~MoITF - Wednesday, September 23~




Well, we may have 3 teams tonight if everyone shows up (CP just asked about joining) - if you are on the Alternate list, you just might be called into active duty!

...so, any volunteers to lead teams 2 & 3?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Well, we may have 3 teams tonight if everyone shows up (CP just asked about joining) - if you are on the Alternate list, you just might be called into active duty!

...so, any volunteers to lead teams 2 & 3?
We NEED three teams tonight people, so get your butts there!!!! We can *so* crash that zone tonight!


Can I volunteer OTHER PEOPLE to lead a team?

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



OK - so I updated the list - we have 23 sign-ups.

All of the Alts have been moved to the main sign-up list.

This should be interesting.

Also, just a reminder, this is tonight!

Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post

A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Mr E-Man

Mission: Master of the Imperious Task Force – Time’s Arrow
Contact: Imperious
Location: Cimerora

Date & Time: Wednesday, September 23 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 35-50

Villains: 5th Column, Nictus, Cimeroran Traitors

Arch-Villain(s): Requiem, Romulus Augustus, Romulus Augustus (Nictus Infused)

Current Team Roster:

1: Mr E-Man: Inv/SS Tanker
2: Nericus: Bots/Poison Mastermind
3: Supreme Soviet: Bots/Traps Mastermind
4: Luke Fluxy: Kat/Regen Scrapper
5: Barstow Betty: Ill/Rad Controller
6: Darkest Frost: Dark/Ice Defender
7: Paragon: TBA
8: Tux: MA/SR Scrapper
9: Nurse Smurfette: Emp/Rad Defender
10: Takeo: Cold/Ice Defender
11: Cryptid: Widow
12: King Sac: Eng/Eng Blaster
13: Muse of Destruction: Crab
14: Cool King: Cold/Arch Defender
15: Angelic Goth: Elec/Elec Blaster
16: Xort: Peacebringer
17: Shadowrush: MA/SR Scrapper
18: Gen G: TBA
19: Myrdinn: TBA
20: Alt aka Joe: TBA
21: Storm Claud: Elec/Dark Brute
22: Captain Power: Eng/Eng Blaster
23: Crystalina: Claws/Reg Scrapper


Task Force Info & Stats:

  • This Task Force requires an 6-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
  • 4 missions
  • Badge(s): Temporal Strife & Master of the Imperious Task Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees :smirk: - this is fairly easy so long as everyone plays smart)
  • Merit Reward: 28
  • Unlock Roman Gear (if you haven’t done so already)
  • This TF is open to both Heroes & Villains
  • We will be using MB’s Rom-Breaking Method
Come & join in the fun…and don’t forget to watch for exploding cysts! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: Imperious Task Force
Paragon Wiki: Imperious Task Force

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Mr E...just caught this and Im game to jon in if there's still room:
Cyberscourge - lv50 Sonic/Pain Corr

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post

Can I volunteer to lead a team?

There you go Luna I fixed it for you



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Mr E...just caught this and Im game to jon in if there's still room:
Cyberscourge - lv50 Sonic/Pain Corr

Three full teams (if everyone shows up). :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I might not be able to make it tonight, I am going to try to get there on time but if I am not there, I apologize.



Matt if you make it, and everyone else shows up, I'll bow out.



Ugh.... Just lost Internet due to storms. Hope it's back up soon, but if not, didn't want you to think I flaked out. GL and sorry. Very frustrating.

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



I still had aggro of nictus after trying to pull Rom and they decided to use me as a volleyball. That was the first death of the soon teamwipe and breakup. Good run till then though. Next time everyone.



Sorry guys! I tried my best to lead us to victory, but it didn't make up for what the team was lacking.
I don't even want to put my name on this one.. I have a reputation you know! haha j.k

MB's MoITF Team:

The Brute was a little squishy, so we had to take it slower and extra careful to watch each other's backs. We had several close calls in the first couple missions, but we got our act together for the third. I pulled the Gens down the hill with Robin (Eye of Magus FTW), and we defeated the robots as they became operational as well. I then pulled the AVs down and we took them each out.

Last mission seemed OK at first. We defeated the initial ambush and we went to my usual hill mob and took them out. Then I popped a couple purple and orange Inspirations and "broke" Rom and pulled him back to the hill.. where the Brute finally and instantly died, followed by Myrdinn, ending our chances at "Master of.." Revenant went "lobster" and tanked Rom for the remainder and we took him out easy. Thinking back, that probably would have been a better idea to start with anyway. lol

I believe the last 2 deaths came later when we were goofing off killing Cimerorans on the roofs. I believe Storm went down one more time, and then CP at one point as well.

Even though we didn't get the badge, it was a fun and challenging night, so it wasn't a total loss. Great job everybody! I promise I'll bring Tabby next time.



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post

Three full teams (if everyone shows up). :smirk:
I got on late and missed you guys, hopefully can run it with ya next time and onwards to victory.

GJ anyways

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Sorry guys...I'd be happy to tank for another run to help everyone get the badge as well.

Unfortunately, last night, I was the only tank on & there were only 2 brutes that joined.

Our team had it fairly easy - although I took my time - I'm still not as familiar with this TF as MB. (I did lead the team in the wrong direction in the tunnels a couple of times & had to double back.)

Muse had a close call during the first mission, but survived.

The only time I needed to hit Dull Pain was during the second mission when I aggroed a double set of Khelds/Cysts. Xort off tanked in Dwarf form for the ambushes.

Xort did the pulling for us on the third mission (another place where I have some difficulty as I always tend to miss part of the group when I pull).

