What does it take to make World of Confusion worthwhile? Can it be done with SOs? Basic IOs? I am going to take it. I'd take it even if it was garbage with slots, simply because it lends an an aura for me. Yes I know, taking a power for it's looks only...silly maybe...but that's me. Soooooo, since I'm taking it anyway, how can I make it useful and worthwhile?
NOTE: I'm not looking to invest much money into this. I mean, MAYBE basic IOs, but preferably just SOs. Thanks. |
The other use is as a damage aura by slotting it with lots of procs.
Neither option is SO or Gen IO cheap
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
With just SOs? Um, well.... frankly, with just SOs, it's a very pretty way to spend a small amount of endurance. I honestly don't see any way to make it do anything worthwhile with just SOs. Even with slots, it *is* more or less garbage. It *does* look pretty, though, no denying that.
Enhanced with (say) 2 acc, 2 confuse, 2 dam, every 4 seconds it'll do a bit more than half of an unslotted brawl's worth of damage to each enemy in range (8 feet - very short) and have a roughly 50-80% chance (depending on level) to confuse minions for up to 2.5 seconds. Given the relatively small number of attacks minions usually have, it's quite possible for the confusion to do exactly nothing if they don't have any attacks recharged during the confuse period.
In other words, it does a trivial amount of damage, and may cause a very slight reduction in the number of melee attacks minions get off. Given how fast blasters usually drop minions with their AoEs, it effectively does nothing of any real note. The upside is that the end cost is quite low (0.13 end/s) and it doesn't aggro, so at least you don't really cause yourself any *harm* by running it.
The only real strong use I've ever seen WoC put to is to slot it with the purple confuse set 'chance for contagious confusion' proc. This proc has a chance to cast a small AoE confuse around its targets, so with that proc WoC can actually confuse a decent number of targets (and stronger ones, too) for a duration which isn't *completely* trivial. However, even that purple set is likely to be quite expensive nowadays (although I haven't checked recently), and that's only available at 50.
Aside from that, WoC is basically just pretty. Nothing wrong with taking it for that reason if you've got the spare slot, but just be aware of what you're actually getting (or not getting, in this case).
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
Yea, in my experience WoC needs these two things to be truly useful.
1.) The Purple IO set w/contagious confusion. (Relatively cheap, and worthwhile bonuses)
2.) A blaster that can perform well in melee range.
I know with my Sonic/mm it can make a very noticeable difference, but that's due to sleep + drain psyche, what the WoC lets me due is wake them all up with PBAoE's since most of melee range is confused the alpha is diminished enough that the ranged attackers cant punch through the regeneration.
However... pre-50, and without any other safety catch, it might be difficult to use effectively, and without any blap/AoE strength there's no point anyway.
Except as the above post mentioned, for looks. (and it does look cool)
*tip* It IS a fun power, being the only blaster confuse it's your only chance to play tricks on say, rikti guardians so they use accelerate metabolism on you.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
Ive just got my Sonic/MM/Electric to 50 and have actually found WoC to be quite useful and thats just slotting it with some mid level IOs and higher lvl SOs.
Until I just did my lvl 50 respec (I plan on 5 slotting the Confuse Purple set) I just had a couple of accuracy, a confuse and a endurance reduction and to be honest I noticed the confuse affect foes more offten than not.
This could be just my perception though but because Sonic/MM lends itself to shorter range heavy cone attacks (I have 5 including my Epic!) then the odd foe sneaking into melee range happens often and they usually dont get off more than just one attack (if that) before getting confused and running off or just stop attacking!
My only gripe with the power is that detoggles when mezzed!
But again thats just my perception!
The *ONLY* use I can conceivably see for this power is in conjunction with the Contagious Confusion purple set, or MAYBE some damage procs. If you aren't willing to invest a decent chunk of influence into it, and are absolutely deadset on taking it for the look, then just slap an end-redux SO in it and call it good enough. Don't expect it do do anything other than look cool, though.
Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
What does it take to make World of Confusion worthwhile? Can it be done with SOs? Basic IOs? I am going to take it. I'd take it even if it was garbage with slots, simply because it lends an an aura for me. Yes I know, taking a power for it's looks only...silly maybe...but that's me. Soooooo, since I'm taking it anyway, how can I make it useful and worthwhile?
NOTE: I'm not looking to invest much money into this. I mean, MAYBE basic IOs, but preferably just SOs. Thanks.