Video Card Dying?
Definitely sounds like a GPU problem, especially if the splotches aren't on a fixed position on your monitor and move around.
my own GEForce 6800 died a couple of nights ago while playing and that fairly well describes what i was seeing before it happened. i'm now on the older card i upgraded from and can't play CoH (too ancient to work with the game). my recommendation is to first try reseating your video card (pull it out, then put it back in) to make sure it's not just loose. If you still have the problem, try using another video card (steal one for a moment from another computer, find an old card lying around, or whatever) to see if you have the issue with a different card. If it goes away when the reseating or a different card, then at least you've discovered the problem. If not, you may need to dig further for the cause of the issue.
i'm missing playing CoH right now, since i was working on saving up enough money to upgrade my system two MONTHS from now, but at least i can log into forums and such with the current, older card.
Yeah they disappear if I change from one page to the next and in different areas. Don't have old card anymore, got rid of it before I moved to new home but will try resitting it later.
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free
Make sure the heatsink on the card isn't loose. I've seen many older cards that had a large heatsink held on with those stupid plastic spring pins. After awhile the springs get weak and can't hold the heatsink in place. If it is loose, then you will need to pull it off and reapply the heatsink compound and replace the pins (or better yet, replace the heatsink with an after market one that uses screws to hold it in place)
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
Hey all, I'm getting cool splotches on my screen just trying to type this out.
So I believe it's my video card, can't even try to play. Just started to happen last night. Cleaned out the case but still happening. It's an GeForce 6600. Trying to hold off till next to build new comp.
Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay
You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free