In the last mission, after clearing to the bridge & the ambush, we proceeded to Ambush Hill & cleared there.

I "broke" Romy & pulled him up to the hill & we let loose on him. (I did pop a couple of insp before going in just to be safe).

After taking down Romy the requisite number of times & clearing the ambush that hit us, we hit the rooftops - cleaning them out & finishing the TF.

Other than Muse in the first mission, the only other time anyone went red is when Xort dropped from Light Form. :smirk:

MoITF: 9/23/09 - Team Pic & Stat Box

Mr E-Man's Team

Mr E-Man: Inv/SS Tanker
Barstow Betty: Ill/Rad Controller
Darkest Frost: Dark/Ice Defender
Takeo: Cold/Ice Defender
King Sac: Eng/Eng Blaster
Muse of Destruction: Crab
Xort: Peacebringer

Thanks for joining everyone. I'll post up something soon for next Wednesday.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Revenant went "lobster" and tanked Rom for the remainder and we took him out easy. Thinking back, that probably would have been a better idea to start with anyway. lol

Lesson learned for sure. Squishy folks out of AOE range, lobster on Rom and we would have been fine. I thought being a warshade would have made me the most likely to die but it didn't happen, though there was a close call when I was in squid form with the robots.

Really, my only trouble was trying to target my own fluffy in the caves. All that purple everywhere made it hard to tell what was what.

We will get it next time for sure.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
I still had aggro of nictus after trying to pull Rom and they decided to use me as a volleyball. That was the first death of the soon teamwipe and breakup. Good run till then though. Next time everyone.
MoITF - J-Force style. Maybe if you had popped the ambrosia . . . .



I would be willing to run again to help people try and get the badge. Plus I have some toons who still don't have it. I know I will be available on Tuesday night if anyone wants to try then.



I would like to apologize. Sorry M-E and Luna.

My wife had a health problem and I had to stay with her in the hospital.
So, I missed Numina / MoITF and I really forgot to unsubscribe my name.

Shes better now and I will try to sign up next time (hope she come with me).

C ya´ll



Originally Posted by LukeFluxy View Post
I would like to apologize. Sorry M-E and Luna.

My wife had a health problem and I had to stay with her in the hospital.
So, I missed Numina / MoITF and I really forgot to unsubscribe my name.

Shes better now and I will try to sign up next time (hope she come with me).

C ya´ll
Not a problem! These things happen! Sorry she was in the hospital, and I'm really glad she's doing better now

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by LukeFluxy View Post
I would like to apologize. Sorry M-E and Luna.

My wife had a health problem and I had to stay with her in the hospital.
So, I missed Numina / MoITF and I really forgot to unsubscribe my name.

Shes better now and I will try to sign up next time (hope she come with me).

C ya´ll
Wife's more important. Go for the next run, glad she's ok.



Originally Posted by LukeFluxy View Post
I would like to apologize. Sorry M-E and Luna.

My wife had a health problem and I had to stay with her in the hospital.
So, I missed Numina / MoITF and I really forgot to unsubscribe my name.

Shes better now and I will try to sign up next time (hope she come with me).

C ya´ll
Seriously, real life issues are more important than the game - glad your wife is out of the hospital & feeling better.

See you next run!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Oya View Post
Lesson learned for sure. Squishy folks out of AOE range, lobster on Rom and we would have been fine. I thought being a warshade would have made me the most likely to die but it didn't happen, though there was a close call when I was in squid form with the robots.

Really, my only trouble was trying to target my own fluffy in the caves. All that purple everywhere made it hard to tell what was what.

We will get it next time for sure.
I will definitely save a few purps and chew when rom comes next time. I was doing fine then blat! dont know what hit me there. And rom went down easy as pie in the previous mission, go figure. I will be looking out for future runs, still want to get this badge

Torque "There are people in this world who do not love their fellow man and I HATE people like that!" -- Tom Leher
Dr. Awe 50++ Sonic/Dark Corr
Intra Venus 50 Mind/Psi Dom
Storm Claud lvl 50+ Elec/Dark Brute



Originally Posted by thetorquenator View Post
I will definitely save a few purps and chew when rom comes next time. I was doing fine then blat! dont know what hit me there. And rom went down easy as pie in the previous mission, go figure. I will be looking out for future runs, still want to get this badge
No worries. We were taking our time, goofing off and having fun. I consider it a test run, I had never tried this before. Take what we learned and apply that to the next run. It isn't like we were trying to to a Master of Positron TF or something. At least the ITF is fun.

I really have to say that I am glad KK found you all. You guys and gals make the game fun for me again.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by Oya View Post
I really have to say that I am glad KK found you all. You guys and gals make the game fun for me again.
Why wouldn't KK join us for the run last night?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Why wouldn't KK join us for the run last night?
I got the impression from global chat that KK wasn't feeling well last night (sick with a cold). I hope she feels better if that's the case!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Oya View Post
No worries. We were taking our time, goofing off and having fun. I consider it a test run, I had never tried this before. Take what we learned and apply that to the next run. It isn't like we were trying to to a Master of Positron TF or something. At least the ITF is fun.

I really have to say that I am glad KK found you all. You guys and gals make the game fun for me again.
We're glad to have you both.

I've already hosted MoITF successfully quite a few times, including test runs before the badge even went Live. You're right about learning a lesson. 99% of the time, I use Tabby (my Tanker) for the ITF. She's infamous there.. so we kinda get spoiled in that regard and take the TF for granted. It's usually such cake! I realize how important that aspect is now, and I'll make sure we have it on the team next time we run it... even if I have to switch back to that character to ensure a victory for us.

See you then