area of the forums for easy access. If you want to direct a friend to the social group area, you can now use a short and easy to remember URL to post the link within the game chat:

For general chat, please use our global channel: "Freedom TF Chat"
This channel was designed to help organize what's going on during events so we didn't have to use /local /broadcast or /tell. I know that many new people have stumbled upon it by accident, and use it for picking up random TFs, and that's fine. We encourage anybody to run their own groups, and many of us are usually up for anything at any given time. Our upcoming events are listed in the MOTD so they are easy to keep track of as well.

I hope everybody is having a great time with us so far! I love scheduled events, and am glad I can be a part of this. Special Thanks and credit always goes to Luna for her hard work organizing the large group each Monday! I don't know how she does it. I get myself turned around when my events get to 2 teams.. but she manages to deal with 3 to 4 groups each week now! I'm more than happy to be a permanent team leader and am always thankful we have her to manage the groups ahead of time. She does a wonderful job!

I also want to recognize and thank MrE-Man for organizing the "Master of" events (even before the "Horde" was born). He's never particular about who joins or what they bring. We find a way to make it work and we've had a blast earning the badges on several characters, even when we think the team had no chance from the beginning.. and even when we fail, we learn from our mistake, and try again the next time. It's always a pleasure to be part of his groups as well. It's always a success (whether we get a badge or not)!



First off Myrdinn I might have a solution for you that I'll talk to you in private about.

But on a serious note, thank Luna for setting up the teams I wouldn't know where to even start if I had that many signups. As my usual teammates know I have a tendency to die, a lot. If anyone ever has a problem with that just let me know and I'll try to stay alive a bit longer. I forget sometimes that not everyone is on a 50.

As for the SG, I am working on getting a base for my brother and wife, but I will setup a coalition with anyone. My main toons however are obviously in the J-Force, where hopefully they can stay for a long time.

If anyone ever gets offended on a team with me, let me know and we will take care of it. We don't want to exclude anyone that wants to have fun and maybe learn a few new things.




Originally Posted by Myrdinn View Post
Rups, sorry. But Heroes is such a... ?good?... ?... show. Promise won't be late in the future; figure out someway on that.
Wasn't last night's season opener the only 2-hour episode? If so, I think you'll be fine from now on (unless the start time isn't 8 PM EST every week....).

Also, I have my own SGs both blue- and red-side, but I'm willing to Coalition with other SGs in need of TP access. The only location I'm currently missing is Perez Park, simply because I don't have room for another pad and I'm too lazy to adjust my base.



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
Also, I have my own SGs both blue- and red-side, but I'm willing to Coalition with other SGs in need of TP access. The only location I'm currently missing is Perez Park, simply because I don't have room for another pad and I'm too lazy to adjust my base.
There are 22 total Hero locations, requiring 11 TelePads. If you are only missing ONE, you'd have 21 locations, which still requires 11 TelePads... so you should be able to just add the beacon, unless you are forgetting the new beacon for PocketD also.

On a side note, here is my recommended teleport organization screenshot, which keeps the zones in order from lowest to highest, placing hazard zones to the zone they are attached to, and keeps ALL the teleporters in the smallest amount of space.. all while keeping room in the middle for a Raid TelePad if/when it's ever needed..

MB's Hero Base Telepad Location Map

My group is no longer active either, but anybody is certainly welcome to join and stay as long as they like. I don't require anything and I'm willing to coalition with people so they can use my base until they get theirs up and running as well.

I also have control over Corrupted Academy on Villainside, in case people need a home there as well. That group has the highest prestige on the server, but only a small fully functional base. I'm too lazy to build anything large and decorative, but I might be willing to let somebody mess around with it if they want.



OOHHH can I mess around with the villain base. I like building my brother's and a SG with prestige would be awesome.



Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
OOHHH can I mess around with the villain base. I like building my brother's and a SG with prestige would be awesome.
Sure! What do you think you can do with 350M prestige? lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
There are 22 total Hero locations, requiring 11 TelePads. If you are only missing ONE, you'd have 21 locations, which still requires 11 TelePads... so you should be able to just add the beacon, unless you are forgetting the new beacon for PocketD also.
Atlas/Galaxy, KR/Hollows, Steel/Skyway, Talos/IP, DA/Striga, Boom/Fault, TV/Croatoa, FF/Bricks, Crey/Eden, PI/RWZ

I don't count Pocket D as a missing TP because I have the VIP Pass lol, so in my mind I'm only missing Perez.



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
Atlas/Galaxy, KR/Hollows, Steel/Skyway, Talos/IP, DA/Striga, Boom/Fault, TV/Croatoa, FF/Bricks, Crey/Eden, PI/RWZ

I don't count Pocket D as a missing TP because I have the VIP Pass lol, so in my mind I'm only missing Perez.
lol.. true.. but.. that doesn't mean every possible coalition member would have it as well, which would mean that location is missing to them. :P

Then again.. it wouldn't be that hard to just go to KR and hit the van to PD (or the door nearby). lol



With me being on my regularly irregular not-really-requiring-a-schedule schedule, I'm pretty much always around, except those rare instances in which I prop my feet up and fall asleep at my desk. With Issue 16, I've been making use of both of my accounts and dual boxing.

That being said, if there's ever anything going on where an extra person would be useful for something, just let me know. By the time I get around to checking the forums, most of the events posted are usually filled up, but I'm always available.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Sure! What do you think you can do with 350M prestige? lol
I could probably have a heart attack, I barely got my brother's up to 1 mil.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
I can admit, I can be a pain in the rear myself. I have a sarcastic sense of humor, so I tend to accidentally offend people when somebody catches the tail end of a conversation or when somebody new doesn't understand what's actually going on. It's not intentional, and I'm sorry. Please don't take it personally. I've been trying to work on that, but if somebody does have a problem with something I said, I would hope they'd come to me personally so we can deal with it. All I want is for everybody to get along and have fun!
Man you took the words right out of my mouth. Most of the stuff i say, i say in good nature not meaning to offend but occasionally it does and for that i am very sorry. Something i have always liked is my ability to make people laugh and have a good time, even if it means making a fool out of myself. Occasionally i do get out of line but all it takes is a polite reminder and i will stop. As for my language, i try my best but it does slip and i am still working on it. So if i have offended anyone i am deeply sorry as i never meant too

I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either.



Originally Posted by Myrdinn View Post
Stay BEHIND Death'dealer, and NEXT to Rox. Bring Rox flowers, chocolates, and anything else that powers RAs. Check.
LHystericallyOL at Myrdinn!!! BTW, I like lilacs and dark chocolate.

Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Sure! What do you think you can do with 350M prestige? lol
Holy schnikies, MB!!!! My hero base has around 11 million, and there are times I wish I had a little more...but 350M??!?!?!?!?! I would be in designer heaven!

Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
A Horde Super Group
Like Luna, I have been working on the SG badges for my base. However, I would love to coalition with any SG, currently existing or not, as long as you don't mind being coalitioned with the "Rat Terrier Avengers"!

*gets down on knees, and looks prayerfully up to the devs in charge of names*

"Please, please make it so we can change our SG names soon!!! I'm begging you!!!"



Originally Posted by Roxona View Post
Holy schnikies, MB!!!! My hero base has around 11 million, and there are times I wish I had a little more...but 350M??!?!?!?!?! I would be in designer heaven!
Well, next time you are at the Supergroup Registrar, you can sort the Top 100 list by prestige and see my name listed in the Description of the group at the #1 spot.

I have to admit though...
I did not create the group.
I did not cheat to get the prestige, but it's likely the previous owner used an exploit to earn that much. I believe there were certain items that sold for more than you could buy them for, and so it's just a matter of repeating it over and over until you have a nice large stash. A couple other groups on the list seem to have done the same thing before it was fixed. I'm surprised the prestige was never taken away though.

I co-ran a successful Villain group and had my own successful Hero group for a long time and have about 30M to spare on each of those as well, so.. I had nothing to prove to myself by doing the same thing on Villainside, so I don't mind having the freebie base/group. I guess part of the reason i never actually built a huge base was in case the prestige was ever finally taken away. haha



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
I guess part of the reason i never actually built a huge base was in case the prestige was ever finally taken away. haha

I don't think you have to worry about that. If they were gonna take it away, they would have done so a long time ago. Also, if you spend it how can they take it from you?

Edited for spelling.



Originally Posted by Roxona View Post

I don't think you have to worry about that. If they were gonna take it away, they would have done so a long time ago. Also, if you spend it how can they take it from you?

Edited for spelling.
Control-A (Select All) > DELETE! haha



Just wanted to update everyone on my computer it stands right now, the computer I am using has a "limited" amount of hard drive space 33 gb's to be exact and it finally dawned on me that I really wont be able to load CoH on this particular machine. So I am working on getting things straightened out and should be back in a few weeks.

Luna I will let you know when I am able to get back on. Thanks everyone for the fun times and you are all pretty cool to run with!

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Stay BEHIND Death'dealer, and NEXT to Rox. Bring Rox flowers, chocolates, and anything else that powers RAs. Check.
...means blasters shouldn't punch the purple elite boss. *sniff* So going to level a tank... eventually.
yeah i was named in a good way, ty. love the tank, give presents to the tank and please touch the tank he is lonely. hehe

well i will say this without a doubt. i would have quit this game if it wasn't for the horde and its events. SO TY TO ALL THE EVENT ORGANIZERS AND TO ALL THE TEAM LEADERS AND TO ALL THE PLAYERS WHO COME EVERY WEEK AND PLAY.

i rarely talk while in TF's cause i am always trying to play the best i can to keep us owning. i have tons of fun all the time with the horde. lol Alt aka Joe being a lead tank with his scrapper is great. i think deaths and team wipes are fun. It cant be perfect all the time and if it is then its to easy which isnt always fun.

My only wish is if we can mix the teams up a little more, i want to team with MB, Luna, Mr E sometimes. I love the team I run with on Mondays but by switching it up every now and then keeps it fresh and you get to game with some others are get to know them better.

But if I ever do something or if I am creating a disruption on a team during one of our events plz send me a tell asap because in no way i am trying to be a newbcake. If i go to fast or ask about stealth & tp to much I will just say sorry, in no way I am trying to mess with the team. The only two task forces i am truly use to going fast is ITF and LGTF but i try to switch my mindset for those when we run them.

Nice Post.



Oh! I'm not supposed to want to kill things?

I have a tank sitting at level 14 that I might get around to playing next round of TFs. But then again maybe not.



Oh! I'm not supposed to want to kill things?

I have a tank sitting at level 14 that I might get around to playing next round of TFs. But then again maybe not.
LOL Hell no I love your playing style keep it up all day, everyday.



I hear you all on the wanting to switch around more, and I'll do my best on it.

My biggest problem with the Monday night crew is that we have a lot of "I wanna play with this person whose my mate, friend, SG mate, etc etc". We also are really short on tanks and debuffers this run. I try my best to get one of each for each team, but sometimes I just cannot. So in turn I then try to stack that team to make up for whatever is missing.

The players I have the easiest time moving around are blasters, scrappers and buffers. So if you want to move around alot, those are the AT's I suggest you play

I'll try to mix up the teams more in the future, but sometimes when you put all the variables in place, the teams end up pretty much the same each week

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)